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EMMA LAYOUT 4.9.07. Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 ERLP EMMA RING EMMA layout is required to fit within equipment and emergency.

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Presentation on theme: "EMMA LAYOUT 4.9.07. Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 ERLP EMMA RING EMMA layout is required to fit within equipment and emergency."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMMA LAYOUT 4.9.07

2 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 ERLP EMMA RING EMMA layout is required to fit within equipment and emergency access routes from ERLP represented by green pathways INJECTION LINE DIAGNOSTICS BEAMLINE EMMA LAYOUT

3 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 Quadrupole x 4 Available from SRS Septum 72° New Dipole 60° & BPMs Quadrupole x 9 Available from SRS OTR Screen in ERLP Screen or WS Kicker INJECTION LINE Quadrupoles x 2 in ERLP New Dipole 30° Screen New Dipole 30° Window ? Wall Current Monitor ? or Faraday cup at spectrometer 2 New Quadrupoles Screen or MWS & BPM Pumping Spectrometer Screen & Faraday cup Vacuum valve

4 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 EMMA RING Septum 72° Kicker Kicker power supplies Cavity x 19 Septum 72° Kicker Kicker power supplies Screen Wire Scanner Resistive Wall Monitor Wire Scanner Screen BPM x 84 D Quadrupole x 42 F Quadrupole x 42 Vertical Corrector x 16 Girders x 7 Cavity location or next cell ? Cavity location or cell before ?

5 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 DIAGNOSTIC BEAMLINE PHASE 2 Quadrupole x 3 available from SRS New Dipole 21° & BPMs Screen or WS Screen x 4 New Quadrupole x 12 Vacuum valve Transverse Deflecting Cavity Dipole 30° available from SRS Spectrometer Screen F/Cup

6 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 ScreenSpectrometer Screen F/Cup Screen or WS New Dipole 21° & BPMs Quadrupole x 3 available from SRS New Quadrupole x 12 DIAGNOSTIC BEAMLINE PHASE 1

7 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 ERLPEMMA window location ? INJECTIONINJECTION Work in progress

8 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 INJECTIONINJECTION

9 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 INJECTIONINJECTION

10 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 INJECTIONINJECTION

11 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 INJECTIONINJECTION

12 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 EXTRACTIONEXTRACTION To dipole & dump Diagnostics line – Phase 2 To dipole & dump Phase 1: –No deflecting cavity –No Tomography –Quadrupole scan & dipole –→ Emittance measurement & energy spread Phase 2: –Deflecting cavity –Tomography –~ 10 extra quadrupoles –→ Emittance, slice emittance, energy spread, slice energy spread, bunch length Diagnostics line Phase 1:

13 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 EXTRACTIONEXTRACTION To dipole & dump Diagnostics line – Phase 2

14 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 EXTRACTIONEXTRACTION

15 Neil Bliss, Bruno Muratori EMMA LAYOUT - EC Meeting 4.9.07 EXTRACTIONEXTRACTION

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