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Country report (Spain). Introduction The research was conducted in San Sebastián during the first quarter of 2012. Respondents to the questionnaire included.

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1 Country report (Spain)

2 Introduction The research was conducted in San Sebastián during the first quarter of 2012. Respondents to the questionnaire included a number of governmental, non governmental and academic groups and represented a broad range of opinions and points of view. Most of the groups contacted agreed that the community was largely unaware of the concept of the “Age-friendly City” and they also expressed a great deal of interest in hearing about the results of the research. We would like to express our gratitude to the Strategic Planning Office of San Sebastián and thank them for facilitating our access to a number of town council departments and for the support they provided us with throughout the research project.

3 Local background 1.1 Participation in the World Health Organization’s “Age-friendly Cities” Project. Donostia-San Sebastián became involved in the “Age-friendly Cities” Project in 2008 and part of the network in June 2010, it was the first Spanish city. The San Sebastián Office for Strategic Planning oversees the project and receives specialized support from the Foundation Matía Group. The first phase, the overall assessment of the city, has been completed and a report drafted and disseminated. The next phase involves draughting a three year plan of action based on the participation and involvement of a range community groups and the implementation of the social measures detailed in the plan

4 Local background 1.2 Current situation According to statistics from 2008 there are 37,041 persons over the age of 65 in San Sebastián; this represents 20.1% of the city’s population. The average old age pension is €1.017.24 and the average widowhood pension €649.31; so the overall average pension is €906.82. 21.6% of elderly persons live alone, 32.65% with persons under the age of 65, and 45.8% with other elderly persons.

5 Local background 1.2 Current situation

6 Local background 1.3 Understanding the concept of the “Age-friendly City” The general aim of the project is to make active aging a priority objective for the city, to enhance the quality of life of the elderly by providing adequate social and health services and by raising awareness and promoting private sector projects and initiatives to meet the needs created by aging in general and by dependence and disability in particular. Old age must be regarded as an asset in itself and its role and contribution to society must be promoted. The elderly demand a more active role in society and that their voices be heard especially when creating policies and specific initiatives for their community.

7 Local background 1.4 Partner understanding of the Age-friendly Cities Project after submitting the questionnaire to the municipal administration Partners have analysed a variety of issues: Society’s awareness of “age-friendly cities” in general Process undertaken by Donostia-San Sebastián in particular The importance that both aging and the elderly have in policy making The fact that their involvement is vital for effective policy making outcomes.

8 2.Department for strategic planning 2.1 Participation in the WHO’s “Age-friendly Cities” Project The city’s incorporation in the Age-friendly Cities Network has been overseen by the San Sebastián Office for Strategic Planning in conjunction with the Departments of Social Welfare and Civic Participation. The city assessment has now been completed and the next phase is devising the plan of action. Different sectors of the community will be involved in this phase and project managers will follow the guidelines laid down by the WHO. Two of the most important aspects of the project are: the inclusion of active aging as one of the city’s primary objectives the acknowledgement of the elderly as functional members of the community The project does have some obstacles: The community is usually only aware of the physical problems associated with old age (dependence etc.) The community tends to depend on departments of social welfare for their resolution. The process has been interesting but the involvement of other sectors of the community in devising the plan of action is important.

9 2.Department for strategic planning 2.2 Understanding the concept of the “Age-friendly City” The most important priorities of the strategic planning office as far as the elderly are concerned are: The promotion of active aging. The creation of cross generational relationships The adaption of the city to the needs of the elderly (especially the most senior members of this group). These measures will help to: Eliminate solitude and the other obstacles that prevent the elderly from enjoying the same quality of life as the rest of the community. There are already specific services in place for achieving these aims, they include: The 55 plus programme and a range of initiatives taken by the Department of Social Welfare. The elderly are taking part in draughting the strategic plan and the working groups although we are considering reinforcing their role It is vital that both management and staff members take aging and the elderly into account when drawing up departmental strategies.

10 3. Training Needs 3.1 Outdoor spaces /3.2 Buildings/ 3.4 Housing Understand the specific needs of the sector. Raise awareness of projects involving the elderly being developed in other cities. Raise awareness of the aspects age friendly cities analyse and the conclusions they draw and whether they can be used to improve our services. Obtain information on the course being developed as part of this project

11 3. Training Needs 3.2 Transportation Obtain more information on how to treat the elderly and be able to administer first aid and communicate in various languages. Be aware of what kind of improvements are available. Obtain information on the needs of the elderly community and improve services based on this information. Obtain feedback from a range of groups in the community regarding the different forms of transport in the city: foot, public, bicycle…. It has been suggested that the information could be obtained through annual newsletters.

