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Global Dimension Resources. Importance of Resources Global dimension covers such a vast area necessitates usage of range of material outside teacher’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Dimension Resources. Importance of Resources Global dimension covers such a vast area necessitates usage of range of material outside teacher’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Dimension Resources

2 Importance of Resources Global dimension covers such a vast area necessitates usage of range of material outside teacher’s existing knowledge and experience and expertise. Contested nature of many of the subjects and themes necessitates access to range of approaches and perspectives Methodology undertaken has to be more than mere transmission of knowledge- value judgements- different perspectives etc.

3 Role They Can Play Stimulate discussion and debate Give knowledge and information Provide range of perspectives and approaches Tools for learning Quality material

4 What makes a good resource? Global learning resources are not always good resources! Consider their quality through the following themes

5 Principles and Perspectives Does it develop understanding of global, economic, social and political issues? Does it make links between global issues and learner’s own experiences? Does it encourage exploration, involvement and action Does it show a range of perspectives?

6 Integrity Does the work state the source of information and data? Does it name real people and places, avoid generalities and ensure work is grounded in reality? Does it distinguish between opinion, fact and interpretation of evidence? Does it include and name voices from the South?

7 Balance Does it: acknowledge any inherent bias? acknowledge a range of legitimate views? make it explicit when a balanced view is not being given? clearly state interests of producers or sponsors? show evidence of co-operation with others? support the role educators in presenting balanced learning programmes?

8 Values and Attitudes Does it help explore values and develop responsible attitudes towards fellow citizens and the environment, from local to global level? Does it help learners to explore their own values in relation to others? Does it represent needs and values of different groups? Does it avoid stereotypes and combat prejudice?

9 Knowledge and Skills Does it help develop critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills? Does it enable learners to be more effective in bringing about change? Does it help develop communication and partnership skills?

10 User Centred Approach Does it allow for flexible use and differentiation Is it appropriate for the intended audience? Is it relevant to the curriculum? Is it easy to use? Does it include sources of support Does it encourage students to engage with the resources and take responsibility for their own learning

11 Need Is there a need for this resource for the target audience? Does it direct users to complementary resources?

12 Resource Development Is it inclusive, participative and has it drawn on appropriate educational expertise? Is there evidence of the participation of intended audience? Has there been use of appropriate expertise Have the producers chosen an appropriate medium?

13 Good Resources

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