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Operation of Subject Examination Boards Sarah Lane Senior School Manager, School of Law.

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Presentation on theme: "Operation of Subject Examination Boards Sarah Lane Senior School Manager, School of Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operation of Subject Examination Boards Sarah Lane Senior School Manager, School of Law

2 I.Membership & Organisation of Subject Examination Boards II.Purpose of Subject Examination Boards III.Operation, Introduction to Reports & Decision Making IV.What Happens When External Examiner is Absent

3 Membership & Organisation Members of Subject Examination Boards Relevant full time academic staff involved in delivery of programme External Examiner(s) Faculty Chief External Examiner Other persons as may be determined by Senate Dedicated administrative support provided by School Activities Requiring Subject Examination Board Undergraduate: Each level of Undergraduate Study Other levels: Must have a School board for each award or cognate group of awards

4 Membership & Organisation Annual Cycle of Events & Organisation of Subject Boards Minimum Expectations and Requirements o At least a month’s notice of the date of the Examination Board with provision of formal agenda a week prior to the Board. Good Practice o Typical good practice includes provision, early in the academic year, of an outline of the scheduled activity for the year. o Would include indicative dates of assessment periods for programme; indicative dates when assessment papers may be sent for consideration and any anticipated requirements relating to dates for return of items; scheduled dates of Examination Boards. o Would also include any broader programme specific information.

5 Purpose of Boards Purpose Defined in Regulation 9: Agree questions to be set. Consider Extenuating Circumstances and to make decisions or recommendations. Consider marks awarded and make recommendations to the University Board as to marks for each student for each module (FHEQ Levels 4, 5, 6). Consider the academic progress of students and to make recommendations as to progression, reassessment and awards (FHEQ Levels 4, 5, 6). Make recommendations for the award of University prizes. Practical Application of Requirement: Undergraduate Subject Examination Boards: Two stage process where subject Examination Boards make the prescribed recommendations to the University Board. Postgraduate Subject Examination Boards: Single stage process where subject Examination Boards agree both marks and award.

6 Operation, Reports & Decisions Activity & Reports Prior to the Boards: Significant activity prior to the Boards, typically involving correspondence with External Examiners following each assessment period. School will enter individual assessment items and calculate overall module marks. External Examiners typically should receive selection of papers in accordance with relevant University Regulation and these should be accompanied by a summary of the module marks for each module. Detailed in Regulation 8 that External Examiners should: “ see a sufficient number and range of papers and other assessed work from the whole group of students to be able to determine that the internal marking was appropriate and consistent, and be given the opportunity to see the scripts of all students on borderlines, or who are potential first class honours or failing students;”


8 Operation, Reports & Decisions Report AWD11 Used at Undergraduate Subject Examinations Boards. Provides summary of module results (mark, grade, credits, completed attempts) for modules undertaken at FHEQ Levels 5 and 6. Confirms o The route followed by each individual student o The credits awarded to each student at each stage of the programme, for the programme overall and for each element of the programme o The calculated aggregate mark, the intended award, and the calculated award and class

9 Operation, Reports & Decisions Report AWD11 Identifies candidates at the borderline of next highest degree classification o Standard algorithm for each classification includes three means of achieving the classification: HONS1, HONS2, HONS3 (applicable to students commencing FHEQ Level 4 prior to 2013/14). o Identification of borderline candidates is an automated process which highlights candidates on numerical basis and based on HONS1 and HONS2 only. o Borderline cases are not identified between Pass and 3 rd class honours. Subject Examination Boards are required to o Consider all borderline candidates and make a recommendation for each to the University Examination Board. o Recommendations should be on basis of academic judgment. o Marks should not be adjusted to achieve the higher classification. After the Board o Marks are agreed and recommendations confirmed with a School representative attending the University Examination Boards.


11 Operation, Reports & Decisions Report AWD01 Provides a summary of each candidate’s programme of study: o Modules followed, marks and credits awarded o Intended and calculated award, award mark, and classification Subject Examination Boards are required to o Consider and agree all marks o Consider and agree final awards, including classification of award Distinction = achieved an average mark of 70% over all FHEQ Level 7 modules, calculated in accordance with any weightings specified in course regulations, and a mark of at least 70% in the Masters dissertation. Merit = achieved an average mark of 60% over all FHEQ Level 7 modules, calculated in accordance with any weightings specified in the course regulations; and a mark of at least 60% in the Masters dissertation. After the Subject Examination Boards o Final agreed marks and awards are confirmed with central administration o Central administration undertaken final calculation of awards


13 When the External is Absent Head of School will be responsible for agreeing alternative arrangements with the Director of Planning and Academic Administration. o Would include confirmation that External Examiner has been adequately involved in process, including having received samples of assessments, provision of written confirmation of marks, arrangements for signing of final results sheets. External Examiners will provide written confirmation of marks together with details of any other observations or comments prior to the meeting of the board. Head of School will advise the meeting of the Board of the agreed arrangements and report any comments provided by the External. Following the meeting the results sheet will be sent to External Examiner for signature and return.

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