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War with Mexico Notes. I. Mexico was angry with the U.S because: 1111. Mexico had never recognized Texas as an independent country so annexation.

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1 War with Mexico Notes


3 I. Mexico was angry with the U.S because: 1111. Mexico had never recognized Texas as an independent country so annexation was seen as an insult 2222. Mexico insisted that the Texas boundary was the Nueces River and not the Rio Grande 3333. The United States wanted to extend to the Pacific Ocean (Manifest Destiny)

4 II. Negotiations with Mexico: John Slidell was sent by President Polk to negotiate with Mexico.  U.S. would pay all damage claims made by Americans to the Mexican government.  U.S. would give $30 million to Mexico for California and the recognition of the Rio Grande boundary for Texas.  Result: The Mexican government refused to talk to Slidell.

5 III. Battles of the War: Zachary Taylor and Winfield Scott were Generals ordered by Pres. Polk to move their troops across the Nueces River to the Rio Grande in March 1846  Mexican and American soldiers fought in May 1846.  On May 13, the U.S. declared war on Mexico.  More than 5,000 Texans joined up to fight.  Taylor moved into Monterrey and then defeated Santa Anna at Buena Vista.  Scott landed at Vera Cruz and captured Mexico City in September 1847.

6 IV. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: named after a small town near Mexico City where the U.S. and Mexico signed a peace treaty on February 2, 1848. The three parts of the treaty were: The three parts of the treaty were:  1. Mexico gives up all claims to Texas and accepts the Rio Grande as the Texas boundary.  2. Mexico gives up the Mexican Cession, which is all land west of Texas to the Pacific Ocean.  3. The United States pays Mexico $15 million for the Mexican Cession.

7 V. Compromise of 1850: Henry Clay’s proposal was an attempt to satisfy the growing divide between the North and South on the issue of slavery.  Texas gave up its claim to the area around Santa Fe, New Mexico, and was paid $10 million for it by the U.S.  The slave trade, but not slavery itself, was ended in D.C.; the Fugitive Slave Law was passed (provide help finding runaway slaves)  California entered the U.S. as a free state, and Utah and New Mexico became territories.

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