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Unit 8: Promoting Health and well Being Lesson 2 Wednesday 14 th September 2011 Lessons 1 and 2.

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1 Unit 8: Promoting Health and well Being Lesson 2 Wednesday 14 th September 2011 Lessons 1 and 2

2 Lesson 1 Objective Complete the introductory part of your report stating the following; The topic and user group Demographic data with references to back up your choices. Links to race, socio economic groups and geographical locations. Links to legislation and government targets.

3 What is Health? According to the WHO (world Health organisation)1946 “Health is a sate of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease and infirmary” “Health is a sate of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease and infirmary” What does this mean?

4 Your Role Your Role as a Health Care promoter is: Raising Public awareness Providing Advice Promote Services Available Organise Events Collate Results and measure success

5 Different Health promotions NHS Cervical Screening programme Smoking ban in public places Free portions of fruit for primary children World AIDS day Pink ribbon breast cancer awareness Find out about one of these promotions and answer the following… Is this promotion targeting a specific group or the whole society? What were its aims? What factors may have influenced it’s success? Has it saved lives/did it work? Use quotes and data to back up your responses.

6 Who will help you promote? You will need to state the how you will get your health promotion to the public. International organisations such as OXFAM and WHO (world health organisation) and UNICEF work to bring information and to the public and to educate vulnerable individuals. As your promotion is regional these would not best promoters to use. Other organisations could include the police, local schools, local councils, doctors surgeries and voluntary organisatios.

7 Concerns Expressed by the Public You will need to do some market research in order to understand how individuals in your target group perceive your promotion topic, what are their concerns? What do they know already? Devise a questionnaire to find this information, write a brief hypothesis (estimate your findings).

8 The media The media is responsible for a great deal of public awareness in Health Care. Many lives have been saved because of media coverage such as meningitis and sexual health and AIDS campaigns. However, the media can damage public perception and cause fear when they report on controversial topics, a good example of this would be the link between the MMR vaccination and Autism. This case and others like it have forces service users to become consumerist and research treatments and their dangers independently. This can lead to public health difficulties.

9 Task Discuss the following points in a group and feedback to the class. Is it the duty of the press to provide balanced reports (positive and negative)? If like the MMR the evidence is overwhelmingly one way, how should the media represent the issue? Are the public able to understand the difference between real research and a headline? Should politicians and role models lead the way in restoring public confidence and promote good health?

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