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PDP 8 – Reflective writing

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1 PDP 8 – Reflective writing

2 The value of reflection
It is not sufficient to have an experience in order to learn. Without reflecting upon this experience it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential lost. It is from the feelings and thoughts emerging from this reflection that generalisations or concepts can be generated. And it is generalisations that allow new situations to be tackled effectively (Gibbs 1988)

3 The value of reflection
As well as generalisations, actively reflecting on our learning experiences also helps us to: Recognise mistakes Avoid repeating mistakes Identify achievements Explore concepts more deeply Structure our knowledge Identify areas of our knowledge that need further development Master difficult concepts Reflect on performance (e.g. a particularly low or high mark)

4 Methods of reflection Reflection on learning is done through actively looking at what you have learned and the process of how you have learned it Reflection can consist of simply thinking about your learning Reflection is better, however, when it has some tangible outcome Reflective writing provides a way of adding structure and permanence to your thinking

5 Reflective writing Reflective writing is different than most academic writing It is more personal (written more like a diary than an essay or report) It’s primary audience is usually, but not always, the writer him/herself (like a diary) It deals with the process of learning rather than just things learned It is an ongoing rather than a one-off activity (e.g. learning journal or blog)

6 Examples of reflective writing (the process of learning)
Specific tasks were shared out amongst members of my team. Initially, however, the tasks were not seen as equally difficult by all team members. Cooperation between group members was at risk because of this perception of unfairness. Ultimately, our group achieved a successful outcome, but to improve the process, we perhaps needed a chairperson to help encourage cooperation when tasks were being shared out. In future group work, on the course and at work, I would probably suggest this.

7 Examples of reflective writing (concepts learned)
Usability and accessibility seem to be closely related concepts, if not the same thing. Is accessibility a part of usability or is accessibility a part of usability? The tutor seemed to be suggesting that accessibility is part of usability. But, I am not quite sure. If something has good usability does it also have good accessibility? A kettle that is easy to use for able-bodied people might not be easy to use for physically disabled people. Which would seem to suggest that that an object that has good usability does not necessarily have good accessibility.

8 The process of reflective writing

9 Learning journal Learning journals help you to collate your thoughts and feelings about your learning into one place They provide a focus for recording your development as a learner They help you to become a better/more complete learner

10 PDP 8 – Activities Now do: PDP 8 – Reflective writing

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