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Characterization of Livestock Production Systems and Potentials for Enhancing Productivity through Improved Feeding in Menz and Angogela-Tera Districts.

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Presentation on theme: "Characterization of Livestock Production Systems and Potentials for Enhancing Productivity through Improved Feeding in Menz and Angogela-Tera Districts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characterization of Livestock Production Systems and Potentials for Enhancing Productivity through Improved Feeding in Menz and Angogela-Tera Districts in Ethiopia by Debre-Birhan Agricultural Research Centre

2 Objectives To assess feed resource availability and use in the subalpine highlands of Ethiopia using a feed assessment tool (FEAST) To characterize the livestock production and feeding systems To determine site-specific feed intervention potentials in selected villages in Menz and Angolela-Tera districts 2

3 3 Angolela-Tera district - Chefanen kebele - Cheki kebele Menz-Gera district - Dargegne kebele - Sinamba kebele Methodology The study site

4 Methodology The FEAST Tool 4 Informal Group discussion with 15 farmers (10 men and 5 women) PRA Exercise Individual interviews with 3 farmers Quantitative information Individual Farmer Survey Data entered into FEAST Template Ideas for Interventions developed Data Analysis & Developing Interventions

5 The Farming Systems 5 Land size (ha) Major food crops

6 6 Important livestock Species Contributions to livelihoods

7 Feed Resources 7 Major fodder crops Seasonality of feed supply

8 8 Contribution to dry matter intake Contribution to ME content of the diet Contribution to CP content of the diet

9 Problems and Constraints Problem (In order of importance) MenzAngolela-Tera 1.Feed shortages 2.Animal disease 3.Uncontrolled breedingLimited knowledge in animal management 4.Lack of improved breeding stock 5.Grazing land shortage 6Marketing problem 9

10 Perceived Solutions by Farmers ProblemMenzAngolela-Tera Feed shortage - Set aside part of crop land for forages; - Improve forage seed supply; - Regulating ‘encroachment’ of grazing areas; - Timely collection and conservation of feed for the dry season; Improving availability and access (affordable price) to commercial concentrates; setting aside part of crop land for growing forages; limiting herd size; Animal disease -Availing regular vaccination and spraying; - Improved feeding; - Accessible Health service posts. Genuine drug supply; Availing regular vaccination; improved management and hygiene; Uncontrolled breeding - Adopting recommended breeding season; - Herding male and females separately during off-season periods. Limited managemen t knowledge Improving extension service and applying expert advices; Training and awareness creation; 10

11 Potential Interventions Problem MenzAngolela-Tera Feed shortage - Forage tree dev’t integrated with soil conservation structures - Forage tree dev’t as live fences - Crop residue treatment - Crop residue-based ration - Provision of concentrates thru coops. - Grazing lands ? - Cultivated forage development - Forage tree dev’t as live fences - Crop residue treatment - Crop residue-based diet Animal disease - Community-based health service - Private health services (USAID model) - Private health services (USAID model Uncontrol led breeding - Community-based cooperative breeding schemes Mng’t knowled ge 11

12 Experiences Using FEAST  A holistic approach – FEAST considers resources, socio-economic status, cropping system and non-feed aspects of livestock system  Tool can be used for a rapid appraisal of other aspects of livestock systems  Integrates indigenous (participatory) and modern animal science knowledge and methods  A rapid and facilitated data collection, analysis and interpretation  FEAST is very friendly, also allows editing basic parameters  Data from individual interviews – FEAST accommodates 6, 2 per wealth class  Data from FGD – more reliable, but less used by FEAST  Some difficult questions – trend data by month (e.g. milk yield, prices, …) By season easier for farmers and more realistic?  Crop residue contribution to DM intake – Doubtful results! 12

13 Way Forward  Improvement in FEAST: Accommodating larger sample size, and/or Use of data from FGDs from 2 kebeles in FEAST Excel  Woreda-based study and recommendation domain: Administrative boundaries for agricultural devt? Within-woreda variability in agro-ecology (major factor in feed) Narrows/Limits applicability of findings ! Study site selection and recommendations by AEZs, prod system  Dissemination of tool – promotion to and training of users  Linking FEAST and TechFit 13

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