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Management and Supervision Skills for the G.M.

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1 Management and Supervision Skills for the G.M.

2 Employee turnover rates
The G.M. Sets the Pace G.M.s feelings & actions about issues will likely impact hotel staff attitudes about those issues. G.M.s personally direct only the work of department heads and, perhaps, relatively few other staff. G.M.s’ interaction with department heads directly impacts how they interact with their own staff. Influence Stress the importance of human relations in the hospitality industry, and explain how G.M.s can influence human relations between members, as well as between staff and guests. Human relations are defined as skills needed to understand and effectively interact with other people. Level of morale Desired product & service quality Employee turnover rates

3 G.M.s Must Manage: Organizational Levels
Top-Level Management (G.M.) Middle-Level Management (Department Heads) Supervisory-Level Managers (Supervisors/Managers) Entry-Level Employees Notice that the G.M. represents the highest management level on the property, and that he / she directs the work of middle-level managers. Of resources available, people (human resources) are the most complex and important for success!

4 G.M.s Must Manage: G.M. Functions
Management Function Examples of activity: Working with department head (if applicable) to: Planning Develop an operating budget or a marketing plan Organizing Assign responsibilities for an upcoming banquet or conference event Staffing Recruit, select, orient and train new department heads Directing Supervise the work of department heads Controlling Take corrective action(s) when budgeted financial plans are not attained Evaluating Assess the extent to which long- and short-range plans were attained Explain five different management functions and relevant examples of activity.

5 G.M.s Must Manage: G.M. Skills
Conceptual Ability to collect, interpret, and use information logically Learning about a new, competing hotel opening nearby and making future marketing decisions accordingly Ability to understand and interact well with guests, employees, suppliers, etc. Interpersonal Skills Administrative Ability to organize and direct required work efforts Ability to develop policies and operating procedures necessary for guest safety Ability to perform management-specific aspects of the job Forecasting guest demand for rooms and establishing room rates, etc. Technical Discuss the importance of four skills outlined for the G.M. Ask students to give three additional examples of each of these: conceptual, interpersonal, administrative and technical. Ask students how they can increase their skills in these areas.

6 G.M.s Must Manage: G.M. Relationships
Staff members Other hotel employees Yesterday: dictatorial leadership Today: facilitators Tomorrow: empowerment “Manage by walking around” G.M. External organization Others in community Participating in community social events Attending school & athletic events with their children Joining professional business and community service organizations Meeting with community government representatives Empowerment is defined as the act of granting authority to employees to make key decisions within those employees’ areas of responsibility. Discuss your students’ experiences in which an organization has empowered them; ask how they felt when this occurred, and how this impacted guest satisfaction. Ask students about times they wished they had been given such empowered, but were not (what happened?) How the hotel can meet and exceed guest expectations Guests

7 G.M.s Must Manage: G.M. Manage in Times of Change
Relative to their counterparts “yesterday” G.M.s must Interact with a more diverse workforce Emphasize teams rather than individual performance Cope with fast-paced technology changes Adjust to workplace changes (e.g., re-engineering, downsizing) React to global challenges Re-engineering is re-organizing hotel departments or work sections within departments. Improve quality while increasing productivity Improve ethical / social behaviors

8 Evolution of Traditional Hotel H.R. Practices
Contemporary Manager-focused work unit Team-focused work unit Manager is dominant Manager is supportive Emphasis on technical skills Emphasis on employee facilitation skills Manager seeks stability Manager encourages change Manager tells and sells personal views Manager listens Manager personally responsible for results Manager shares responsibility for results Manager personally solves problems Team problem-solving is employed Fear and pressure used to motivate staff Pride, recognition, and growth are used to motivate staff Autocratic (dictatorial) decision style Participative decision style Individual behavior Team behavior Ask students whether the trend of the G.M. acting as facilitator and/or team leader rather than as “boss” will continue in hotel human resources practices in the future. Give examples of autocratic and participative decision styles.