12 3. Training Needs 3.5 Business Obtain information on the range of problems faced by the elderly in order to improve the services on offer even further.

13 3. Training Needs 3.6 Tourism and Hospitality Obtain information on initiatives taken in other countries and examine their possible application here. Obtain information on different forms of funding and co-operation in order to develop specific projects. Obtain information on the course being developed as part of the TAFcity Project. Raise awareness.

14 3. Training Needs 3.7 Culture Ascertain the existence of cross generational relationships, interdisciplinary teams, channels for participation in other projects on age-friendly cities. Ascertain accessibility needs, obtain more information in order to provide a better service. Raise awareness of other age-friendly cities and the concept of active aging. There are activities specifically for the aged: lectures, workshops and voluntary cultural work for persons over 55. It would be desirable to receive training in the concept of active aging, volunteer work and participation.

15 3. Training Needs 3.8 Sport Learn how to design sporting activities for the elderly Ascertain the needs of this sector of the population in order to improve or broaden the services on offer

16 3. Training Needs 3.9 Education Obtain more information to raise awareness and design a plan of action to improve current services. Look at techniques for improving services. Receive classroom and on-line training in promoting the use of new technologies by the elderly. Courses on problems faced by the elderly and their resolution.

17 3. Training Needs 3.10 Social participation Information on outcomes in other cities from the age-friendly network or with experience in promoting participation in projects in which the elderly play an active role. Design and technique in participative processes, indicators and monitoring. Information on the planning, design and management of services and the promotion and management of participation. Information on the across the board management and the management of public and private cooperation and co-ordination.

18 3. Training Needs 3.11 Respect and social inclusion and 3.12 Civic participation and employment A number of specific projects on technology and aging have been conducted to provide a cluster of back up services which have subsequently been created. A “laboratory of emerging profiles” has been established to identify the new roles being created in technology and aging and the needs of the sector and the adaption of professionals to meeting those needs. Information is available but it is insufficient and never gives a thorough insight into the topic. There may be information on accessibility and leisure etc. but it does not provide a thorough treatment of age-friendly cities or active aging. As far as the information required is concerned, it would be ideal to receive reports from specialized services already working with the elderly. Information on the prerequisites and qualifications required by persons wishing to work in the area (new professional profiles, new job descriptions) to satisfy demands in the sector. The way in which the training and adaption of personnel is organized to provide services and satisfy the needs of the elderly. It would also be interesting to co-ordinate, contribute to and monitor programmes and activities with other entities. It would be interesting to participate in the training programme that forms part of this project, analyse the training deficiencies detected and in which areas they occur. There may well be answers available amongst the cluster of solutions contained in the project.

19 3. Training Needs 3.13 Communication and information Offer more accessible information and thus improve the service provided. Look at the experience of other countries and the techniques they have applied. Obtain specialized information in order to become familiar with the most common difficulties faced by the elderly. This will lead to a fuller understanding of their problems and the shortfalls in services and enable subsequent fine tuning. Obtain information on cross generational relationships and programmes to encourage such relationships. Ascertain the elderly’s needs

20 3. Training Needs 3.14 Community support services and 3.15 Health services More information and better organization to improve the quality of the services on offer and the quality of life of the elderly. Examine studies on public spaces more closely and look at the possibility of creating activities for people of all ages in these spaces.

21 3. Training Needs 4. Interviews with representatives of the elderly from each area 4.1 Elderly persons association The association does not have any input into policies aimed at making the city more age-friendly. Its members believe that the city’s weak point is the differences between the facilities available in each area. 4.2 Adult persons association There is no age-friendly city project as such in our municipality and local government has no policies or projects in this area even though they’d like to. I believe the most difficult challenge is the creation of an integrated urban environment. 4.3 Young persons association 4.4 Associations that work in the area of respect and social inclusion

22 Conclusions Generally speaking Not many people are aware of the age-friendly city movement in San Sebastián, except local government workers directly involved in the process. The issue of age-friendly cities is of great importance There is a general lack of awareness of the elderly’s needs It is essential that the community be made aware of active aging The need for training professionals working with the aged Desire to familiarize themselves with projects and specific measures for the aged in other cities and countries Desire to receive information on the course being developed as part of the TAFcity Project

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