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Cutting to the chase: GOVERNMENTS of Europe,

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1 Cutting to the chase: GOVERNMENTS of Europe,
Canada, Latin America, & Australia

2 What are the ways a citizen can participate in their government?
AUTOCRATIC OLIGARCHIC DEMOCRATIC How many citizens can participate? NONE A FEW ALL Define it: A government in which one person possesses unlimited power and the citizen has little if any role in the government. A government by the few, sometimes a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt or selfish purposes. The citizen has a very limited role. A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections Picture it: No citizens can participate in govt, because one person is in charge Their social class, ethnicity, or military status allows the few to hold the key to power All citizens participate in government Other Facts: ~think: dictatorships, totalitarian, all powerful leader, authoritarian ~repressive government ~ no individual freedoms ~government censorship & propaganda ~Military, ethnic, economic, or social status determines who is the FEW in an oligarchy ~a majority of the population in an oligarchic has no voting rights, say in politics, and very few personal and economic freedoms. ~ all people can vote in free and fair elections ~all people can voice their opinion in politics and criticize the leaders ~ many political and economic freedoms ~republic does not equal a democracy Examples: CUBA N/A Mexico, Brazil, UK, Germany, Russia, Canada, Australia

3 What are the ways governments can distribute power?
UNITARY FEDERAL CONFEDERATION Define it: Characterized by or constituting a form of governments in which power is held by one central authority Characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities Voluntary associations of independent states that, to secure some common purpose, agree to certain limitations on their freedom of action and to achieve the common goal Picture it: Other Facts: All laws, policies, and decisions are made on one, national level. (think: one story house!) Not a “bad” type of government. Unitary does not equal autocratic Most common form Laws and decisions are made on two or more levels – some powers are reserved for the national level and other powers are made on a state level (think: two story house!) Weak organization of states joining together for a common cause usual defense and trade Don’t last long/ power struggles Examples: UK, Cuba Germany, Russia, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Australia Organizations that are confederations: UN EU

4 Types of Government Review
Dictatorship – A government in which a ruler or leader wields absolute power and is not restricted by laws or the constitution: citizens have few rights How does a dictator come to power? 2 Types of Monarchies Absolute Monarchy – a monarchy that is not limited or restrained by laws or a constitution Constitutional Monarchy – A government with a Emperor, King or Queen whose power is limited by the constitution or laws (position is a ceremonial role) Republic – A government where people elect representatives and give them the power to vote on issues for them: Citizens are involved through their representatives (voting, writing, lobbying). 2 Types of Republics / Democracies Parliamentary Republic / Democracy – Chief executive is chosen by the legislature and is the head of the legislature How is the Prime Minister elected? Any Artists??? Presidential Republic / Democracy – The President is elected independently of the legislature: President is a separate branch of government How is the President elected?

5 President is the head of state and the chief of state
Presidential Democracy President is the head of state and the chief of state President and the legislature are chosen in separate elections – members of the legislature have no more say in the election of the President than any other citizen Presidential and the legislature are separate branches of government and powers are divided between them. Parliamentary Most of the time the head of state & the chief of state are two people Many times the head of state has a ceremonial role and the chief of state is the one with the power Chief of state is usually called a Prime Minister Chief of state is chosen by the legislature, not directly by the people Chief executive and the legislature are usually the same branch of government. Legislature is often called parliament

6 Type of Government Leadership Voting Personal Freedoms federal,
GERMANY federal, democratic, republic Chancellor All citizens 18 years of age (universal suffrage) Freedom of speech and the media citizens are allowed to criticize the govt. and its leaders RUSSIA President All citizens 18 years of age (universal suffrage) allegations of voter fraud - less restrictive now than under the communist government of the USSR - officially the people have freedom of speech, but the government had repressed that freedom UNITED KINGDOM Unitary, Democratic, Constitutional monarchy with parliamentary system Prime Minister (Queen is head of state / ceremonial role) CANADA Universal suffrage at 18 years of age (every citizen can vote regardless of race or gender) Canadians can criticize the government and their leaders WITHOUT FEAR of govt. reprisal

7 ~It is NOT totally independent of the President.
Type of Government Leadership Voting Personal Freedoms BRAZIL federal, democratic, republic President All citizens MUST vote between the ages of 18-70 Optional for and over 70 ages Freedom of Speech and Assembly ~Personal property laws are not always protected. ~The courts cannot be trusted to help the people in all situations MEXICO l MANDATORY voting for all citizens once you turn 18. ~Freedom of Speech and Assembly ~The court system is managed by the central government. ~It is NOT totally independent of the President. CUBA autocratic, unitary dictatorship Calls himself a “President” but is really a dictator MANDATORY voting in elections beginning at age 16 for the one party on the ballot The Communist Party ~Dictator controls ALL aspects of Cuban life ~Citizens can be put in prison for criticizing the Communist Party or the “President” AUSTRALIA federal, democratic, Constitutional monarchy with parliamentary system Prime Minister (Queen is head of state / ceremonial role) All citizens 18 years of age (universal suffrage) Mandatory / COMPULSORY Freedom of speech and the media citizens are allowed to criticize the govt. and its leaders

8 Place the 8 governments we’ve studied on the continuum below
worst gov’t best gov’t What governmental factors made you place Cuba as the worst government? Justify your placement of the country as the best government. Other Government fact list UK and Canada are constitutional monarchies UK and Cuba are unitary Parliamentary systems include: Canada, UK, Australia, and Germany Cuba may say that they are a “democratic republic” but they are really an autocratic dictatorship Canada, Australia, & the UK claim the same Monarch: Queen Elizabeth II

9 Questions?

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