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BY: CHONG YEON 7DD GM FOODS Chong Yeon Tomato picture Title of the project size 40 font Century Gothic Name and class size 13 Century Gothic The footer.

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Presentation on theme: "BY: CHONG YEON 7DD GM FOODS Chong Yeon Tomato picture Title of the project size 40 font Century Gothic Name and class size 13 Century Gothic The footer."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY: CHONG YEON 7DD GM FOODS Chong Yeon Tomato picture Title of the project size 40 font Century Gothic Name and class size 13 Century Gothic The footer size 12 font century Gothic

2 INTRODUCTION In this presentation I will talk about the: Advantages Disadvantages Public Opinions My Opinion Reference Chong Yeon Title size 35 font Century Gothic Introduction picture Answers size 24 font Century Gothic Footer size 12 font Century Gothic

3 ADVANTAGES It saves the use of toxic chemicals. Prevents wasted crops. It could probably or maybe solve hunger. Can grow food in different conditions. Chong Yeon Title size 35 font Century Gothic Picture Footer size 12 and font Century Gothic

4 DISADVANTAGES Might gain the undesirable properties. Other organisms can be influenced by GM foods. Low quality products may be obtained. Beneficial foods that carry toxic effect genes can cause human illness. Chong Yeon Title Footer Picture

5 PUBLIC OPINIONS The public opinions who were the EMBO said that there was a debate going on about is GM foods good or bad. Few of the victims was misleading information from the non-governmental organization. Chong Yeon Title size 35 and font Public Century Picture Footer size 12 font Century Gothic

6 MY OPINION I think GM foods is bad because some beneficial food which holds toxic effects genes can cause human illness. Chong Yeon Title size 35 font Century Gothic Picture Footer size 12 and font Century Gothic

7 REFERENCE genetically-modified-foods/ genetically-modified-foods/ foods/568/disadvantages-of-genetically-modified- foods/ foods/568/disadvantages-of-genetically-modified- foods/ 7400285.html 7400285.html Chong Yeon Title size 35 font Century Gothic Picture Footer size 12 font Century Gothic

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