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Equality & Diversity What the Data Tells Us 2010/11.

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Presentation on theme: "Equality & Diversity What the Data Tells Us 2010/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality & Diversity What the Data Tells Us 2010/11

2 Data Outline Equality Challenge Unit Publications: Equality in Higher Education Statistical Report 2011 Part 1: Staff Equality in Higher Education Statistical Report 2011 Part 2: Students 279 data tables relating to staff and students covering Gender Ethnicity Disability Age Multiple Identities 2

3 Data Outline 3 StaffStudents Key facts and figures Occupational group Profile over time Contract Type Professors Senior Managers Academic Departments Academic contact type Salary Academic salary range Key facts and figures Profile over time Subjects Continuation rates Degree attainment Leavers

4 Heriot-Watt Data Mirrors the ECU Statistical Reports Part 1: Staff and Part 2: Students Is retrieved from the Higher Education Statistical Agency returns for staff and students Provides helpful baseline information for benchmarking and developing Equality Outcomes Does not cover all Protected Characteristics Not ALL 279 data tables used (some are replicas tables) All HWU data is for Academic Year 2010/11 4

5 Heriot-Watt Data  The presentation outlines what the data tells us  The data raises questions rather than providing answers  There is a need for ‘diagnosis’ and further discussion around the context behind some of the data  Equal pay data is available but not included 5

6 Data Summary  The Data shows is that in many respect HWU is very like the national HEI  Some of the data refers to small numbers BUT that doesn’t mean its insignificant  Some of the trend data (specifically students) tell us that if we want to change…we need to do something different! 6

7 Headline issues… 7 There is a strong case for prioritising gender related issues across academia with a STEM focus Less females in research related roles Less females enrolling in SET focused subjects Static student intake data over time Should we do more to support UK- Domiciled BME students to reach their full potential BME students less likely to achieve 1 st and 2:1 than the national picture - BUT small numbers within the data How do we address the support needs of Disabled Staff and Students within a shrinking funding environment? Significant growth in numbers not qualifying for DSA and likely increase in support needs Very low staff disclosure means some staff are without adequate support We show that the age profile of our staff is similar to the National picture but we’re different when it comes to our students What opportunities does our age range provide HWU for growth of student intake? Does this link to the WP agenda?

8 Gender: Staff 8 % Male and Female Staff MaleFemale UK46%54% Scotland46%54% HWU53%47% Heriot-Watt has a lower % of females overall in the staff population than both the UK and Scottish totals The following tables examine this more closely

9 Gender: HWU Staff Top 3 Occupational Staff Distribution by gender 9 MaleFemale 1 st Academic Professional480 (52%)1 st Academic Professional172 (21.4%) 2 nd Laboratory, engineering, building IT and medical technicians 116 (12.5%) 2 nd Cleaners, catering assistants, security officers, porter and maintenance 146 (18.2%) 3 rd Non-academic professional109 (11.8%)3 rd Non-academic professional128 (15.9%) The table shows the most populated roles for males and females at HWU Occupational segregation demonstrated by: The significantly lower %of females within academic professional category high % of females in cleaner/catering roles

