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Transition from Part C to Schools. Process Child Study- review of reports from infant service provider and information from parents. Pick evaluation components.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition from Part C to Schools. Process Child Study- review of reports from infant service provider and information from parents. Pick evaluation components."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition from Part C to Schools

2 Process Child Study- review of reports from infant service provider and information from parents. Pick evaluation components. Evaluations- complete evaluations needed for eligibility. Eligibility- review of evaluations and criteria for disability category.

3 What does the school based team need from Part C in order to make informed decisions during the transition process?

4 Providing families information The overall process. Difference between infant services/school service. Medical model vs.. educational model.

5 Child Study Autism screening- M-CHAT - reported on the IFSP. Description of sensory strategies. Teaching strategies - visual supports, transitions, adaptations/modifications. Atypical Development- descriptors. Information that would help the teams consider what testing may be necessary.

6 Eligibility Updated information on progress made during therapy sessions. Data on goals/objectives. Review of all evaluation information. Completion of Criteria Worksheets for suspected disability category(ies).

7 Individualized Education Program Present level of educational and functional performance (PLOP)- provide information on what is happening now: descriptive of specific strategies: object schedules, transitions, sensory activities/schedules. Goals/Objectives: based on information in the PLOP goals/objectives address current needs to strengthen the areas of documented delay.

8 IEP Adaptations/Modifications Provide information about what is currently being used with the child(ex. object schedule, choice board…). Gives the team a place to starting point with adaptations and modifications that have been successful. Helps with transition to school based services as the child starts with familiar and successful strategies.

9 Services Level of services - based on goals/objectives. Related services: Speech, OT, PT, Hearing, Vision- related to the educational program.

10 Least Restrictive Environment Initial transition services (34 CFR300.101(b) and 34 CFR 300.323(b)). a. In the case of a preschool-aged child with a disability, age two (on or before Sept. 30) through age five (on or before Sept. 30) whose parents elect to receive services under Part B of the Act, the local educational agency shall develop an IEP. b. The IEP team shall consider an IFSP that contains the IFSP content described under Part C of the Act (1431 et seq.) including:

11 LRE (1) A statement regarding natural environments, and (2) A component that promotes school readiness and incorporates pre-literacy, language, and numeracy skills. c. These components of the childs IFSP may be incorporated into the childs IEP.

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