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“This is Me, Unique as can be” The Past, Present, and Future !

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Presentation on theme: "“This is Me, Unique as can be” The Past, Present, and Future !"— Presentation transcript:

1 “This is Me, Unique as can be” The Past, Present, and Future !

2 PAST I was born in Beaumont, TX on February 24, 1995. I attended Greater Good Hope, Fehl Elementary, Odom Academy, and currently Ozen High. I spent most of my childhood with my god sister Emani Franklin.

3 PRES ENT I currently work at JCPenny My favorite character is Cookie Monster My favorite color is yellow I’m a Ozen Panther for life ! I love Pooch Hall ! My favorite candy is Sugar Daddy Go Boston Celtics ! Favorite Player: Ray Allen Big Sean (: My boyfriend is Jordan (:

4 FRIENDS & Family

5 In a year … Ozen Senior and Graduate (:

6 In 2 years …. I plan on attending Lamar University and receive my BSN and then transfer to Baylor.

7 In 5 years… Studying hard preparing to graduate college. Still working at Jcpenny and as a certified nurses aid.

8 In 8 years…

9 In 10 years… Nurse Johnson working to become a doctor.

10 I ’ d l i k e t o b e a t r a v e l i n g d o c t o r. S o I n b e t w e e n t h e y e a r s, I w a n t t o m o v e t o H o u s t o n a n d t h e n L o s A n g e l e s t o r e s i d e i n a h o u s e l i k e W i l l S m i t h ’ s.

11 In 17 years … Wife & kids Married with twin boys and a girl.

12 FUTUR E As a traveling Doctor, I want my name to be known. I want it to be in HEADLINES !


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