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Orangeview JHS Library Orientation
We’re Here to Help! Library Staff: Mrs. G, Library Teacher Ms. Buck, Library Technician I’m Mrs. Gruenthal, the library teacher, and Mr. Kovac is the library technician. Mr. Kovac is like the library supervisor. He is here everyday, opens and closes the library, checks out books, and helps you find books. My job is a teaching job. I taught junior high at Lexington for 7 years before I became a Librarian. I help students use the library, and find books for assignments. We are both here to help you find what you need for school assignments or for fun. The library is a classroom, so all classroom rules apply here. We can write detentions and give referrals, but I hope I would never have to do that. You wouldn’t want to give us trouble, especially since someday, you may need to ask us for help.
Library Rules: Respect Others Use Library Voices
No Food, Drink, or Gum Clean Up After Yourself All Classroom Rules Apply
Why do we need the Library?
Ask the question: Why do we need the library? Take the answers of several students
Top Ten Reasons to Read Regularly
10 Reading is the #1 predictor of academic success –Those who read more do better in school 9 To learn to read--one must practice: your brain, like a muscle needs exercise, or it becomes weak! 8 Those who read often are better at spelling By reading 20 minutes per day for one year, you will automatically learn 1000 new vocabulary words without studying Here’s my answer to the question: Why do we need the library?
Top Ten Reasons to Read Regularly
6 Increase your background knowledge 5 Become a mini-expert in your favorite subject 4 Students who read regularly do better on standardized tests 3 You will finish your homework faster if you are a better reader Outstanding high school writers reported extensive summer reading AND the #1 Reason is………
Life 101 There is no instruction manual for life!
There is more information than you can ever know! Find answers to important life questions Just for fun! Choose your destiny! A big part of your life right now is just figuring out who you are and what you want to be when you grow up. Books can help you with that. You can read interesting stories of other teens going through the same things as you. You can read about your future careers. The more you plan for your life, the better your life will be. Show examples and read an excerpt from a book.
Be a life-long Learner You may think that reading for information is only for school, but the skills you learn in school will last your whole life. Once you learn how to find information, you can find the answers to all life’s questions. School is simply a training for the real world: getting along with others, showing up on time, meeting deadlines. Like life, children do not come with instruction manuals!
Also… It’s on the test! Yes, you will be tested on this information. Not today, not tomorrow, but when we take the California Standards Test, there are questions on the test that I have the answers to.
Specific Content Standard being Addressed:
California Language Arts Content Standards Grade 7 1.4 Identify topics, ask and evaluate questions, and develop ideas leading to inquiry, investigation and research 1.5 Give credit for both quoted and paraphrased information in a bibliography using a consistent and sanctioned format and methodology for citations These are the actual standards that the State of California wants 100 percent of students to know. These answers can be found in the library.
How we can help: Library Services
Open at 7:15 a.m. A place to study or meet in small groups Free Bookmarks 4 Computers Check out Magazines and books Accelerated Reader Testing Closed at lunch (Except for Library Club) Closed at 3:30 p.m. We are closed at lunch except for students interested in joining a library club. Mr. Kovac will have a sign up sheet for interested students, and we will be starting up a library club in January on Mondays at lunch.
Library Searches The library catalog is called the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) You can search for a book by: Author’s Last Name Title Subject Key Word Call Number Although Mr. Kovac and I are here to help you find books, we would also like you to know how to find books on your own. You can find books by using the Library Catalog. Sometimes we call it the OPAC, which stands for Online Public Access Catalog. You can use this program to search our library collection just like you search on the Internet.
Searching the OPAC You enter the topic you are searching for in the search box, and then you click on the button to tell the computer what it should look for: author, title, subject, keyword or call number. Keyword searches are good to use if you don’t know the exact title of a book, or if a subject search does not give you any results. Keyword searches look for the word mentioned anywhere in the book description. Call number searches help you find books on the same topic.
