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A centre of expertise in digital information UKOLN is supported by: UKOLN Workshop For NEMLAC: QA For Web Sites Brian Kelly UKOLN.

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Presentation on theme: "A centre of expertise in digital information UKOLN is supported by: UKOLN Workshop For NEMLAC: QA For Web Sites Brian Kelly UKOLN."— Presentation transcript:

1 A centre of expertise in digital information UKOLN is supported by: UKOLN Workshop For NEMLAC: QA For Web Sites Brian Kelly UKOLN University of Bath Bath, BA2 7AY Email URL

2 A centre of expertise in digital information 2 Approaches To Fixing Errors We've found errors on our Web site. What should we do? Fix the errors straight away Inform the page maintainer Do nothing – too many other more important things to do Do nothing – the Web site has been "published" and I don't rewrite history Do nothing – it's not my problem, it's a problem caused by the HTML authoring tool everyone uses …

3 A centre of expertise in digital information 3 A QA Approach Quality Control: Fixing errors Fire-fighting Quality Assurance (QA): Documented policies Systematic procedures for monitoring compliance Considering workflow processes Fixing processes so errors won't reappear Audit trails

4 A centre of expertise in digital information 4 QA Focus QA Focus: JISC-funded project to support JISC's Information Environment programme Supports project's QA procedures which help to ensure project deliverables are usable and interoperable Project deliverables are being repurposed to other communities

5 A centre of expertise in digital information 5 QA Focus Deliverables QA Focus Deliverables: Surveys Advisory documents Case studies Descriptions of tools Policies Self-assessment

6 A centre of expertise in digital information 6 Survey Findings Initial set of findings available from MG

7 A centre of expertise in digital information 7 Documentation: Advice Advisory briefing documents are being produced These are: Brief, focussed documents Informed by findings of the surveys Advisory briefing documents are being produced These are: Brief, focussed documents Informed by findings of the surveys MG

8 A centre of expertise in digital information 8 Documentation: Case Studies Case Studies are being commissioned These are: Written by projects themselves Describe the solution adopted to a particular problem Include details of lessons learnt – not just a press release! Case Studies are being commissioned These are: Written by projects themselves Describe the solution adopted to a particular problem Include details of lessons learnt – not just a press release!

9 A centre of expertise in digital information 9 Self Assessment Toolkit Further Deliverables We have developed a self-assessment toolkit The toolkit consists of: Examples of QA procedures Documented examples of use of testing tools Self-assessment questionnaires Advice on standards and best practices Case studies FAQs … MG

10 A centre of expertise in digital information 10 Useful Approach To Tools As an example of approach which provides easier access to testing tools, see the,tools approach deployed on UKOLN Web site. This approach: Applies to all resources on Web site Covers HTML and CSS validation and various other tests Some recursive apps (,rvalidate ) Easily implemented with single line redirect As an example of approach which provides easier access to testing tools, see the,tools approach deployed on UKOLN Web site. This approach: Applies to all resources on Web site Covers HTML and CSS validation and various other tests Some recursive apps (,rvalidate ) Easily implemented with single line redirect

11 A centre of expertise in digital information 11 Policies How do you know what you should do if you don't have documented polices? Policy: Web Standards Standard: XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.0 Architecture: Use of SSIs and text editor Exceptions: Automatically-derived files Checking: Use,validate after update Audit Trail: Use,rvalidate monthly and document findings Policy example You may find it useful to develop similar policies yourself – for example, a policy of the accessibility of your Web site

12 A centre of expertise in digital information 12 Application To Cultural Heritage Sector Issues: Is the QA Focus methodology applicable to your Web site? Are the QA Focus resources of use? What additional areas would you find useful?

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