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Professor Craig Mahoney Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

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1 Professor Craig Mahoney Deputy Vice-Chancellor





6 2009200820072006 The teaching on my course 1. Staff are good at explaining things.87908587 2. Staff have made the subject interesting.77807276 3. Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching.828580 4. The course is intellectually stimulating.78827580 Assessment and feedback 5. The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance.72787274 6. Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair.70766971 7. Feedback on my work has been prompt.61644652 8. I have received detailed comments on my work.65685661 9. Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand.57614954 Academic support 10. I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies.74786971 11. I have been able to contact staff when I needed to.808578 12. Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices.70756467 Organisation and management 13. The timetable works efficiently as far as my activities are concerned.75767169 14. Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively.68696160 15. The course is well organised and is running smoothly.69706058 Learning resources 16. The library resources and services are good enough for my needs.878982 17. I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to.88908886 18. I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities, or rooms when I needed to.76787170 Personal development 19. The course has helped me to present myself with confidence.79807574 20. My communication skills have improved.82838082 21. As a result of the course, I feel confident in tackling unfamiliar problems.788074 Overall 22. Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course80847779

7  L3.03 Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (Physiotherapy)  L3.11 Other Subjects Allied to Medicine (Occupational Therapy; Geography & Environmental Management)  L3.12 Biology  L3.25 Chemistry  L3.37 Mechanical, Production & Manufacturing Engineering  L3.41 Civil Engineering FT & PT  L3.48 Building PT  L3.60 Law  L3.61 Business Studies FT  L3.62 Marketing  L3.69 Media Studies (English & Film Studies; Media Production)  L3.98 Drama  L3.99 Dance

8  L3.18 Sports Science  L3.35 Computer Studies FT & PT  L3.96 Design Studies  L3.40 Electronic and Electrical Engineering  L3.47 Architecture  L3.52 Economics  L3.100 Cinematics & Photography

9 6 - Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair 7 - Feedback on my work has been prompt 8 - I have received detailed comments on my work 9 - Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand 12 - Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices 13 - The timetable works efficiently as far as my activities are concerned 14 - Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively 15 - The course is well organised and is running smoothly

10  Prepare a new University Action Plan  Share good practice between Schools & subject areas  Provide students with detail on how previous responses have been handled  Ensure student concerns are heard & resolved  Publicise the NSS to students and staff, making everyone aware of the questions and what they mean  Encourage NSS responses – [ VOLUME = POSITIVITY ]  Prize strategies?  Campaigns with Student Union, Registry & Schools


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