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Starter – Recap Explain what the following mean and why you would use these measurements to asses an individuals health and well being: BMI Peak Flow Blood.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter – Recap Explain what the following mean and why you would use these measurements to asses an individuals health and well being: BMI Peak Flow Blood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter – Recap Explain what the following mean and why you would use these measurements to asses an individuals health and well being: BMI Peak Flow Blood Pressure Pulse rate Liver Function test Cholesterol levels Blood glucose levels

2  To analyze the responses in your health questionnaires to identify the key needs of your patient: You must refer to : Physical, Socioeconomic, Health and Lifestyle factors and PIES.  To create a care plan according to your patient’s the health and wellbeing needs using SMART Targets  To evaluate and explain why your care plan meets your clients individual health & wellbeing needs.

3  Care plans are used to enable an individual to access the help that they need and become independent. The aim of a care plan is to enable a service user to gain empowerment over their own lives and develop a strong sense of self worth and a high self esteem.

4  When creating a care plan, targets have to be set and evaluated.  Targets must be SMART  What does this mean?

5 Use the pages of your book (p68/69) to demonstrate your understanding of “Smart Targets” (P3) Assessment) You are going to answer some questions to show you understand what is meant by smart targets:

6  When creating a care plan, targets have to be set and evaluated.  Targets must be SMART  What does this mean? S M A R T

7 Read page 68 and 69 and then answer the following (Individually). 1. Explain the meaning of each of the letters in the acronym SMART. 2. Explain the process of putting together care plans (or action plans) in health and social care. 3. What are the features of a good action or care plan? 4. Why is it important to monitor and review targets on a care plan?

8  You must now use the information that you have collected in the questionnaire to write a statement outlining the individual’s everyday health and well being needs.  Then go on to produce a care plan for your service user, this should include 3 needs and targets with short, medium and long term interventions. YOU MUST USE SMART TARGETS when devising your care plan.  You must include a column to indicate the evaluation that will take place to ensure that the needs and targets are met.  Use may the template provided on next slide to help you

9 DateNeedActionTargetEvaluation 21/5/12 Sue needs support with losing weight as according to BMI index she is classed as clinically obese. This has had an impact on her health – see need below and self confidence Make appointment with Nutritionist and health adviser for diet plan and fitness plan Aim for Sue according to diet plan regime to lose 1 kilo per week and start some gentle walking exercise of 20 mins 3 times per week. By 10/6/12 Sue will have met with both nutritionist and health adviser and already be following her new diet plan with planning and shopping advice. Sue will also have started her light exercise regime and be feeling a bit healthier.

10  Are each of the targets SMART?  Would the service user be able to follow this plan?  Would they know HOW they will achieve their targets?  If you are sure your care plan meets all the criteria above then you can move on to M1 and D1On the next slide.......

11  Answer the following question in a word document..  Explain how the achieving the targets will meet the individuals health needs and wellbeing (PIES).  How does the plan take in to account the individuals personal circumstances and preferences, give examples.  Explain the possible difficulties that the individual may encounter and suggest how these will be overcome.

12  SMART Targets  Care Plans  Evaluation  Effort  Achievement Have you met your LO? To analyze the responses in your health questionnaires to identify the key needs of your patient: You must refer to : Physical, Socioeconomic, Health and Lifestyle factors and PIES. To create a care plan according to your patient’s the health and wellbeing needs using SMART Targets To evaluate and explain why your care plan meets your clients individual health & wellbeing needs.

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