Checking Out books You must have your ID card
Books are checked out for 2 weeks Reference books are checked out Overnight To keep a book longer than 2 weeks, you must renew it. Overdue fines are $.20 per school Day Once you find a book, you must listen to these words of wisdom, so you do not get fines..
Fiction vs. Nonfiction Fiction (made up):
Grouped by author’s last name May be about real events, but contain made up people May be completely made up Nonfiction (factual): Classified using the Dewey Decimal System Religion Philosophy Medicine Historical Events Biographies Social Issues Reference Materials There are two main types of books in the library: Fiction and Nonfiction. Fiction can be found (point) and are grouped by author’s last name. For example, the Harry Potter books will have the letter F for fiction and the letters ROW for the author’s last name. Nonfiction are factual books grouped using the Dewey Decimal system. Most small libraries such as school and public libraries use the Dewey Decimal System. This system groups books together by subject, so you can go to one place in the library to find a topic you are interested in.
Dewey Decimal System 500-599 Sciences 000-099 Generalities
Technology Arts Literature History Reference Generalities Philosophy Religion Social Science Languages Melvil Dewey was a librarian who grouped all knowledge in the world into 10 categories. Before the Dewey Decimal System, books were put on the shelves in the order that they were purchased, which would be great if you wanted to find only the newest books, but not good if you wanted all the books on a single subject.
000’s Generalities Guinness Book of World Records Computers Internet
Encyclopedias Almanacs UFO’s 2001 Page 114 Most Body Piercings. Elaine Davidson of Edinburgh Scotland, has acquired a record 462 body piercings since Jan of which are on her head. 2002 p. 155 The first three books in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series hold the record for the highest one-year sales for a book series. In 1999 the series sold over 18.5 million copies in the USA and over 4.5 million in the UK and commonwealth. Rowling is also the first novelist to have three titles in the top four slots of the New York Times best seller list for 16 weeks. Book four, Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire received record advance orders of 5.3 million copies.
100’s Philosophy & Psychology
Chicken Soup for the Soul books 7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff Coping With: Shyness Anger Family Stress Another Statistic/ I don’t want to be another statistic / Some suicidal teen / Who makes a choice to kill herself / When the world just seems too mean. / She can’t go on with life / Or so to her it seems / Reality has fallen short / And so have her many dreams./ I don’t want to be another statistic / Some pregnant little girl / Who met this great guy / And then gave sex a whirl. / She was only fifteen / But it felt so right / She thought they’d be together / For more than just a night./ I don’t want to be another statistic / Some kid strung out on crack / Who started at a party / And now he can’t turn back. / First cigarettes and alcohol / Now meth, crack and cocaine / He’s been smoking it so long / That now he’s gone insane./ I don’t want to be another statistic / Some girl left in the rain / Who was walking home from school / Then raped and left in pain. / She can’t tell her parents / And it hurts to tell her friends / She doesn’t know what she’ll do / To make this nightmare end./ I don’t want to be another statistic / Some kid out of school / Who dropped out really early / And was acting like a fool. / He thought that it was boring / He thought that it was dumb / He doesn’t have and education / But lives on the streets like a bum./ I don’t want to be another statistic / Some stereotypical teen / I’m gonna make a difference / I’ll finish with my dream. / I won’t end up pregnant / On drugs or even dead / I won’t drop out of school / Because I’ll use my head./ I don’t want to be another statistic / To fit in to some mold / Of what society thinks of kids today / Because it’s getting kind of old./ Not all of us are bad / In fact most of us are good / When will the world see us / And give us credit like they should? -- Amanda Parmenter
200’s Religion Egyptian, Greek and Roman Mythology World Mythology
Judaism Christianity Buddhism Mormon Muslim Understanding the religions of the world is one step closer to world peace, as many of the world’s conflicts are based on religious differences.
