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Presentation on theme: "T HE W ATSONS GO TO B IRMINGHAM – 1963 ABC B OOK By: Wyeth Jeffery."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE W ATSONS GO TO B IRMINGHAM – 1963 ABC B OOK By: Wyeth Jeffery

2 A A is for Alabama, because the Watsons go to Alabama for there vacation.

3 B B is for Bomb, because the church was bombed.

4 C C is for Car, because they take a long drive to Alabama that takes many days.

5 D D is for Death because of the 4 girls who died in the bombing.

6 E E is for Emergency because the church was bombed.

7 F F is for the fire mama was going to burn Byron with.

8 G G is all the gas the Watsons used when going to Birmingham.

9 H H is the heat from the Alabama sun.

10 I I is for intelligence. Why is I for Intelligence? Because Kenny is smarter than most all people in his school.

11 J J is Joetta Kenny’s little sister.

12 K K stands for King because By was the King of the school.

13 L L is for By’s lips that got stuck to the car in the cold.

14 M M stands for the mirror By got his lips stuck on.

15 N N is for Joey, because she is so nice.

16 O O is Ohio. Ohio is where the Watsons stopped on the mountain and took a break from driving.

17 P P is for Poindexter. Poindexter is the rude name that was given to Kenny on the bus because he was a nerd.

18 Q Q stands for the quietness from when Kenny was in the “World- famous Watson pet hospital”

19 R R is for Rufus, my favorite character in the story.

20 S S is for the south. The south is where they went on vacation and where Kenny’s mom was from.

21 T T is for “The Weird Watsons”. “The Weird Watsons” is what some of the neighbors called Kenny’s family because of some of the weird things they did.

22 U U stands for Ultra-Glide. The Ultra-Glide is the Brown Bombers record player. The Watsons listened to the ultra-glide most of the way to birmingham.

23 V V is for Vandalism because of all the times Byron vandalized things.

24 W W is the Wool Pooh. Wool Pooh is the pretend monster that Byron makes up to try and scare Kenny so he wont go to Collier’s Landing.

25 X

26 Y Y stands for Yakety Yak. Yakety Yak is Kenny’s favorite song.

27 Z

28 T HE E ND

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