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Becoming a Senior Fellow at The Open University Ann Pegg Contact:

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming a Senior Fellow at The Open University Ann Pegg Contact:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming a Senior Fellow at The Open University Ann Pegg Contact:

2 My role Academic Lead for student employability Developing policy; reviewing practice; developing practice; research and scholarship Staff development for Associate Lecturers, Central Academics and other student facing staff (Careers Service, Library) Forward looking, grounded in research and understanding about the student experience

3 The OU OpenPAD route An online resource supporting a professional inquiry For all staff engaged in teaching and learning ( in design, with students) Resource structured around the UKPSF Self evaluation about the level (Associate to Principal) of submission Takes six months to one year; option to submit to the panel twice each year.


5 Thinking about my inquiry The key element – generating a question about my own practice Working at the level of the whole university – a question that relates to my practice in teaching and learning How can a whole institutional policy for student employability be developed and supported when all individual OU students are unique?

6 Pulling together my thoughts Reviewing my activities over time Setting up some focused research Where is the theory? Matching activities to a ‘grid’ of UKPSF Thinking about leadership in my role and in the context of my practice Where is the theory here? How far have I got in answering the question ?

7 Writing and reflecting No Format ! Needs time - reading, reflecting, data and review Is always in relation to the question being addressed May not have a ‘neat’ answer Not all changes to practice result in measurable success

8 What next? Draws together thoughts for further research Establishes solid ground for ones own leadership and direction Enables job applications and career moves Sets up further questions about evidence for practice and impact

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