300’s Social Sciences Social Issues: Gangs Terrorism Coping With
Street Gangs Teen Suicide Difficult Teachers Environment Fairytales and folktales Holidays Peer Pressure page Is that like tire pressure? When guys get together, they sometimes do silly things. It’s all part of being a guy. They egg each other on because they think they’re being cool. They think whatever they are doing is going to impress the girls, or THEY JUST WANT TO LOOK TOUGH. Here are some of the things guys do when they get together: make mean jokes about girls or gays, bully, skip school, drink, take drugs, fight, and brag about the number of girlfriends they’ve had. You might think these things make you look cool in the eyes of your friends or girls, but instead, they almost always: make you look stupid, make you feel really ill, or even do long-term damage to your body. So is it worth it? No. Will guys still do them? Probably. Unfortunately, that’s what guys can be like when they get together – kind of stupid. But YOU don’t have to be. Saying No…It’s difficult not to succumb to peer pressure. If everyone else is doing something, it’s hard to say no. You might think you are going to be called a sissy, a party pooper, or a coward. It takes a lot of courage and self-control to say no to your friends and people to whom you want to seem cool. You’d rather stay in with your girlfriend than go to the movies with your friends? It can be difficult to say no, but if that’s what you want to do, then you should. You don’t want to shoplift, even though all your friends are doing it because you know it’s dumb, risky, and wrong: It takes real guts to walk away from them. But think about it this way: If these people really are your friends and you really don’t want to do something, then they should respect that. If they don’t, and they call you names, then they probably aren’t such great friends. It’s particularly important when it comes to things which can actually hurt you: Always remember: Do what you want to do. Don’t and you’ll regret it.
400’s Language Grammar Books Dictionaries: German Spanish French
Russian Japanese Korean Cambodian Rhyming Dictionaries can help you learn how to spell or define words for homework. You can also use them when learning another language or even improving on your use of your native language. Just for fun– Rhyming dictionaries can help you find rhyming words for writing poetry or music lyrics.
500’s Sciences Math Astronomy Chemistry Physics Life Science
Wild Animal Books Science Experiments There are many Accelerated Reader titles in the Science section. The most popular are those on animals.
600’s Technology Anatomy Medicine Diseases Airplanes Cars Cookbooks
Domestic Animals (dogs, cats, horses) I know it’s weird that animals are in the technology section, but domesticating animals is considered an applied science. Technology has a different meaning today than it did back then. Think of “technical skills” instead of the way we think of technology today: computers.
700’s Arts and Recreation Art books How to Draw Television and Movies
Graphic Novels Manga Sports History People Rules Most people think of Art as museums and paintings, but the arts and recreation section contains a lot of exciting material….
800’s Literature Poetry Plays How to write Classics Shakespeare Homer
Virgil The classics are part of our cultural literacy. Educated people are expected to know about these books, and you will find many references to them in popular television shows and movies.
900’s History Historical events: The Holocaust Medieval Times
920 Collected Biography 921 Biography State Books Country Books Besides historical events, people and places are a part of history. Anyone who has a great life story to tell may have a biography written about them. We can read these to use as models in our own lives.
Reference Dewey order Encyclopedias Almanacs Dictionaries Volume Sets:
The Middle Ages The almanac contains really interesting facts, like sports statistics, but also very practical information, like who your state congressmen and senators are.
Library Activity Groups of 3 Fiction – Use OPAC
Non-Fiction – Browse Shelves Reference – Use the Index Bring book to group and complete worksheet together Now for the test! You will need to get in to groups of three and each of you will be given a card with a topic on it. One card will be for a fiction book, one for a nonficiton book, and one for a reference book. Each person will find a book using a different method and bring the book back to your group. You will then come back to your group and we will complete the worksheet togther.
MLA Citations Book: Author’s Last Name, First Name. Title of the book underlined. Place of Publication: Publisher. Copyright year. Encyclopedia: Author’s Last Name, First Name (if available – if no author is available, start with article title). “Article Title in Quotation Marks.” Title of the Encyclopedia underlined. Edition number. Copyright year.
The Easy Way
What did I learn today? In your group, share with your partner one thing you learned today. Each person should share something different, so if someone in your group, “takes your answer,” you will have to come up with something else.
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