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August 1, 2011 SD ACTE Summer Conference Update. New and Upcoming Projects SD Advisory Board for Family and Consumer Sciences Cluster specific workshops.

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Presentation on theme: "August 1, 2011 SD ACTE Summer Conference Update. New and Upcoming Projects SD Advisory Board for Family and Consumer Sciences Cluster specific workshops."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 1, 2011 SD ACTE Summer Conference Update

2 New and Upcoming Projects SD Advisory Board for Family and Consumer Sciences Cluster specific workshops based on the standards in each cluster CTE for Core Content Credit: develop example, Food Technology UbD units – housed at respective Wiki’s, move to DOE site when framework is adopted Standards Implementation Standards in Practice™ (SIP™) – various dates, team concept, student artifacts

3 Standards Development All Standards in Education & Training, Hospitality & Tourism, Human Services are complete New courses: Event Management, Food Technology Middle School Standards: see respective Cluster DOE web page, use one assignment code, “Read Me First” is helpful Middle School Standards – include in approved program form, PRF system for Perkins data collection (is used for concentrator status but does not qualify for high school graduation) Foundational courses – standards in revision, review SY 2011-2012; pilot SY 2012-2013; implement SY 2013-2014

4 This and that… FCCLA Fall Leadership – teacher workshop – BHSU Hospitality & Tourism focus (not culinary arts) Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) Project based learning Charlotte Danielson – framework for teacher evaluations (Systems Change pre-conference) Future Educators Association (FEA) – new student organization for SD Instructional resources – focused on Web 2.0 tools

5 2011 Program Improvement Progress

6 CTE Approved Programs Annual requirements of CTE Approved Programs Submit application (March 1, paperless, cc admin for signatures and sent via email) Participate in the Program Improvement Process (with paperless option) Participate in data collection process (online portal tied to Student Information System data)

7 Program Improvement Process Mandatory Program Improvement Process participation All approved programs must participate in sessions at CTE Conference or via webinar. Nonparticipation will result in program disapproval in SY 2012-2013

8 Program Improvement Yearly opportunity to review progress and set goals Three year cycle of assessment and goal setting Program Improvement Instrument Longer, more in-depth self-assessment Year one of the cycle (2011-2012) Progress Report Shorter and designed to check development toward goals Years 2 and 3 of the cycle (2012-2013 & 2013-2014)

9 Program Improvement First year programs or first year teachers in SY 2011-2012 will complete the long form – PIP Then in year 2 complete the short form – Progress Report

10 Making the Connections Career Clusters Pathway(s) Programs of Study (POS) Alignment of current content to core standards CTE for Core Content Credit Connecting program improvement to: Local program approval application and local five-year plan Perkins Core Indicators of Performance (accountability data) Perkins budget requests Program monitoring (Program Improvement Process –PIP)

11 Approved Program Application Requirements Career Cluster POS Certified Teacher Professional development plan Advisory Committee (FACS implemented in 2011 at state) Program Improvement Process – due December 1 Perkins Core Indicators of Performance and enrollment data Approved Program Application – due March 1

12 Approved Programs of Study Minimum requirements: 1 Unit (credit) from Cluster and Pathway courses Minimum POS requirements: 2 unit (credit) total for an approved program Combination may include Foundational, Core Content, or Capstone courses. Foundational courses will change for the approved program SY 2012-2013

13 Syllabi Requirement Human Services and Education & Training for March 1, 2012 approved program form – only submit courses changed or added from approved program form submitted March 1, 2011 Hospitality and Tourism – submit for all courses with the March 1, 2012 approved program form. Submit electronically

14 Assignment Codes Work with PRF contact and Infinite Campus contact to make sure correct assignment codes are being used for your approved program Assignment codes began appearing in Infinite Campus for student transcripts May 2011. Double check transcripted assignment codes to reflect “CTE” in the course title – high school graduation and Opportunity Scholarship guidelines. Changes to PRF system may be made up to October 15 – double check your assignment codes early on and this helps alleviate problems when it comes to data collection in May/June

15 Analyzing Data Verify all students are entered Concentrators – students with 2 credits in a program Only.5 credit of Foundational courses applies to the 2 unit status Up to 1 unit of Capstone credit counts toward 2 unit status Only.5 credit of Core Content counts toward 2 unit status

16 Analyzing Data Reading and Math – scores are from the Dakota Step Test Seniors with 2 units/credits in program Reading score of 604+ Math score of 715+ Technical Skill Attainment (TSA) Any student with 2 units/credits and TSA of 75 or above School Completion and Graduation Available late fall

17 Analyzing Data Placement Data 12 th graders with 2 units/credits in program Do not have to be currently enrolled Make sure to follow up with students not enrolled in approved programs their Senior Year Non-Traditional participation and completion Based on national statistics, not program enrollment (males in Human Services)

18 Data: Now What? Work with Advisory Board Consult with administrator Work with core content teachers Implement strategies for improvement Develop program improvement goals Develop a budget to help achieve goals Consider recruiting strategies Increase rigor Rethink course offerings and content Use “strategies” to develop plan/goal

19 Annual Budget Requests Curriculum development approved if tied to Cluster committee work and with prior approval from Cluster Specialist Equipment and technology request based on standards All requests related to program improvement, student achievement, and accountability Amendments follow the same format as requests. Contact your Cluster Specialist Contact your consortium director for important information about budget approvals, and other general budget questions

20 Program Improvement Process Due Dec 1 Review and update goals (use SMART format) Goals based on 7 key areas of program improvement: 1. Student engagement 2. Rigorous coursework 3. Teachers work cooperatively 4. Program of Study 5. Teachers involved in career development 6. Equipment enhances student learning 7. Holistic program improvement planning

21 Program Visits New Program/New Teacher At Risk Programs (data/accountability) Recipients of state/federal funds Invitation from local CTE Program

22 Inventory Controls Accurate equipment records maintained by the local district or consortium Adequate internal controls to account for location and custody of equipment Regular physical inventory of equipment Equipment purchased with Perkins funds clearly marked in recipient’s inventory Perkins-purchased equipment marked with sticker, tag, or other unique identifier OCCTE no longer maintains equipment inventory

23 Local school inventory policy… What is the school district policy? Does the procedure separate Perkins-purchased items from other items? How are Perkins-purchased items tracked? Are the items tagged? Is the equipment located where it is suppose to be? What procedure is used to dispose of equipment? OCCTE needs to facilitate disposition of any equipment funded with Perkins $

24 What now? Analyze Perkins data PIP Progress report – December 1, 2011 Contact Cluster Specialist with new budget request ideas then your consortium director Approved program app – March 1, 2012 Data collection workshops/webinar – April 2012

25 Questions…

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