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IQ Testing Web Quest Project Sieta Achampong, Marisol Craig, Christy Gruver, Patty Hillery, Lori Stollar Summer 2010 Dr. McNiff – ED 503.

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Presentation on theme: "IQ Testing Web Quest Project Sieta Achampong, Marisol Craig, Christy Gruver, Patty Hillery, Lori Stollar Summer 2010 Dr. McNiff – ED 503."— Presentation transcript:

1 IQ Testing Web Quest Project Sieta Achampong, Marisol Craig, Christy Gruver, Patty Hillery, Lori Stollar Summer 2010 Dr. McNiff – ED 503

2 Introduction in∙tel∙li∙gence noun An inferred ability; a term or construct used to explain differences in present behavior and to predict difference in future behavior.

3 What is IQ Testing? What is IQ testing? What does it look like? How is it administered? What does it measure exactly and based on what?

4 Commonly Used IQ Tests Kaufman Assessment Batter for Children-2 Otis-Lennon School Ability Test-8 Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-IV Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale-5 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Ability

5 Benefits of IQ Testing I.Q. Testing ting.html ting.html

6 Benefits of IQ Testing


8 Challenges of IQ Testing The Unconscious Bias of Intelligence Tests cr/2001/nonfiction/testbias.htm cr/2001/nonfiction/testbias.htm

9 Challenges of IQ Testing


11 IQ Test Biases VS IQ Test Fairness http://www.personality-and-aptitude-

12 Conclusions

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