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Published byEricka Bardy Modified over 10 years ago
1st Course Data Project Team meeting Samantha Scott – Project Manager
18 June 2012
Agenda 3.00pm Meet the team (10 mins informal catch up with Tea and coffee) 3.10pm Introductions/Round the table – (all mins) 3.25pm Project Overview and vision – presentation by Sam Scott and sharing of overview document (10-15 mins) Discussion re: Work Packages and Roles/responsibilities (30 mins) 4.10pm Project Admin – Zoe Hargrave) 4.20pm Questions/discussion – all 4.30pm Close Meeting objectives: To introduce each of the team members to each other Officially “kick start” the Project Establish a shared understanding of the project and what we are working together to achieve Understanding roles and responsibilities by being the project leads within each area 2
What are we trying to do Project Objective: This project will aggregate our course data from a variety of identified sources into a single database and embed this into ongoing course management processes Project Benefits: Increase efficiency – through the increased consistency and accuracy of our data (for internal audit purposes and marketing material, literature, online content) Reduce duplication, better use of staff time and reduced data entry (with the focus on the creation of a single trusted source of course information). It will support in our readiness for future requirements (use by partners, 3rd party sites such as UK Hot courses etc) This project will aggregate our course data from a variety of identified sources into a single database and embed this into ongoing course management processes. XCRI-CAP is the UK standard for describing course marketing information. It shows how to structure the course information, defines and names the data components and specifies the types of data permitted within each component. The project is funded through JISC and runs from Jan 2012 – Mar We as a University have chosen to focus on Postgraduate courses initially to provide a solution, then expand longer term, to managing course data for all awards. The commitment to the improvement of management course related information is within our Learning and Teaching Strategy institutions were successful in securing Stage 2 funding. 3
JISC XCRI-CAP Course Data Database
The Vision Existing information held about our PG courses will be migrated into the new database (manual entry or interfaced from multiple sources inc.Thesis and other databases held locally – which we will need to identify) New PG course data entered directly into database (through the “to be” processes that we will design with users starting at the start of the process of the creation of Validation info) Quality and accuracy of info will need to be checked JISC XCRI-CAP Course Data Database Consistent fields, descriptions and character length – “Data definitions” for PG courses. The “single truth source” for PG course data. This is to be built with the functionality and requirements we spec based on understanding the users needs (e.g. reporting, marketing, web presentation etc) Functionality Document creation with accurate source of info that is currently held in PDF’s/docs on local drives (e.g. validation docs, award handbooks) Web pages presentation of accurate information with defined authors and consistent presentation Reliable source of information that can be accessed by users across the University to support recruitment Feed information to existing systems within the University (Thesis and the new Student Records system Tridion, CRM etc) Link to 3rd party aggregators sites – e.g. UCAS therefore reduced levels on manual entry and increased accuracy
The Vision This be the agreed “single source of truth” for PG course data – with the functionality that could apply to all courses Provide the functionality required so that users use it Inter-operability with existing systems Reduce duplicate sources of information which can lead to inaccuracy and mis-information Consider the longer terms view of our systems (i.e. paving the way for the new student records systems through establishing processes that will have synergy/compatibility– future proofing) Enable us to be more responsive Use data creatively – online personalised prospectus, reduce manual entry required on web pages and 3rd party sites, meaningful and personalised direct mail to existing customers etc. Responsive – to customers needs – internal and external Use technology more effectively to support the business requirements that will help us realise and achieve the things we want – and need to, in a competitive marketplace
How we are going to get there
The Project Plan The work packages and milestones Ownership of tasks and activities Ensuring the quality of what we do is of a high standard Reporting Communication Identify challenges, risks and issues quickly and document it Adhere to the project governance arrangements Be willing and open to learn and share your learning - this is a positive thing when working on a project Help each other and work as a team!! Any shortcomings are a reflection of the team not an individual 6
The “C” word…Change! The Project Mantra
“The “product” isn’t the I.T. system/database that we build, the product is the environment we (as and organisation) create, plus the people who act within in and what we do with that system as a result” “Change doesn’t just happen, it is about the change in behaviours across the organisation that is key to this projects success” (source: Me!!!! Samantha Scott - May 2012 after listening to the JISC webinar Managing Large Scale Organisational Change and taking some inspiration from it!) 7
What do we need to do to reach our goal?
