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Group Organisational Effectiveness Campus to Corporate skills session.

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1 Group Organisational Effectiveness Campus to Corporate skills session

2 Slide 2 Objectives To understand the psychological contract between you and the business i.e. the unwritten set of expectations between employer and employee regarding implicit rights and obligations of each party To improve your understanding of the business culture and behavioural skills expected of you

3 Slide 3 What to expect….. –Making the transition from university to work is often more traumatic than entering university and leaving home for the first time –This pivotal point in your lives is not marked with just one or two changes but an onslaught of new and different requirements –One of the greatest challenges in making this transition will be handling the tricky dichotomies of the corporate setting –You will need to have confidence in your ability to perform the job, yet demonstrate the fact that you understand you still have much to learn – You'll need to blend into your new environment, yet demonstrate the unique talents that make you stand out among your peers. And, you will need to be able to work effectively on your own while contributing as a member of the team –Successfully managing these challenges is sure to be difficult and downright frustrating. But, conquering them is vital to becoming a bona fide professional

4 Slide 4 Elements to you and the organisation Self awarenessSocial awareness Relationship Management Self management Self awareness questionnaire First impressions Social style Cultural awareness Business etiquette Colleagues, customers, suppliers Setting personal goals Career management Within team Your boss Support networks Family and friends

5 Slide 5 Self Awareness –How do others see you? –How self aware are you?

6 Slide 6 First impressions When we communicate we use words, tone of voice and body language to get our message across ….the 7:38:55 % Rule referred to a great deal These figures relate to the relative importance of the components of any message we communicate and receive 7% relates to the importance of the words we use 38% refers to tone of voice and inflection 55% refers to the importance of body language/face Thats amazing. Except that its not true. This is not what the original research by Albert Mehrabian concluded.Albert Mehrabian These figures only relate to a situation where we are forming an attitude (like or dislike) of someone. So the words could still be the most important part of the message. The body language and tone of voice are what we mainly use to assess whether we like the person delivering the message… Especially important for YOU when you attend assessment centres and interviews Creating that important FIRST IMPRESSION

7 Slide 7 Communications in the workplace What is acceptable language to you may not be acceptable to others People may have English as a second language – be mindful Talk of we rather than I Know when to keep your opinions to yourself Dont gossip Compliment people sincerely Say please and thank you to those who help you Understand the hierarchy and speak accordingly

8 Slide 8 Self Management Different expectations Long deadlines for university assignments vs deadlines of the next day or cob in the corporate environment No formal exams but you are being tested every day Your performance impacted only you at university but in the corporate world, your performance impacts you, your boss, your colleagues, the organisation and on it goes Always arrive at work on time, if not a little early. Dress appropriately. Look around you to see how others are dressed; especially those who are further along on your career path. Listen – listen – listen and observe. Stay away from office gossip. That is not to say don't pay attention to what you hear through the grapevine. That can be helpful. However don't contribute to it.

9 Slide 9 Self Management Mind your manners. Don't forget what you learned as a child. Please and thank you should still be the magic words. Always knock before you enter. Although barging into your friend's dorm room may have been okay with him, barging into your office is not okay. Answer the telephone politely, even if the call is internal. Don't pretend to know things you don't. However, do your homework. Learn what you need to know. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you are assigned a project and are not sure how it should be completed, ask. It's better to ask before the project is due, than to have it delayed because it was done incorrectly. Always stick to deadlines. Bosses usually want projects completed on time. Finally, pay close attention to corporate culture. Learn how things work within your company. Are relationships formal or friendly? Does everyone arrive early and stay late? Are lunch hours short or non-existent? Forgive the cliché, but when in Rome...

10 Slide 10 Top Tips on how to successfully navigate the corporate environment from day one…… Develop an effective Corporate Persona Develop a good reputation from day one Ensure people have a good perception of you Create a positive impression of yourself (through good eye contact, shaking hands, appearing enthusiastic and can-do, effective body language and professional communication styles) Present a mature, professional, and competent face Clarify expectations with your manager Meet with your manager to clarify mutual expectations Establish: How does your manager want to receive work? How does your manager like to be contacted? What does your manager value in an employee? Communicate your expectations: What do you want to achieve? What do you expect from the job? What do you need from your manager? What are your career aspirations?

11 Slide 11 Top Tips……. Establish profitable relationships Build mutually beneficial relationships with colleagues Talk to colleagues who are already on the ladder and find out who you need to go to for x, y and z… Get to know key contacts – introduce yourself early, and maintain positive working relationships Develop Transferable Skills Seek opportunities to develop key skills e.g. in stakeholder relations, financial, project, and people management Use your networks to gain access to key development opportunities Stay Motivated Stay motivated during difficult circumstances Choose to have a positive attitude about your job (you control your response to your environment) Keep sight of your big picture goal, and ask yourself: What am I here to do? How can I accomplish that? How can I contribute to personal and organisational goals ? Adapted from Alexandra Levits appearance on ABC News channel, June 2009 (They dont teach corporate in college)

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