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UbD DI Lit Circles.

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1 UbD DI Lit Circles

2 Philosophy Spotter Name_________________________________________________ Chapter_________________________ Location Reason for Picking page # Parag. # ____ _____ ______________________________________ ____ _____ ______________________________________ Your job is to locate a few special sections of the text that really hone in on the authors’ philosophy of education and/or beliefs about teaching and learning. You will read these passages aloud to your group and explain why these were key passages in the chapter. Adapted from Literature Circles: Voice and choice in the student-centered classroom by Harvey Daniels

3 Discussion Director Name_________________________________________________ Chapter_________________________ Possible discussion questions or topics for today: _________________________________________________________ Your job is to develop a list of questions that your group might want to discuss about this part of the text. Don’t worry about the small details; your task is to help people talk over the big ideas Part of your job is also to make sure each group member contributes. Adapted from Literature Circles: Voice and choice in the student-centered classroom by Harvey Daniels

4 Connector Name_________________________________________________
Chapter_________________________ Possible discussion questions or topics for today: _________________________________________________________ Your job takes place during the discussion . Use your own thinking about what you read, the text, and the things said by the people in your group discussion to develop, share or capture the “big ideas” or generalizations about teaching and learning that result from your discussion. What you’re trying to record is the “ahas,” the things people in your group realized or learned as they worked and talked to each other. These ahas will help your group decide what needs to be shared with those who did not read this chapter. Adapted from Literature Circles: Voice and choice in the student-centered classroom by Harvey Daniels

5 Graphic Illustrator Name________________________ Group__________________________ Book_________________________ Author_________________________ Assignment: p___ to p____ Presentation Plan: When the Discussion Director invites your participation, you may show your picture without comment to the others in the group. One at a time, they get to speculate what your picture means, to connect the drawing to their own ideas about the reading. After everyone has had a say, you get the last word: tell them what your picture means, where it came from, or what it represents to you. Your job is to draw two pictures related to the reading. They can be sketches, cartoons, diagrams, flow charts, or stick figure scenes. Make one drawing in the space below and a larger One on the back of this sheet. Adapted from Literature Circles: Voice and choice in the student-centered classroom by Harvey Daniels

6 Vocabulary Enricher Name_________________________________________________ Chapter_________________________ Word Page # Why I picked it and a brief definition __________ ___________ ________________________________ Vocabulary Enricher: Your job is to be on the look out for a few especially important words in this reading section. If you find words that are puzzling or unfamiliar, mark them while you are reading, then later jot down their definition. Keep it brief and in your own words. Adapted from Literature Circles: Voice and choice in the student-centered classroom by Harvey Daniels

7 Detail Finder Name_________________________________________________ Chapter_________________________ _ Your job is to draw some kind of thinking map or graphic organizer that could be considered the “notes” for this chapter. You can draw or create a diagram, a web, an outline, or any other kind of graphic organizer you want. Your work should not take up more than one page. You might wish to do it on the computer. When you meet in your group, show your organizer without comment to others in the group. One at a time, they get to examine it, to connect it to their own ideas about the reading, and clarify or correct anything they disagree with. After everyone has had a say, you get the last word: change it based on the group’s input or not. Remember though, your work needs to be an accurate reflection of the ideas expressed in the chapter. Adapted from Literature Circles: Voice and choice in the student-centered classroom by Harvey Daniels

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