An understanding of how we currently operate both centrally and within faculties “As is” position – document processes to give us an accurate starting point to work from These may already be documented in a formal way – or will require workshops and consultation to find out and then be recorded Educate and enlighten the rest of the organisation as to why this project is positive and will generate shared benefits – be an advocate! Work with and listen to colleagues to ensure we understand their requirements – their input and confidence into the way the system works will hopefully encourage sustainability and use Change the way we/the organisation works day to day when it comes to managing our Postgraduate course data through processes and training to use the new database that we create as the “single source of truth” 8
Can we do it alone or do we need help? Central Services Teams
Marketing and PR Faculty Staff Quality, Admissions, Student Records, Management (EPVC/SLT) (Users) Recruitment Marketing, Digital Marketing/Web team and Project Support (User) Admin, Business Managers, Quality Administrators, Faculty Champions, Award leaders (Users) JISC and best practise ? External developers IS/Development Team Although technically JISC are the customer due to funding the project, the University has also made a contribution of £36,000 – this is primarily the estimated cost for Senior management time (Board meetings etc). Essentially the wider organisation is the “customer” of our project as the time (that equates to money) are also our users of the end result. 62 other institutions and Programme Manager, JISC resources, Project blogs (Customer due to funding the project) Learning, Development and Innovation (LDI) colleagues Strategic, build, implementation, “aftercare” support (Supplier) Experience on other JISC Projects, “Critical friend” to the project 9
Project Team Structure and Governance
Project Team – Work package leads Project Board – advise, guide, communicate, support, approve JISC Project Management Guidelines – with synergy to PRINCE2 principles (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) “PRINCE2 doesn’t do the work for you, it cannot guarantee a project will be successful. Good projects that deliver quality results, on-time and within budget are dependant on the quality of the people involved from Project Board down to individual members. Roles and responsibilities Each PRINCE2 project will have a Project Board made up of the customer (or executive), someone representing the user side, and someone representing the supplier or specialist input. In PRINCE2, these people are called Customer, Senior User and Senior Supplier respectively. The Project Manager reports regularly to the Project Board, keeping them informed of progress and highlighting any problems he/she can foresee. The Project Board is responsible for providing the Project Manager with the necessary decisions for the project to proceed and to overcome any problems. Consider catchment area – see increase in what we are achieving last year over 1000 cards collected at Manchester Birmingham – at least
The team structure JISC Programme Manager Ruth Drysdale JISC Project Support Mike Leam Project Champion (Staffordshire University) Georgina Kelly Samantha Scott Project Manager Project Support Zoe Hargrave George Kelly, Rosie Crehan, Alison Phillips, Paul Richards, Mary Hulford, Samantha Scott Project Board (consisting of the Workpackage Leads below) Project Team Allison Phillips IS Development Team Katrina Hutchins (Digital Marketing) Graham Brown (Rec Mktg) Marketing and PR Stuart Tranter (CRM) Pete Moss/Owen Carr Business Analyst Business Change Sue Barnett Quality - Mary Hulford/Chris Grey Admissions -Chris Alcock Quality and Admissions Helen Ferneyhough Student Office Faculty representation through user group/leads to be identified Finance Support Babis Petrou Fleur Corfield Critical Friend Appendix 2 (from the Progress Report to JISC ) – revisions made to original JISC XCRI CAP: Course Data Management Project Governance structure
The Work Packages (WP’s)
WP1 (Project Management) –Sam WP2 (Detailed review of Course marketing processes and procedures)– Katrina Hutchins (Digital Marketing) and Graham Brown (Recruitment Marketing) – IS to prepare schema WP3 – (Detailed review of Course Processes and procedures) – Chris Gray (Quality) with support from Quality, Student Office, Faculty input, and LDI. This includes the analysis of current validation data and processes taking into account upcoming HEAR and KIS Requirements WP4 – (Definition of Combined Marketing and Course Model) – Graham Brown and Katrina (some support from Sam if req) input from Quality, Student Office, IS, Faculty, LDI WP5 (Requirements analysis of Course Database and XCRI CAP field) Pete (IS) and Sam based on Workshops; IS, Marketing, Quality, Student Office and Faculties. To develop a requirements Document. Activity includes definition of scope and requirements of a course information database (Joint Business and IS Lead) Get requirements for course database, system interface and XCRI-CAP 1.2 feed with Cool URI.
The Work Packages (WP’s)
WP6 – Definition of the processes and procedures that need to be in place alongside the course database to ensure the ongoing management and update of course data - Sue Barnett (Business Change), supported by Helen Ferneyhough, (Student Records) Graham Brown (Mktg) and Chris Grey (Quality) WP7 - Development, Test and Implementation of Courses Database and XCRI-feed Pete Moss (IS) with support on user testing from wider team WP8 – Manual data entry /migration of PG Dip, PGCert and PG Masters data into the course database For discussion - Helen Ferneyhough and Chris Grey to co-ordinate, Marketing to resource? .
Work package owners In teams: Can you define what a work package is?