9 Evolution of Traditional Hotel H.R. Practices (continued…)
Contemporary G.M. forces compliance G.M. earns the team’s support What one says is inconsistent with what one does What one says is consistent with what one does Inconsistent “moments of truth” Consistent “moments of truth” Reactive management/supervision style Proactive management/supervision style Bureaucratic “rituals” Flexible routines Top down – one way communication Multi-directional communication Hierarchy of control Empowerment Power Consensus Short-term H.R. strategies Long-term H.R. strategies

10 Management Basics: Planning
Vision What the hotel will strive to be Mission Statement What the hotel must do to be successful and how this will be accomplished Long-Range Plan Hotel’s goal for long-range (e.g., five year) time span Short-Range (Business) Plan Hotel’s goal within a one-year time span Introduce Management Basics (planning, decision-making, organizing, delegation, communication flow, motivation) by explaining that they represent a range of strategies and tactics that G.M.s use to attain organizational goals. A strategy is a plan to achieve a long-range goal; a tactic is an action to attain a short-term objective. Share examples of vision and/or mission statements of prominent hospitality industry firms with students. Ask your students if they are familiar with the mission statement of the company/ies where they have (do) work; if many students are not well aware of the vision and/or mission statement of their current firms, encourage them to find out what they are if they exist. Operating Budget Anticipating revenues and expenses during short-range plan implementation Marketing Plan What must be done to generate revenues anticipated by the operating budget

11 Management Basics: Decision Making
Before making a decision Who is the correct person to make decisions? Will a decision about a specific issue bring the hotel closer to attaining objectives and goals? How will the decision affect guests? Is there only one acceptable alternative? How much time and effort can be spent on the decision? How does one’s experience help with decision making? Must the decision please everyone? What are the ethical aspects of the decisions? Give examples of programmed and non-programmed decisions. Stress that non-programmed decision methods present more challenges and opportunities for creativity than do non-programmed decision methods. Programmed decision Non-programmed decision Routine and repetitive decisions made after considering policies, procedures, or rules Infrequent decisions requiring creative decision making abilities

12 Management Basics: Decision Making Approach
Continuum of decision making Manager makes decisions unilaterally Traditional Manager makes decisions after input from others Recent Manager allows team to make decisions Contemporary Discuss three possible decision-making approaches: traditional, recent, contemporary.

13 Management Basics: Decision Making (continued…)
Advantages Disadvantages Considering broad range of information Generating more creative alternatives Whole team keenly aware of issues and problems Achieving higher morale Easier implementation Possible conflicts May be forced to “take sides” if alternative opinions are expressed Domination by staff members with strongest personalities Time-consuming Not applicable when fast decisions necessary Group decisionmaking process Do students agree with the advantages / disadvantages of the group decision-making process stated here? What are those? Discuss student group decision-making processes by considering their experiences at their school doing group projects; do students feel that they become involved in the team decision-making process at their current employers?

14 Management Basics: Organizing Principles
Unity of command Span of control Each employee should report or be accountable to only one boss for a specific activity Limit to how many staff members one supervisor can manage effectively Distribution of authority Types of authority Used by Example Advisory Staff managers Develop orientation program for all hotel employees Line Line managers (within departments) Hiring and firing employees within a specific department Functional Line managers (between departments) Executive housekeeper establishes table linen laundry schedule with F&B dept.

15 Management Basics: Delegation
Delegation benefits for the G.M. What work might be delegated by the G.M.? Allows the G.M. to do most important things first Effective process to train employees Allows more work to be accomplished Improves controls Work that others can do as well as the G.M. Work that is less important than other work Work that should be learned by more than one person Delegation is the process of assigning power to subordinates so they can do work which a manager at a higher organizational level would otherwise do.

