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Social and Cultural factors in depression By Dominic and Tobi.

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Presentation on theme: "Social and Cultural factors in depression By Dominic and Tobi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social and Cultural factors in depression By Dominic and Tobi

2 Etiology The causes and origins of a disease or medical condition

3 Brown and Harris (1978) Conducted a study to find the social origins of depression in women 29 of 32 women who were depressed had experienced a critical event in their life. 78% of women that experienced a severe event in their life did not become depressed.

4 Conclusion Severe life events may lead to depression. Life events which were similar to past experiences were more likely to lead to depression.

5 Vulnerability model Proposed by Brown and Harris Factors that could increase depression: Unemployment Lack of social support Raising many young children at home Loss of mother at a early age Childhood abuse

6 Vulnerability model When writing an LAQ, you can refer this model to the Diathesis-stress model which puts emphasis on biological and inherited factors.

7 Cultural considerations WHO (1983) has found common core symptoms in 4 different countries: Iran, Japan, Canada and Switzerland. Symptoms include loss of interest, lack of concentration, anxiety, tension, ideas of insufficiency and inadequacy, loss of sexual interest, loss of appetite, fatigue and weight reduction. Compliments Murphy’s study in 1967

8 Cultural considerations Prince (1968) showed that depression was not found in Asian and African countries but depression rates rose in countries that were former colonies. Modern researchers state that depression in non- modernized countries expressed depression differently. Have problems in diagnosis.

9 Cultural considerations Kleinman (1982) found that in China depression is described using somatic symptoms, referring to body aches and headaches Marsella (1979) found that in individualistic cultures affective symptoms (shown by dysfunctional moods) are more common. Symptoms include sadness and feelings of isolation.

10 Cultural considerations Core symptoms identified in many cultures. Different cultures have different symptoms of depression.

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