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Relationships. “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ~ William Butler Yeats.

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Presentation on theme: "Relationships. “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ~ William Butler Yeats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationships

2 “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” ~ William Butler Yeats

3 Why focus on relationships When EHSAS began I personally thought engagement was the key to student success. I now believe however that relationships and engagement together are the key to student success at school, sport, home, etc. Why? Research, readings, talking to students, other schools, throughout readings on gender, engagement, curriculum, KC, etc etc – consistently relationships were discussed. I think it is absolute imperative that we understand what relationships mean and what relationships we in education have an influence on.

4 Types of school relationships Student - Student Student - Parent Teacher - Teacher Parent - Teacher Student - Teacher Teacher - Hierarchy School - BoT

5 Student Relationships Student – Student (we can help, by providing a safe environment, someone to talk to, etc but is the ambulance at the bottom) Student – Staff (50% + control or influence on) Student – parent (our influence ??? – provide workshops on good parenting skills etc?) Your thoughts

6 Relationship 30% of learning is attributed to school and 70% to home and natural ability. The home and community are an absolute inseparable key part in children’s learning and achievement. Lester Flockton

7 Student relationships Our clients are the students’ therefore we must focus on student / teacher relationships, however all other relationships impact on this!

8 How students know teachers care Students claim that when a teacher shows genuine concern for them, they feel that they owe the teacher something in return. Credit to book – “The Leader as Coach” (Author ?)

9 Specific behaviours that promote positive relationships with young children include listening to their concerns, responding to transgression gently and with explanations rather than sharply and with punishment and showing positive emotions (smiling). Relationships - Educational Leadership 9/2006 Deborah Stipek

10 Adolescents report that they work harder for teachers who treat them as individuals and express interest in their personal lives outside the school. Caring teachers, they report, are also honest, fair and trusting (Davidson & Phelan, 1999). These teachers grant students some autonomy and opportunities for decision making-for example, by giving them choices in assignments, engaging them in developing classroom rules, and encouraging them to express their opinions in classroom discussions.

11 Home relationships Students do best when both home and the school provide optimal conditions for learning development. Sometimes teachers and schools need to make the first step to get parents involved in education activities, however, and help parents learn how to work with their children at home. New Parent Booklets - Encourage Activities at Home

12 Time and time again students discussed that their role models and people that influenced their view were people in the immediate circle of their life. With boys, rarely did they mention their dad’s. Over 2/3 of boys mentioned they didn’t want to be the sort of man their Dad was. This is a very sobering thought.

13 Peers Peers have a huge influence on the journey through adolescence. ….. Looking from side to side to determine what others were doing and therefore how they should behave. The influence of their peer group appeared enormous and whenever they were asked who they took guidance from, who knew the most about them and who mattered most to them – the response was consistently “my mates” In Y10, their desire to be one of the crowd appeared to be the most overarching focus.

14 Research Says - “The key to raising achievement is connecting students with teachers who support them not just as learners, but also as people” “Teachers are focusing their attention on the knowledge and skills the tests measure – leaving less time to engage students in conversation about personal issues or make them feel valued and supported” D. Stipek Educational Leadership Sept 2006

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