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Created By : Kevin Xu.  One of Canada’s greatest Prime Minster  King is a very dedicated writer  A dairy of his life that he wrote contains over 30,000.

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Presentation on theme: "Created By : Kevin Xu.  One of Canada’s greatest Prime Minster  King is a very dedicated writer  A dairy of his life that he wrote contains over 30,000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Created By : Kevin Xu

2  One of Canada’s greatest Prime Minster  King is a very dedicated writer  A dairy of his life that he wrote contains over 30,000 pages (more than 7,500,000 words)

3  Born in December 17, 1874 in Berlin Ontario  Prime Minister and also the leader of the Liberal Party  Bachelor (unmarried)  Ran Prime Minister for 22 years  He Died on July 22, 1950 at the age of 75

4  King graduated from University of Toronto and Studied Economics at University of Chicago and Harvard.  In 1900, he became Deputy Minister of Labor.  King joins the Liberal party and wins a seat in the 1908 election.  In 1919, King was elected leader of the Liberal.

5  In 1944, King successfully negotiate the issue of conscription  King introduced Unemployment Insurances (1940) and Family Allowance(1944)  Unfortunately he died in 1950, less than two years after retiring.  King took advantage of the prosperity during the late 1920s to introduce old age pension and reduces war debts.  Led Canada through WW2

6  Old Age Pension 1926  First Canada government Deputy Minister of Labor  Avoided the depression after the war  Appointed Cairine Wilson as first woman senator

7  Unemployment Insurance 1940  National Resources Mobilization Act in 1940  Family Allowances Act 1944

8  King avoided the national crisis over conscription  He help reduce tariffs rates and war debts  He governed Canada during World War 2 and succeeded  Maintain the harmony between English Canadians and French Canadians during WW2  Helped survived the conscription that was suppose to split English and French lines.



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