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AS Music Unit 2: Composing.

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1 AS Music Unit 2: Composing

2 The elements Composition Sleeve note
There are two elements to this unit Composition Sleeve note To achieve this you are allocated 15 hours composition 1 hour sleeve note

3 Composition Composition can broadly be divided into ‘research and preparation’ and ‘writing’, with only the time spent on the writing part of the process counting towards the maximum 15 hours.

4 Research You can do this at any time out
You can do this outside of college Making sketches Improvising This may include Taking notes Learning software Experimentation Listening to music Studying the brief

5 Writing Research is done in your time Writing is done in college time
You will be supervised under exam conditions Your music cannot leave the college You have 15 hours during term 2

6 Recording Your work must be recorded
The time for this lies outside the 15 hours Your performance can be a live recording Your performance can be computer generated Edexcel suggest if your work is a live recording this should be recorded before the 15 hours writing time has expired This will allow you time for revision

7 Sleeve Note You are allocated one hour
You will be supervised under exam conditions






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