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1 ROAD WEATHER RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION(RWRI)TOOL Version 1.0 Ray Murphy, ITS Specialist FHWA National Resource Center NTOC - Talking Operations Seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ROAD WEATHER RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION(RWRI)TOOL Version 1.0 Ray Murphy, ITS Specialist FHWA National Resource Center NTOC - Talking Operations Seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ROAD WEATHER RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION(RWRI)TOOL Version 1.0 Ray Murphy, ITS Specialist FHWA National Resource Center NTOC - Talking Operations Seminar January 11, 2006

2 2 What is the RWRI tool? A simple, stand-alone database application developed by FHWA for storing and searching a variety of Road Weather Management resources.

3 3 RWRI Project Goals Assemble and classify all relevant materials/resources for road weather management (RWM) Develop a database search engine tool for storing, accessing, and managing RWM resources

4 4 RWRI Project History Last 5 years – collected hundreds of materials pertaining to RWM Early 2004 – concept of RWM resource tool developed August 2004 – contracted with Cambridge Systematics, Inc. (CSI) to develop Road Weather Resource Identification Tool (RWRI) February 2005 – Beta version of RWRI tool developed August 2005 – RWRI Version 1.0 developed October 2005 – RWRI posted on the FHWA website for 6 mo. testing and evaluation

5 5 RWRI Project Panel Roemer Alfelor - FHWA HQ (Project Manager) Paul Pisano - FHWA HQ Ray Murphy - FHWA RC Illinois Bruce Hunt - FHWA South Dakota Randy VanGorder – FHWA Turner Fairbanks Rudy Persaud – FHWA Turner Fairbanks Mike Adams – Wisconsin DOT Robert Driscoll - Virginia DOT Adam Bradford – Oregon DOT Cambridge Systematics Inc. (RWRI Developer) Mitretek Systems (Database Support)

6 6 RWRI V 1.0 Characteristics Contains more than 300 materials/resources Three database search options: 1. Guided Search 2. Menu of Topics Search 3. Keyword Search View, Save and Print Options Database Administration Function User can submit comments and resources.

7 7 RWRI Registration

8 8 RWRI Startup Screen

9 9 Help Menu

10 10 Guided Search Goal is to guide user through a series of questions to narrow search Narrowing criteria (in order) Type(s) of Weather Event Type(s) of Roadway impact Type(s) of Traffic impact Type(s) of RWM strategy Focus of Material: Data Collection Information Management Performance Management Sponsoring Organization Resource Medium

11 11 Guided Search

12 12 Menu of Topics Search User selects from a list (menu) of topics to narrow search Menu of Topics Type(s) of Weather Event Type(s) of Roadway impact Type(s) of Traffic impact Type(s) of RWM strategy Focus of Material: Data Collection Information Management Performance Management Sponsoring Organization Resource Medium

13 13 Menu of Topics Search

14 14 Keyword Search User types in the keyword(s) or pick from a long list of those keywords to search the database Each resource/material has one or more keywords associated with it. Search can be inclusive of all the keywords identified (AND), or contain at least one of those keywords (OR). User can also search the title and abstracts for words or phrase.

15 15 Keyword Search

16 16 Search Results

17 17 Benefits of Using RWRI Tool Focused on Road Weather Management Classified and Organized Simple, easy to use Variety of search options

18 18 RWRI Testing/Evaluation Stats As of 12/21/05 Approximately 100 downloads 18 State DOTs 15 Local agencies Several other Private, Federal, Academic and International agencies 14 Evaluations 80% said tool is good or excellent 70% said ease of use is good or excellent Equal preferences for 3 search options

19 19 Next Steps Complete testing and evaluation by March 2006 Summarize comments and recommended changes Update database and implement recommended changes by June 2006 Post Version 2.0 by September 2006 Update and post database as needed.

20 20 Road Weather Management Team Roemer Alfelor, RWIT Project Manager FHWA Road Weather Management Program Phone: 202-366-9242 Email: Paul Pisano, Team Leader FHWA Road Weather Management Program Phone: 202-366-1301 Email: Ray Murphy, ITS Specialist FHWA National Resource Center Phone: 708-283-3517 Email:

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