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Schizophrenia What is schizophrenia?  Most disabling and chronic of all mental illnesses  Psychosis: type of mental illness- cannot distinguish reality.

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2 Schizophrenia

3 What is schizophrenia?  Most disabling and chronic of all mental illnesses  Psychosis: type of mental illness- cannot distinguish reality from imagination  Psychotic episodes  Distorts:  Thinking (may believe others are controlling their thoughts)  Expression of emotions  Perceptions of Reality  Relationships with others

4 Types of Schizophrenia 1. Paranoid-type: delusions and auditory hallucinations 2. Disorganized-type: speech/behavior is unorganized/difficult to understand 3. Undifferentiated-type: combination of paranoid & disorganized schizophrenia 4. Residual-type schizophrenia: past history, but no current symptoms

5 Schizophrenia Misconceptions  Schizophrenics are violent/uncontrollable  Can’t lead productive lives  Schizophrenia is “split personalities”

6 Causes of Schizophrenia  Poorly understood  Occurs in 1% of the population, generally appearing between 16-30  Combination of genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors  Physical brain abnormalities  Chemical imbalances  Inheritance  First degree relative with Schizophrenia= 10%  Identical twin of individual with Schizophrenia= 40-65%

7 5 Types of Symptoms 1.Delusions 2.Hallucinations 3.Disorganized Speech 4.Disorganized Behavior 5.Negative Symptoms (absence of normal behaviors)

8 1.Delusions  Persecution: belief that other are out to get him or her  Reference: a neutral environmental even is believed to have a special and personal meaning  Grandeur: belief that one is a famous or important figure  Control: belief that one’s thoughts or actions are being controlled by outside, alien force

9 2. Hallucinations  Sounds or other sensations experienced as real when they exist only in the person’s mind  Auditory and Visual  Meaningful  Worse when alone

10 3. Disorganized Speech Loose Association – topic to topic, no connection from one thing to the next Neologisms – made-up words/phrases that only have meaning to patient Perseveration – repetition of words and statements Clang – Meaningless use of rhyming words


12 4. Disorganized Behavior Decline in daily functioning Inappropriate emotional responses Behaviors that appear bizarre Lack of inhibition and impulse control

13 5. Negative Symptoms Lack of emotional expression Lack of interest or enthusiasm Seeming lack of interest in the world Speech difficulties

14 Treatment  NO Cure  Medication and Therapy  Medication treats the symptoms, not the illness  Antipsychotics  Therapy to develop social skills  Electroconvulsive Therapy

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