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Redecision Therapy Transactional Analysis Principles Combined with Gestalt Techniques By Liz Gregory.

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1 Redecision Therapy Transactional Analysis Principles Combined with Gestalt Techniques By Liz Gregory

2 What is Redecision Therapy? An interactional and contractual approach to assist members with gaining freedom from their restrictive life scripts  Developed in the early 1960’s by Robert Goulding M.D. and Mary Goulding M.S. W.  Combined their interest in Transactional Analysis (TA) principles developed by Eric Berne along with Gestalt techniques designed by Fritz Perls.

3 Historical Background of TA  It is a theory of personality and an extension of psychoanalysis designed for group treatment.  To bring to light our cognitive decisions that govern our behavior.  Berne concluded our early childhood experiences influence our present day decisions.  Rationale for Group Approach : 1.Awareness 2.Yield information about personal plan for life 3.Bring past issues into present with members representing family members.

4 Key Concepts Bernes Model of Transactional Analysis  It is our “ego states” that write our life scripts. P-A-C  P= PARENT EGO: These are the values, morals, beliefs and rules you learn for living life~ “shoulds” and “oughts.”  Nurturing P= Affirm others but could be a “marshmellow”  Controlling P= Structured to create success but could be critical  A= ADULT EGO: This is the non-emotional, objective, data processor of personality.  C=CHILD EGO: This is the original and most natural of who we are; feelings, impulses. Used to form long lasting relationships.  Natural C= Endearing, loving  Adapted C= Respond appropriately in social situations

5 Key Concepts Continued  Strokes: Any act of recognition or source of stimulation  Verbal, nonverbal, unconditional (being), conditional (doing), positive or negative.  Injunctions & Counterinjunctions: Parents issue these messages in a nonverbal format  These internalized “do’s and don’ts, should’s and shouldn’ts” one has accepted as a child.  Each of us decides how we will accept them.  Decisions and Redecisions: Address decisions made in response to injunctions and counterinjunctions. People can change by “redeciding in the moment.”  Reexperience~ “As you speak, how old are you? What are you feeling?”  Relive in here and now  Change outcome and practice

6 Games People Play  Games: An ongoing series of transactions that ends with a negative payoff called for by the script that concludes the game and advances some way of feeling badly.  3 Elements 1.Complementary transactions that on surface seem plausible. 2.Ulterior transaction that is the hidden agenda. 3.A negative payoff that concludes game and is real purpose of game.  3 Positions 1.Persecutor 2.Rescuer 3.Victim

7 Life Positions and Life Scripts  4 Basic Life Positions 1.I’m OK- You’re OK.~ game free 2.I’m OK- You’re not OK. ~ blaming game 3.I’m not OK- You’re OK. ~ depressive, powerless game 4.I’m not OK- You’re not OK. ~ futility and despair game  Life Script 1.No Love 2.No Mind 3.No Joy  Script Analysis ~ explore how we acquired a particular script and discuss alternative life choices.  Life Script Questionnaire

8 Script Questionnaire Example  SCRIPT QUESTIONNAIRE: These questions are designed to gain information from the client which enables the therapist to construct a picture of both the messages which were passed onto the child and the decisions which the child made.  1. Imagine your mother sitting front of you and saying: “I am happy with you when you.....”  2. Do the same for your father.  3. When you were little, what was it about you that most upset or scared your mother?  4. When your mother lets you know that she does not like you being like this, what do you feel?  5. What do you do when you feel like this?  6. What was it about you that most upset or scared your father?  7. How do you feel when he lets you know this?  8. What do you do when you feel like this?  9. What phrase or sentence describes your mother and her life best?  10. What phrase or sentence describes your dad and his life best?

9 Group Leader’s Roles  Teacher/ Observer~ Explain structural analysis, script analysis and game analysis.  Consultant~ Mutual allies in the therapeutic process; assist with creating contractual agreements.  Facilitator~ Motivate and encourage members to fulfill contracts; assist with acquiring the necessary tools for change.  Challenger~ To challenge members to experiment with more effective ways of being.

10 Stages of a Transactional Analysis Group  Initial Stage~  Quality of the relationship.  Get to the heart of the matter.  “What are you going to change about yourself today?”  Treatment Contract~ State intentions and set personal goals; how and when these goals are to be met. Developed in steps and should be open to revision.  Key Question~ “How will you and I know when you get what you are coming to the group for?”  Working Stage~  Explore life scripts and analyze games.  Recall and re-experience in Child ego state.  Role reversal, future projection…  Challenged to claim responsibility and power.  Final Stage~  Tell new story.  Verbal and non-verbal stroking; support in and outside of group; explore consequences.

11 Application of TA in Schools  Structured approach is easily understood by children of all ages.  Allows children and adolescents to see connections between what they learned in their family and how they currently treat others.  Understand concept of strokes- “warm fuzzy” or “cold prickly.”  Goal is to facilitate insight so able to assume increased control of their thoughts.

12 Multicultural Populations  Contract safeguards against therapist’s imposing their cultural values.  Appealing because of it’s direct and educational approach to personal development.  Egalitarian and empowering approach is positive factor for women.  Assists in exploring the influence gender socialization has had on a person’s life script.

13 Contributions and Strengths of Transactional Analysis and Redecision Therapy  Conceptual framework for understanding reason behind early decisions and how they relate to present self-defeating life scripts.  Members are invested both cognitively and emotionally.  Contracts equalize the power base between leader and members.  Brief, focused, structured psycho-educational approach.  Uses a variety of techniques that appeal to a number of populations.  Business  Prison Inmate  Drug Rehab

14 Limitations  Lack of empirical validation.  Could lean primarily on cognitive awareness.  Using labels (ego states) and contracts may take away from genuine contact.

15 References  Corey, G. (2008). Theory and Practice of Group Counseling. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.  Elliott, K. & M. (2011, May 27 th ). Re: Transactional Analysis: Bernes’ TA’s Study Notes. Retrieved from  For further information on Transactional Analysis:  Goulding, R. (1997). Changing Lives Through Redecision Therapy.  Berne, Eric. (1996). Games People Play: The Basic Handbook on Transactional Analysis.  Steiner, C. (1974). Scripts People Live: Transactional Analysis of Life Scripts

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