16 Management Basics: Delegation (continued…)
Steps in effective delegation Organizational climate necessary for delegation Assign specific duties & responsibilities to employees Grant sufficient authority for carrying out assignments Supervisor & employees agree on expected results Communicate responsibilities to minimize confusion Managers make feedback system to measure progress

17 Management Basics: Flow of Communication
Multi-directional communication Managers/ Supervisors Department Heads (Executive committee) G.M. Employees Vertical Comm. Horizontal Comm. Distinguish between formal and informal communication channels. The grapevine is an example of an informal communication channel; note that often informal communication channels can be accurate and can be used to assess employee perceptions of the hotel’s “current events.” Vertical communication means communication between individuals which flows up and down throughout the organization, while horizontal communication relates to communication between individuals at the same organizational level. Formal channel (example): coaching Informal channel (example): grapevine / rumor mills

18 Management Basics: Motivation
Poorly motivated staff Inconsistent performance for required quality or quantity standards Guest dissatisfaction Increased operating costs More motivated employees’ leave Hotel suffers

19 Management Basics: Motivation (continued…)
Strategies to motivate employees Follow sound management advice Effective orientation Train correctly Manage a professional hotel Supervise as you want to be supervised Encourage effective communication Manage a friendly hotel Help your employees succeed

20 Management Basics: Leadership
Effective leaders will: implement the property’s Mission Statement have an objective & measurable “picture” of hotel’s desired future help others develop the knowledge and skills needed to attain hotel’s vision (e.g., orientation, training, and coaching) utilize the empowerment process develop team of staff committed to hotel’s success Coaching has a goal of helping staff members and the hotel team to reach their highest possible performance levels. achieve a reputation for quality service consistently delivered to guests cultivate a reputation for fairness and honesty

21 Management Basics: Discipline
Discipline: activities reinforcing desired performance or correcting undesired performance. Steps in a progressive discipline process Oral warning (no entry in employee’s record) Oral warning (entry in employee’s record) Written reprimand Progressive discipline is a process of negative discipline in which repeated infractions result in increasingly severe penalties. Suspension for specific number of days Discharge

22 To be a good team leader, the G.M. must
Team Building Tactics Self-directed team To be a good team leader, the G.M. must More control over work responsibilities Make work assignments within the team Schedule themselves Evaluate each other’s work Assign compensation increases Have high standards and expectations Support individual members and maintain trusting and respectful relationships Practice participative management and solicit input from members Demonstrate that own personal goals and individual team member goals should not be placed before team goals Share credit for team successes Contemporary management focuses on team behavior rather than upon individual behavior. Determine what concerns (if any) students have regarding self-directed teams.

23 G.M. Competencies G.M.s never have a daily routine; every day is different Actual daily activities undertaken by a G.M. vary from day-to-day & month-to-month as well as from property-to-property Daily involvement in guest relations are quite visible G.M. is on duty eight or more hours daily and is often on-call even when not on the property

24 G.M. Competencies: Employees
Possible interactions with employees: positive examples Daily conversations with long-term staff Learning employees’ suggestions about possible operating improvements Welcoming new staff to the team Congratulating personnel about significant events in their families’ lives Mentoring younger workers Following employees’ careers as they are promoted within the organization Providing non-job related advice when requested Observing employees at a company picnic enjoy themselves Observing staff who participate in community organizations/activities

25 G.M. Competencies: Employees
Possible interactions with employees: negative examples Disciplining or terminating staff Confronting staff known to be stealing Learning about illegal acts committed off-property by staff Assigning work responsibilities to cover “no show” employees Discovering employee “sabotage” Supervising staff violating hotel policies, requirements, and rules. Comforting an employee whose child has passed away Observing an intoxicated employee attempting to come to work Explaining to staff why they did not get promotions they sought

26 G.M. Competencies with Guests
Possible interactions with guests: positive examples Interacting with frequent guests Receiving spontaneous “Thank You Notes” from happy guests Observing hotel guests celebrate significant family / professional occasions Providing service / assistance to guests Receiving input from guests who genuinely want the hotel to be successful Interacting with guests as peers at community / professional meetings Providing accommodations to guests stranded by adverse travel conditions Receiving guest input about hospitable staff members

27 G.M.Competencies with Guests
Possible interactions with guests: negative examples Interacting with police called to hotel for disturbances or illegal guest activities Guest deaths in sleeping rooms or in the hotel’s public spaces Dealing with visibly intoxicated guests Preventing on-site prostitution Preventing guest theft of money, products and/or services from the hotel Preventing property vandalism Calming irate guests stranded by adverse travel conditions Discovering overt guest room damage

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