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CD ROM review British Council „Learn English“ By L. Candrakova & D. Grezdova.

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Presentation on theme: "CD ROM review British Council „Learn English“ By L. Candrakova & D. Grezdova."— Presentation transcript:

1 CD ROM review British Council „Learn English“ By L. Candrakova & D. Grezdova

2 Technical criteria CD ROM Running program from CD ( directly) Installation is not needed Cooperation with Macromedia Flash and Real Player CD´s links have not been updated yet Some errors might occur We do not recommend for classroom activities

3 Practical Criteria Simple and clear from the beginning Easy to use, easy to work with No sounds, no video available Mouse and clicking on icons Too complicated for searching supporting external sites ( National Athems)

4 Motivačné kritéria Reakcia na program – rozpačitá Nepoužiteľné pre skupinu / triedu Neprehľadné, preplnené informáciami Potrebná neustála asistencia vyučujúceho

5 Vyučovacie parametre Obsah by korešpondoval najmä v sekcii gramatika, slovná zásoba ( existujú lepšie programy) Interaktívnosť veľmi nízka Získať nové vedomosti – určite, ale tvorivé rozvíjanie minimálne

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