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FY 12 Budget QEA. Budget FY 12 Increases Salary 2.9% ($470,309) Benefits 7.9% ($309, 783) *estimated* Total Salary & Benefits 3.9% ($780,092) Facilities.

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Presentation on theme: "FY 12 Budget QEA. Budget FY 12 Increases Salary 2.9% ($470,309) Benefits 7.9% ($309, 783) *estimated* Total Salary & Benefits 3.9% ($780,092) Facilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY 12 Budget QEA

2 Budget FY 12 Increases Salary 2.9% ($470,309) Benefits 7.9% ($309, 783) *estimated* Total Salary & Benefits 3.9% ($780,092) Facilities 3.7% Debt Service (MMS) 14.8% Decreases Supply Budgets 1.5% Transportation 6.4% Superintendents Budget.2% Debt Service (HS) 3.5% Non-Salary Total.4% State Subsidy 1% Total Budget Shortfall $1,000,000 = 3.8% (including jobs bill $500k)

3 Comparisons Pay (Teacher Career Earnings Possible) PPA Local Contributio n State Contributio n SAD 351.6m9k12m11m Kittery?12k10m1m Noble1.5m8k13m17m Wells Ogunquit 1.7m12k13m.5m York1.7m12k17m.8m High Achieving Districts (ME, NH, NY, NJ, CT, MA) spend on average $5000 more per student

4 Realities Great Recession CPI 1.5% Enrollment: -300 students in 10 years, projected to loose another 200 in the next 5 years Town populations increased but enrollment decreased More families below poverty level and unemployed even though median wages have increased 30% in 10 years

5 Revenue Ideas Advertising Raise local contribution ($1000 more per student would increase budget by $2,531,000) Grant Writing Marshwood Foundation

6 Budget Cut Ideas Consolidating services with other districts Pay to transport and/or play Cut non-essential to instruction jobs first Keep all Special Education students in district Eliminate all extra-curricular activities and/or stipends Cut supply budget more

7 QEA Options Nothing: Potentially lose 800k in jobs = 13 jobs plus those lost due to enrollment Retirement incentive: 20k per (estimate) Open contract Steps: $200k COLA: $300k Insurance: ? Professional Development: Furlough day(s): 70k No paid sick or personal days

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