What are the responsibilities of a work package owner/lead? For each one you can think of use a separate post-it note 14
Work package owners/team leads
A work package can be thought of as a mini project, that when combined with other work package units, form the completed project. An individual work package contains essential steps involved in completion of the work package along with a deadline by which each of the steps must be completed in order for project management to stay on track. A work package may in itself be thought of as a deliverable. Work packages allow for simultaneous work on many different components of a project at the same time by multiple teams. Each team follows the steps defined in the work package and completes them by the specified deadline. When all teams have finished their individual work packages, the whole project comes together with seamless integration. Source: Useful reading/handout source: 15
Timescales x Appendix 1(From Project Progress Report 25.5.12)
WORKPACKAGES Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1. Project Management Jan-Mar May - Mar x 2: Detailed Review of Course Marketing Processes and Procedures Jun-Jul 3: Detailed Review of Course Processes and Procedures Jul Aug 4: Definition of Combined Marketing and Course Model Mar-Apr Sept 5: Requirements Analysis of Course Database and XCRI-CAP field May-Jun Aug - Sep 6: Design to-be processes and procedures for on-going management of Course Data Jun-Sep Mid Oct - Nov 7: Development, Test and Implementation of Course Database and XCRI-CAP Feed Jul-Nov Initial dev (Aug-Sep) Customisation Dec-Jan 8: Data migration / Data Entry Nov-Mar Jan-Feb 9: Implementation of new Processes and Procedures
Scope and activities required
Review of the project plan – detailed timescales Workpackage leads – you will need to be clear on the outputs you are responsible for delivering and work with the Project Manager to ensure the steps taken are adequate and that the outputs are fit for purpose before we move to the next stage Further discussion with each work stream lead re: time allocated is required
Time and money Time = money also! Budget: £80,000 (JISC)
Institutional contribution: £36,000 Database build (from JISC funding): £10,000 (estimate) Deadline or delivery: end of March 2013 Time = money also! Time driven and outcome dependant – no meetings for meetings sake Ensure we are clear on what we are trying to achieve before a meeting to ensure that we begin to see outputs/actual results as a product of the meeting or discussions that support the steps of change that we need to achieve our goal 18
Time and money The remainder of the budget is to ensure we have people on this project that engage and create engagement within their sphere of influence and work with others to increase that sphere and generate momentum. In order to change we need to know where we are starting from and where we are trying to get to Creating change is the challenge! Communicating the vision may be challenging Enabling our organisation to work SMARTER and not harder, be more responsive and the provision of accurate, high quality information will be the reward Of the £116,000 allocated, based on the current budget it leaves aprox £100,000 to deliver the project (some allocation for travel, train fares, training etc) – this is for resource and the time taken to co-ordinate this activity over the next 8 months! 19
Risks and challenges There are a number of key issues and risks that would need to be addressed and these are: Different steps of the project requires leadership from different areas with all areas contributing and driving this forward. This is a large cross university project, and because we are not starting in a position where we already have a centralised store of course information nor are we in a position where this data can be simply accessed and fed into a database - process analysis is required as a first step within this and the project has not been able to identify who in the organisation can fulfil this role. The interface to our student records system is proposed as a later stage but the analysis may impact this and mean that this needs to be in place sooner and therefore impact the project. This project may be impacted by the review of whether the in-house student records system will be replaced and the impact of this depending upon the scope of the new system. However this project would collect and cleanse the course data which could then be imported into another system if required. There are a number of key issues and risks that would need to be addressed and these are: Different steps of the project requires leadership from different areas with all areas contributing and driving this forward. This project requires the commitment and buy in of all the key stakeholders including IS, and without it slippage will occur – with the risk of impacting on resource availability and delivery. This is a large cross university project, and because we are not starting in a position where we already have a centralised store of course information nor are we in a position where this data can be simply accessed and fed into a database - process analysis is required as a first step within this and the project has not been able to identify who in the organisation can fulfil this role. The decisions here and timing of implementation may be affected by the potential change to 30 credit modules next year and re-validation of all awards. The interface to our student records system is proposed as a later stage but the analysis may impact this and mean that this needs to be in place sooner and therefore impact the project. This project may be impacted by the review of whether the in-house student records system will be replaced and the impact of this depending upon the scope of the new system. However this project would collect and cleanse the course data which could then be imported into another system if required. 20
Organising ourselves and the work we do Zoe Hargrave – Project Support
The shared folder and mapping to it How the folder is structured Version control Document naming Amending/deleting information Recording the time you spend on project related activites – getting an accurate picture Resource planning – recording leave on the calendar 21
Next team meeting: 4/7/12 TASKS FOR ALL (for the next meeting)
Think about any process maps/diagrams/documents that you may already have in your area that could support in establishing the “as is” position – save them in the relevant WP folder Write few sentences that you would use to describe/sum up this project and its benefits if you were to have 30 seconds with Michael Gunn e.g. having a stairway/lift encounter – to present to each other on so we have an agreed one. to Zoe by Mon to collate them Ensure you have linked to the shared drive and calendar Record time that you have already spent doing work for the project – a monthly return to finance will be based on what is recorded in the calendar Familiarise yourself with the ABCD reporting template Sign up to the JISC newsletter Printing for meetings Looked at the project blog and if you tweet/twitter please join the conversation #StaffsXcri or and tell others – take it to a team mtg, talk to people!
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