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Introduction to Settings WEAVE: Assessment on Your Own Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Settings WEAVE: Assessment on Your Own Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Settings WEAVE: Assessment on Your Own Terms

2 Settings Scenarios

3 Scenario A: WEAVE Default Labels

4 A - WEAVE Assessment Using Default Labels


6 Scenario B: WEAVE on Your Own Terms

7 B - WEAVE Assessment on Your Own Terms

8 B – WEAVE On Your Own Terms

9 B - WEAVE Assessment on Your Own Terms ( adding Your Own Instructions)

10 B – Add Your Own Instructions

11 Scenario C: WEAVE at Another Level ABET

12 C – WEAVE At Another Level

13 C – Add Accreditation Terms or Other Custom Instructions

14 C1 - Report for Engineering

15 C2 - Report for English

16 WEAVE: Settings Scenario A – WEAVE Default Terms –Use the classic assessment model Scenario B – WEAVE On Your Own Terms –Tailor to your own language Scenario C – WEAVE At Another Level –Set language by program/unit, cycle, role + Custom Instructions with any scenario

17 Settings as a Process

18 Measure Twice, Cut Once (Understand Your Tools)

19 #1 – Basic Settings Begin with something familiar – a Label for a page you use in WEAVEonline. –Take a page worksheet and mark what you would like to tailor … for your institution and/or for a particular entity.

20 #1 – Simple Example

21 #2 – Basic Settings Find the location in Settings where that Label can be changed. –Become familiar with the Settings engine itself. –Think about where the Label appears and expand that location in Settings.

22 Where are Settings?

23 The Settings engine is a tree for working with settings. The five areas in Settings are the top tabs, plus WEAVEs Navigation (menus). WEAVEonline Administrators can filter by area or to only see Settings with data.

24 Getting Around in Settings Locate the area and expand to the correct section: –Assessment Annual Reports –Labels »Page Title

25 #3 – Basic Settings Check the location and enter your own setting (which will be seen immediately). –Read the Setting description. –Click the + to the right for the entry screen, which opens in place. –Carefully consider each part of the Setting (one or more entities, cycles, and/or roles)

26 Blank Page Title Entry Screen

27 New Page Title – Simple Example

28 Defined-at-Entity Default Retain this No if you always want this exact setting to show for everything in the cycle(s) and role(s) you are selecting.

29 Choose Yes if you want this setting to show for the cycle(s) and role(s) you are selecting, but you may allow altering the setting at other levels now or later. To Select an Entity, click the pull-down, which opens a collapsed Entity Tree. Choose to allow or limit inheritance.

30 #4 – Basic Settings After you save by clicking Insert, confirm the setting by making two checks: –Click the + to the left of the Setting to expand and see Data (text, Entity, Roles). –Go to page and cycle where your Page Title setting should actually show and make sure it is correct.


32 #5 – Intermediate Settings A more challenging example is a Label that is used in more than one place. A good one is Institutional Priorities. –Enter the Setting via the first area where it shows … in this case, in Admin Tools. –This Label occurs in several forms in the application, so this Setting calls for more.

33 #5 – Intermediate Example

34 The new Label shows in Admin Tools.

35 It also shows in Assessment and Reports.

36 #6 – Intermediate Settings Another example is challenging because it is easy to forget: –If you want a menu item to change for some tabs in Assessment and Mapping, the place to go to in Settings is Navigation. –Navigation changes will require a Refresh. –Note: not all menu items have a Setting since changes can cause Support confusion.

37 #6 – Intermediate Example

38 #7 – Intermediate Settings Often a page needs more than one change to Settings. –Re-envision what all is needed for the way you want to use the page. –Change one or more Labels. –Consider whether changing Page Title and/or Navigation, if available, is desirable.


40 #8 – Advanced Settings Here are two examples of advanced uses for Settings: –Approval Process Labels –Outcome/Objective Association Leaf Nodes

41 #8 – Approval Process Labels

42 #8 – Outcome/Objective Association Leaf Nodes Restrict = YesRestrict = No

43 #9 – Advanced Settings This is the WEAVE At Another Level Settings option, which can be used to develop multiple versions of a Setting for: –Different entities –Different cycles –Different roles Each change requires its own setting.

44 #9a – Advanced Example

45 #9b – Advanced Example

46 #9c – How is this different?

47 #9d – Different Labels for Entities in the Same Cycle vs.

48 #10 – Advanced Practice Custom Instructions allow you to do many things: –Insert your own directions for a section you have tailored to a use like Program Review. –Tell your users exactly what you want them to include as they write mission or measure. –Put key definitions at just the right location. –Give one or more examples of best practice.

49 #10 – Advanced Examples


51 #11 – Cautions It requires care to keep Settings for some sections in synch: –Analysis Questions (Admin Tools) –Analysis Answers; page title (Assessment) –Achievement Summary/Analysis (Navigation) –Annual Report Sections (Admin Tools) –Annual Report; page title (Assessment) –Annual / Special Reporting (Navigation)

52 #12 –Two Contexts Reports (and other pages) that you use in your work now will have two contexts: –The cycle and entity you selected prior to coming to Reports (Cycle + Entity context) –The new Settings pull-down that allows you to access WEAVE defaults whenever you wish (Settings context)

53 #12 – Contexts for Home Cycle + Entity context Settings context

54 #12 – Contexts for Reports Settings context Cycle + Entity context

55 #12 – Report for Your Own Settings


57 #12 – Report with WEAVEonline Defaults – no need for a Legend

58 Closing Tips for Settings: Settings are visible immediately, so it may be smart to try changes in a single test entity first. Use your browser Find command to highlight all settings that include a particular term (for example, Outcomes/Objectives). To see Navigation changes, click on the Reset hyperlink in the Settings engine (or log out). Remember consistency! There are terms such as Analysis Questions and Analysis Answers – to be consistent, you will need to change both.

59 For Further Information Settings Worksheet Settings Cheat Sheet Support 8:30-5 Eastern, M-F 1-877-219-7353

60 We invite you to explore the many ways to use WEAVE: Assessment on Your Own Terms!

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