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1 Project X Proton Driver David Neuffer September 2011.

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1 1 Project X Proton Driver David Neuffer September 2011

2 20utline  Introduction  Proton Driver history  Mission  Project X  Overview  3GeV cw Linac multiple output options  3  8 GeV pulsed linac extension to 4MW for Neutrino Factory/ Muon Collider  3  8 GeV variations  FFAG  Discussion

3 Introduction  Since ~1995, Fermilab has identified an upgrade for the 8GeV Booster as its next major accelerator project  intensity, reliability, …  Various versions suggested  ~2GeV linac +16 GeV RCS ?  8GeV 800MHz SRF linac ? Foster  1300 MHz (use ILC)  Project X  ICD-1 configuration 8GeV pulsed SRF Linac ~ILC SRF/ Use 8GeV Recycler  Too expensive for DoE? 1MW 8GeV beam ? 3

4 Sergei Nagaitsev,Univer. 4

5 5 Project X mission and design (S. Nagaitsev et al.)  Mission goals 1.Provide 8 GeV beam to Main Injector for 2MW+ NUMI/NOvA/DuSEL expts. 2.Provide high-intensity medium-energy beams for fundamental process experiments 3.Provide a platform that can be extended to neutrino factory/muon collider applications (4MW ?) 4.ADS, nuclear physics, …  CD-2  Centerpiece is 3GeV CW linac

6 Current Design Layout  3 GeV CW linac  650MHz rf  1ma, 3MW  feeds experiments and  3  8 GeV Linac  1300MHz “ILC” cavities  5% duty factor, 10Hz, 0.3MW  feeds Recycler/ Main Injector for DuSEL 6 3 GeV CW Linac 3  8 GeV pulsed Linac

7 Project X vs. other facilities Sergei Nagaitsev,Univer. of D0, May 5, 2011 7

8 Project X 3-GeV beam is cw  Key innovation is cw linac + rf splitter (like CEBAF) to serve many users  To form time structure add chopper at injector  (162.5 MHz RFQ with 5ma H - source ) ~2×10 8 /bunch  arbitrarily kick out individual bunches at 2.5 MeV 8 1500MHz beam  500MHz in each exp

9 9 Chopping and splitting for 3-GeV experiments Separation scheme Ion source and RFQ operate at 4.2 mA -162.5MHz 75% of bunches are chopped at 2.5 MeV after RFQ Transverse rf splitter 1 MHz pulses 10 MHz pulses 20 MHz pulses 0.75MW 1.5MW 40.6 MHz deflector

10 Linac Systems overview 10  =0.11  =0.22  =0.4  =0.61  =0.9 325 MHz 2.5-160 MeV  =1.0 1.3 GHz 3-8 GeV 650 MHz 0.16-3 GeV SectionFreqEnergy (MeV)Cav/mag/CMType SSR0 (  G =0.11) 3252.5-1018 /18/1SSR, solenoid SSR1 (  G =0.22) 32510-4220/20/ 2SSR, solenoid SSR2 (  G =0.4) 32542-16040/20/4SSR, solenoid LB 650 (  G =0.61) 650160-46036 /24/65-cell elliptical, doublet HB 650 (  G =0.9) 650460-3000160/40/205-cell elliptical, doublet ILC 1.3 (  G =1.0) 13003000-8000224 /28 /289-cell elliptical, quad CW Pulsed RFQ 162.5 MHz or 325 0-2.5MeV

11 650 MHz cavities,cryomodules 11 650 MHz: β=0.61650 MHz: β=0.9

12 3  8GeV for Main Injector  3  8 GeV pulsed Linac  or RCS (FFAG?)  want 2+ MW at 60/120 GeV/ for DuSEL/ NOvA/…  0.75/1.33s cycles  ~26ms-ma/pulse  too much for stripper?  Inject 6 ~4ms pulses into 8 GeV Recycler  10Hz Linac  0.6s  transfer to Main Injector  ~320 kW maximum output power 12

13  162.5 /325 MHz must be chopped to fit 50MHz rf for Main Injector  ~3/5 bunches accepted  Injection requires “painting” to reduce foil hits and match into transverse acceptance 13

14 Upgrade to 4MW (for NF/MC) ?  Upgrade cw Linac to 5ma  15 MW peak power  run at 10% duty cycle  Increase pulsed linac duty cycle to ~10%  8GeV × 5ma × 10% = 4MW  Run at 15 Hz (6.7ms injection/cycle)  matches NF/MC scenarios  Chop at 50% for bunching  source/RFQ  10ma  Need Accumulator,  Compressor to bunch beam 14

15 Need 15/60 Hz bunches  Add Accumulator and Compressor Rings  ~8GeV rings  Accumulator captures and bunches beam 2×10 14 p, h=4  Compressor: ¼ phase rotate to short bunch (combine onto target for MC)  Challenges  stripping injection: foil melts ?  Lattice design large acceptance, δp/p  FMC lattice (Alexhin)  FFAG ?? 15 ParameterAccumulatorCompressor Circumference300m Transition γ t 4.011.3 Slip factor η=1/γ t 2 -1/γ 2 0.051-0.0032 rf voltage V rf 4.0kV120kV bunches (h) 4 4 Accumulator: σ = 6.5m From Linac: σ = 11m Compressor: σ = 0.5m

16 Current Status  Proposal Development and R&D  SRF development  325 MHz Cavity design, construction tests  650 MHz  MOU with Jlab for 2  =0.6 cavities  Order for six  = 0.9 cavities in industry  partnerships with India  1300 MHz ~ILC cavities and cryomodules  PXIE – Front End test stand  ~First 10 MeV of linac (~40m)  RFQ, Wide band Chopper + initial 325 MHz rf  Workshops for Mission need  Construction status:  Still waiting for CD-0 16

17 17 3  8 GeV Alternative?  Use 3GeV: ~cw 1ma injector  avoid 5ma upgrade ?  3  8 GeV FFAG  similar to IDS FFAG  Challenge to Workshop : Develop FFAG scenario for project X  Leo Jenner, J. Pasternak will discuss options  Would like scenario that can:  start with driver for Main Injector  upgradeable to 4MW (15/60Hz) with bunch compression for NF/MC  be clearly more affordable than 3  8 GeV Linac + rings + …

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