10 Gender: HWU Staff Full time staff by occupation (HESA defined) and gender 10

11 Gender: All HEIs Staff by Occupational Group and Gender 11

12 Gender: HWU Staff Part time staff by occupation and gender 12

13 Gender: HWU Staff Academic and Professional Gender Profile 2003- 2010 13

14 Gender: All HEI Staff: Academic and Professional Gender Profile 2003- 2010 14

15 Gender: HWU Staff All staff by activity and terms of employment and gender 15

16 Gender: HWU Staff Academic staff by employment function and gender 2010/11 16

17 Gender: All HEI Staff Academic staff by employment function and gender 2010/11 17

18 Gender: HWU Staff Number of academic staff by mode of employment, SET marker and gender 2010/11 18

19 Gender: HWU Students by Mode of study and gender 19

20 Gender: All HEIs Students by Mode of study and gender 20

21 Gender: HWU Students Number of students by level of study, mode of study and gender 21

22 Gender: HWU Students 22

23 Gender: All HEI Students 23

24 Gender: HWU Students by Academic year and gender 24

25 Gender: HWU Students by SET subject areas and gender 2010/11 25

26 Gender: All HEI Students by SET subject areas and gender 2010/11 26

27 Gender: HWU Students First degree UG qualifiers obtaining degrees by degree class, SET subject and gender 27

28 Gender: All HEI Students First degree UG qualifiers obtaining degrees by degree class, SET subject and gender 28

29 Ethnicity: HWU Staff Number of staff by nationality and ethnicity marker 2010/11 29

30 Ethnicity: All HEI Staff Number of staff by nationality and ethnicity marker 2010/11 30

31 Ethnicity: HWU Staff UK and Non-UK national academic staff by contract type and BME/White identity 31

32 Ethnicity: All HEIs Staff UK and Non-UK national academic staff by contract type and BME/White identity 32

33 Ethnicity: HWU Staff Number of academic staff by mode of employment, SET marker and ethnicity 2010/11 33

34 Ethnicity: HWU Students UK Domiciled students by Mode of study and BME marker – known ethnicity 34

35 Ethnicity: All HEI Students UK Domiciled students by Mode of study and BME marker – known ethnicity 35

36 Ethnicity: HWU Students UK domiciled students by Academic year and BME marker 36

37 Ethnicity: HWU Students UK Domiciled students by level of study, mode of study and BME marker 2010/11 37

38 Ethnicity: HWU Students UK Domiciled 1 st degree UG qualifiers obtaining classified degrees by SET marker, BME marker and class of degree 2010/11 38

39 Ethnicity: All HEI Students UK Domiciled 1 st degree UG qualifiers obtaining classified degrees by SET marker, BME marker and class of degree 2010/11 39

40 Disability: HWU Staff All staff by disability status 40 No Known Disability and missing disability info Declared disability TotalStaff with missing disability info No.% % % 170298.2271.61729603.4 Due to low disclosure national comparator information isn’t too helpful However, our data does help us to identify possible areas for future activity

41 Disability: HWU Staff Headline Information 41  HESA collects on a range of specific disabilities  Largest number of disabled staff disclose ‘other type of disability’ – 63% (17 staff)  Long-standing illness or health condition – 25.9% (7 staff)  Specific learning disability - 7.4% (2 staff)  Highest proportion of staff with a declared disability within full time Professional and Support Staff  27 overall declared disability 16 staff members within Professional and Support area

42 Disability: HWU Students Students by academic year and disability status 42

43 Disability: HWU Students Students by level of study, mode of study and disability status 2010/11 43

44 Disability: HWU Students UK Domiciled students by SET marker, subject area and disability status 2010/11 44

45 Disability: HWU Students Students in receipt and not in receipt of DSA 45 Q. What kind of support are we providing for those not in receipt of DSA?

46 Disability: HWU Students Student Degree Attainment  70% of disabled students achieved 1 st or 2:1  30% of disabled students achieved 2:2 or 3 rd 46

47 Age: HWU Staff Age Profile of All Staff 2010/11 47

48 48 Age: All HEI Staff Age Profile of All Staff 2010/11

49 Age: HWU Staff Professional and support staff by activity and terms of employment and age 49

50 Age: All HEI Staff Professional and support staff by activity and terms of employment and age 50

51 Age: HWU Staff Academic staff by activity and terms of employment and age 51

52 Age: All HEIs Staff Professional and support staff by activity and terms of employment and age 52

53 Age: HWU Students All Students by academic year and age group 53

54 Age: All HEI Students All Students by academic year and age group 54

55 Age: HWU Students Student by level of student and age 55

56 Age: All HEI Students Student by level of student and age 56

57 Key Messages from the data Gender Higher number of males in females in Professorial roles Female academic ‘drop off’ in research related roles Reasonably static student entrance figures for males and females since 2003 Disability  Low levels of disability declaration for both staff and students  Growth in number of disabled students not in receipt of DSA – could have financial implications for HWU 57

58 Key messages Ethnicity  Most staff from a White background ( same for UK and non UK national)  Most UK domiciled students from White backgrounds  Attainment levels of UK domiciled BME students is lower in SET areas for HWU and lower than the national average Age Pretty similar picture for HWU staff as nationally – but less ‘younger’ academics Age profile of our students is interesting, high number of ‘Other UG’ in the 22-25 age range – could require more analysis 58

59 What next? The data raises more questions than answers and provides us with helpful starting points for developing our Equality Outcomes and making links to the University Strategy: There is a strong case for prioritising gender related issues across academic and focusing on SET Less females in research related roles Less females enrolling in SET focused subjects HWU to increase research intensification and increase no. of PhD students… how can we use this opportunity? Should we do more to support UK- Domiciled BME students to reach their full potential BME students less likely to achieve 1 st and 2:1 than the national picture - small numbers but this could link to the support we might put in place for WP? How do we address the support needs of Disabled Staff and Students within a shrinking funding environment? Significant growth in numbers not qualifying for DSA and likely increase in support needs Very low staff disclosure means some staff are without adequate support We need to do something different…Student Enrolment data, HR data cleaning, Census We show that the age profile of our staff is similar to the National picture but we’re different when it comes to our students What opportunities does our age range provide HWU for growth of student intake? Does this link to the WP agenda? 59

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