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Lead or be Led Laurence Mynors-Wallis Registrar West Midlands 10 May 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Lead or be Led Laurence Mynors-Wallis Registrar West Midlands 10 May 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lead or be Led Laurence Mynors-Wallis Registrar West Midlands 10 May 2013

2 Top College Priorities 1.Leadership 2.Recruitment 3.Do-able jobs 4.Revalidation 5.Outcomes 6.PbR 7.Commissioning

3 Leadership and Engagement

4 Our biggest leadership challenge ever Are we up for it? The nearer the management processes get to the patient, the more important it is for doctors to be seen as the natural managers. Sir Roy Griffiths 1983 There is little doubt that enhancement of the status of healthcare management and leadership as a profession is sorely needed. Robert Francis

5 Clinical Leadership + Clinical Decision Doing the Right Thing Evidence Based Medicine Process and Systems Doing Things Right Quality Improvement Good Patient Care


7 Leaders Need Followers

8 Leadership Styles  The innovative leader – inspire and communicate a shared purpose


10 Leadership Styles  The encouraging leader – protect morale and encourage others

11 Contented cows give better milk! Bill Catlette & Richard Hadden  A cow with a name produces more milk than one without (Newcastle University, Douglas & Rowlinson)  …and treating her as an individual  …increases annual milk yield by ~500 pints

12 Leadership Styles  The enabling leader – help others to deliver  The courageous leader – stand up, speak out and do what is right

13 Leadership Styles  Model good practice Be the change you want to see Gandhi

14 Why Leadership Matters

15 Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management  320 psychiatrists  Single largest group

16 The Professional Home for Medical Leadership

17 Be Human

18 Deliver Change  Clear task  Engage and discuss  Identify allies  Measure and celebrate success  Nuture supports

19 A new professionalism… abandon rights and privileges... focus instead on obligations to patients. and relationships with colleagues Don Berwick John Hunt Lecture 2008 - ‘Epitaph of professionalism’

20 “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty. As our case is new we must think anew and act anew…..” Abraham Lincoln



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