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Stage 3. EQ’s/EU for today Stage 3: What do learners need, given the desired results? What is the best use of time spent in and out of the classroom,

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Presentation on theme: "Stage 3. EQ’s/EU for today Stage 3: What do learners need, given the desired results? What is the best use of time spent in and out of the classroom,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stage 3

2 EQ’s/EU for today Stage 3: What do learners need, given the desired results? What is the best use of time spent in and out of the classroom, given the performance goals? Why doesn't one size fit all? Who are you as a learner? What is differentiation? Curriculum tells us what to teach: Differentiation tells us how.

3 WHERETO W-WHERE is the unit headed and WHY? H-HOOK students in the beginning and HOLD their attention throughout. E-EQUIP students with the necessary experiences, tools, knowledge, and know-how to meet performance goals. R-Provide students with opportunities to RETHINK big ideas, REFLECT on progress, and REVISE their work. E-Build in opportunities for students to EVALUATE progress and self- assess. T-TAILOR activities to reflect individual talents, interests, styles, and needs. O-Be ORGANIZED to optimize deep understanding instead of superficial.

4 The Hook An activity that will “hook” students into the unit. Often the first activity. Provides an overview that is memorable. Mr. K example. Can you think of other examples? H.A.B.B.A.L.



7 Analogies for Learning Style Synthesis Beach ball learner Puppy learner Clipboard learner Microscope learner

8 What is my Learning Style? Take the Learning Style Survey a.Place a 2 by any statement that you completely agree with. b.Place a 1 next to any statement that you somewhat agree with. c.Place a 0 next to any statement that you disagree with.

9 Beach Ball 2-Yes, 1-Maybe, 0-No

10 Puppy 2-Yes, 1-Maybe, 0-No

11 Clipboard 2-Yes, 1-Maybe, 0-No

12 Microscope 2-Yes, 1-Maybe, 0-No

13 Characteristics of Beach Ball Learners Inventive and competitive with one’s self Value creativity and abstract thought/concepts Use feelings and information to guide and construct new ideas Philosophical and enjoy ‘Big Picture’ concepts Like application of ideas into broad terms Enjoy learning by doing, interacting and applying Typical Beach Ball Professions – teacher, writer, inventor, entrepreneur, psychologist, professor, doctor, journalist, coach, politician

14 Characteristics of Puppy Learners Like to work with imaginative ideas Value positive environments Work best in interactive/social environments Reflect on experiences and feelings Appreciate concrete ideas and social interaction when learning Typical Puppy Professions – nurse, social worker, psychologist, teacher, salesperson, real estate, artist – dramatic/visual, politician, athlete, management, telecommunications, coach

15 Characteristics of Clipboard Learners Focus on tasks Value relevant information that is directly applicable to a task Work best in structured environments Absorb information concretely and independently Enjoy organization, lists, order and direct information while learning Typical Clipboard Professions – lawyer, surgeon, researcher, mathematician, teacher, engineer, accountant, architect, computer engineer

16 Characteristics of Microscope Learners Like to analyze Read avidly to learn Appreciate lectures and labs Prefer to explore ideas and organize into their own order Work and learn independently Utilize stepwise procedures to solve problems Typical Microscope professions – scientist, researcher, lawyer, doctor, investigator/detective, professor, computer engineer, engineer, systems analyst


18 Which products will work best for each modality? 3 columns of choices Auditory Visual Tactile-Kinesthetic ON BLACKBOARD-DOCUMENTS

19 Eight Ways of Learning/Teaching Using the multiple intelligences to differentiate instruction. Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"): Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart") Spatial intelligence ("picture smart") Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart") Musical intelligence ("music smart") Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart") Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart") Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

20 What is Differentiation? It is “classroom practice that looks eyeball to eyeball with the reality that kids differ, and the most effective teachers do whatever it takes to hook the whole range of kids on learning. -Tomlinson (2001)

21 Comment from a course eval written by a 7th grader “I like this class because there’s something different going on all the time. My other classes, it’s like peanut butter for lunch every single day. This class, it’s like my teacher really knows how to cook. It’s like she runs a really good restaurant with a big menu and all.”

22 Differentiation is a synthesis of what research has taught us about how students learn best and how best to teach them. Curriculum and Instruction Educational Psychology Brain Research Motivation Best Teaching Practices from Special Ed Reading Gifted Education Etc.

23 DI: teacher’s response to learner’s needs

24 Through a variety of instructional strategies MI Jigsaw Organizers Varied Texts Lit Circles Learning Contracts

25 AND… Small Group Instruction Independent Study Questioning strategies Interest centers Varied homework Compacting Journal prompts

26 What should be diff. in a UbD unit? NOT DIFF.: Established goals, EU’s and EQ’s; DIFF: Performance Tasks, Other evidence, Lessons. PERHAPS DIFF.: Knowledge and Skills

27 Teaching Method/Retention (from National Training Labs; Bethel ME) TEACHING METHODRETENTION RATE Lecture5% Reading10% Audio-Visual20% Demonstration30% Discussion Group50% Practice by Doing75% Teach Others-Immediate Use of Learning 90%

28 Key Principles of A Diff. Classroom from The Differentiated Classroom by Carol Ann Tomlinson The teacher is clear about what matters in subject matter. The teacher understands, appreciates, and builds upon student differences. Assessment and Instruction are inseparable. The teacher adjusts content, process and product in response to student readiness, interests, and learning profile. All students participate in respectful work. Students and teachers are collaborators in learning. Goals of a diff. classroom are maximum growth and individual success. Flexibility is the hallmark of a diff. classroom.

29 Debrief

30 Homework Read Tomlinson and Armstrong articles on “Documents”. Submit a Discussion Board entry on this topic: (this should be about a page or around 500 words.) How do the theories of differentiated instruction and multiple intelligences impact the way we should design our instruction? Respond to at least two of your classmates. Email to Bill at least 5 lessons ready for next week.

31 3 X 5 What was the big point you learned in class today? What is the main unanswered question you leave class with today?

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