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GCSE PE Year 10 Lesson 1 Skill

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1 GCSE PE Year 10 Lesson 1 Skill

2 Skill Aquisition Learning Objectives:
Be able to explain what skill is. Be able to explain the different aspects of skill Continium Starter How many bones make up the human skeleton What does the term role model mean?

3 Skill what is it? Q. What is Skill ? Task: In pairs discuss and write your own definition of what you thing the term mean?

4 Skill ( description A) A learned ability - the basketball player has to learn how to perform a lay-up shot. Pre-determined results - the basketball player sets out to put the ball in the basket. Maximum certainty - the basketball player expects to put the ball into the basket every time. Maximum efficiency - the basketball player will appear to make the lay-up look effortless, with little energy required and apparently lots of time to do it.

5 Skill (B) Skill is a physical movement that is :- 1. A learned response to a stimulus. 2. A predetermined movement pattern. 3.Performed with minimum outlay and effort

6 Definition of skill “Skill is learned ability to bring about a predetermined response with maximum certainty and the minimum amount of effort”

7 Skilled sportsperson In pairs choose a sportsperson you believe to be skilled. Justify your answer why you have chosen this person. Referring to the definition of skill in your answer

8 Classification of Skill
Why do you think skill is classified?

9 Skill Classification Skill is either BASIC or COMPLEX

10 Fine and Gross Skills This continuum is concerned with the precision of movement - gross and fine skills.

11 Gross Motor Skills Gross skills: involve large muscle movements which are not very precise and include many fundamental movement patterns such as walking, running and jumping. The shot putt is an example of a primarily gross skill.

12 Fine Motor Skills Fine skills: involve small precise movements using small muscle groups and generally involve high levels of hand-eye coordination. A snooker shot or darts shot are examples of fine skills.

13 Draw two column with the following headings
Column 1 title Basic Column 2 title Complex Copy the following information under those two headings.

14 Basic We learn a lot of basic skills at an early age
Basic skills are transferable between lots of different sports and situations. You have to master the basic skills before moving onto the complex skills Examples: Running, catching, throwing, dodging and hopping

15 With your partner think of 5 skills that you consider complex
Require more co-ordination and control Specific to a particular sport (non transferable) Take a lot of practice to master. With your partner think of 5 skills that you consider complex

16 Complex skills Smash shot in badminton Tennis serve Volley in football
Lay up in basketball Triple jump Shot put

17 There are two types of skill

18 Open Skill Are skills most influenced by external factors.
For example the environment is constantly changing. Movements have to be adapted. Skills are predominantly perceptual. Skills is mostly externally paced. Draw a spider diagram with 6 legs and give examples of sports

19 Closed Skills Skills follow a set pattern of movement, regardless of external factors. Take place in a stable predictable enviroment Perform know exactly what to do and when Skill are not affected by the enviroment Have a clear beginning and ending Skills tend to be self paced. Draw a spider diagram with 8 legs and give examples of sports examples

20 In reality though… Most skills fall between Open Skills Closed skills

21 Are these closed or open skills?
Golf swing Start dive in swimming Goalkeeper in football Tennis Serve Gymnast on a beam 100m sprint start Shot putt Skiing on an empty piste Putt in golf

22 Homework Skills homework is on
Year 10 pages PE PE shared resources Complete by Tuesday

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