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By: Halihma G. & De’Andre P..  In early 1960’s Czechoslovakia had suffered a recession.  In 1965 the president Antonin Novotny was forced to make.

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1 By: Halihma G. & De’Andre P.


3  In early 1960’s Czechoslovakia had suffered a recession.  In 1965 the president Antonin Novotny was forced to make liberal concessions and introduce the program of decentralization.

4  In 1968 Czechoslovakia has been taken over and turned into a communist country.  In July 1968 the Soviet Union announced that the federal republic of Germany was planning a invasion of the Sudetenland.

5  Approximately 500,000 troops mostly soviets poured across borders in Blitzkrieg on August 20 th 1968. The reason of the invasion was because of Alexander Dubček; He wanted to loosen up the communist power. This movement that Alexander Dubček had started was the Prague Spring. The Soviet Union didn’t like what was going on so they want to put a STOP to it and they did that by invading and taking total control over czechoslovakia.

6  An agreement to more freedom of the press, and political rights was allowed for the first time in mainstream. People( citizens) were able to live like they was humans and not animals.




10  "Prague Spring." Spartacus Educational - Home Page. 20 Nov. 2000. Web. 03 Apr. 2011..  © Lifeboat Limited. "Prague Spring | Prague Life." Prague Life | Prague Travel Guide | Restaurants Bars Pubs Apartments and Map of Prague Czech Republic. 14 Mar. 2005. Web. 05 Apr. 2011..

11  Valenta, Jiri. Soviet Intervention in Czechoslovakia, 1968: Anatomy of a Decision. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1979. Print.  Wechsberg, Joseph. "Nonviolence in Czechoslovakia, 1968." Essays, Stories & Photos. May-June 1997. Web. 05 Apr. 2011..

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