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Qualification reform Geoff Holden November 2013. Qualifications 2013 GCSE/A Level QCF Vocational qualifications and apprenticeship frameworks HE 14 1618.

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Presentation on theme: "Qualification reform Geoff Holden November 2013. Qualifications 2013 GCSE/A Level QCF Vocational qualifications and apprenticeship frameworks HE 14 1618."— Presentation transcript:

1 Qualification reform Geoff Holden November 2013

2 Qualifications 2013 GCSE/A Level QCF Vocational qualifications and apprenticeship frameworks HE 14 1618 24 KS4 approved VQs

3 Qualifications 2015 GCSEs L3 Tech Levels AVQs- employer led- Whitehead style Apprenticeships- Richard design Traineeships 14 16 18 24 HE Unit based provision unemployed, upskilling L2 Techs? KS4 VQs A Levels Applied Generals

4 14-19 qualification features Whole ‘substantial’ qualifications- not bite sized QCF no longer viewed as ‘appropriate’ External and synoptic assessment Graded –P/M/D 14-16 L2 120 glh 16-19 L3 150/300 glh- AGQs/Technical Levels 16-19 L2 – under consultation Will require public recognition from Professional or Trade bodies or minimum of 5 employers or 3 HEIs Quality assurance model must adapt to 14-19 requirements

5 16-19 qualification features ‘Tech Levels’– at Level 3 seen by DfE and BIS as core vocational option Key component of Technical Baccalaureate (alongside EPQ and Core Maths) Graded, external and synoptic assessment Employer endorsement In England, the occupational standard will be the same for adult vocational qualifications, Apprenticeships and Tech Levels DfE currently consulting on post-16 Level 2 – similar cahracteristics expected

6 City Guilds’ TechBac ® We are currently developing qualifications in a range of vocational areas that will be offered at Levels 2 and 3 called City & Guilds Technicals. These high-quality vocational qualifications will be offered at Levels 2 and 3 in six subject areas from September 2014: engineering, digital technologies, construction, land, business administration and childcare. City & Guilds Technicals will form the main part of the TechBac® programme of study Additional subject areas from 2015 include: sport, health and social care, automotive, health, building services engineering and hospitality.


8 What is the City & Guilds TechBac ® ? City & Guilds’ TechBac® A vocational programme of study Available at Levels 2 (GCSE) and 3 (Advanced) of the qualifications framework Includes: A core technical qualification, which includes contextualised maths and English embedded at the appropriate level; An extended project; A meaningful work placement; The opportunity for learners to develop the cross-functional skills which underpin an individuals ability to gain employment, and progress within it.

9 How City & Guilds’ techbac differs from government performance measure City & Guilds’ TechBac® A vocational programme of study Available at Levels 2 (GCSE) and 3 (Advanced) of the qualifications framework Includes: A core technical qualification, which includes contextualised maths and English embedded at the appropriate level; An extended project; A meaningful work placement; The opportunity for learners to develop the cross-functional skills which underpin an individuals ability to gain employment, and progress within it. Government’s Technical Baccalaureate Performance measure A way to mark achievement among 16- 19 year olds and used in school league tables Only awarded at Level 3 Includes: a Level 3 Tech Level qualification; a Level 3 ‘core’ maths qualification; and an extended project

10 City & Guilds TechBac ® 1.‘Business perspectives’ / employability skills are seen as highly valuable 2.Work experience is seen as essential 3.A balance of knowledge and practical skills is what employers want to see in new recruits 4.The ability to apply knowledge to real world problems was endorsed 5.Employers on the whole supported creating a highly credible alternative to academic qualifications KEY THEMES FROM INITIAL CONSULTATIONS ‘If a young person excelled in a project linked to my business and thrived in their work experience placement, I’d employ them. Who wouldn’t?’ - Employer “I like it as an employer as it is very practical and wide ranging but I also like it for my kids as they aren't limiting themselves if they decide to go on to university to get a degree. It seems to me there are now 2 routes to get a degree – A levels and this. - Employer I want to see enthusiasm, personality, interest in the technical side, some real world experience and can hold conversation and will look you in the eye” - Employer

11 Post 19 and Apprenticeships- Whitehead- AVQ reforms and Richard review implementation plan Richard review- implementation October 29 Whitehead report - launched November 14 Common themes Direct employer involvement in development and delivery Grading –P/M/D Based on high level standard Enable progression Core and options model Linked to Tech Levels

12 “ For individuals, the aim is that vocational qualifications will be valued as a passport into and through a career; and for employers, the aim is for vocational qualifications to be a recognised brand” Matthew Hancock, Minister for Skills Business, Innovation and Skills “Employers and learners must prize adult vocational qualifications – whether or not they are funded by the state” Nigel Whitehead, Group Managing Director Programmes & Support, BAE Systems PLC and Commissioner, UK Commission for Employment and skills Vocational qualifications valued by employers and individuals

13 Our Findings Funding currently drives the market and distorts supply Employers are not currently engaged with the system Inflexibility and complexity in the current system Poor preparation for progression

14 14 Recommendation One Tighten the conditions for recognition as an awarding organisation, including requiring training providers delivering vocational qualifications to involve employers locally. Awarding organisations involve relevant employers AOs require training providers to involve relevant employers in delivery Possibly through industrial partnerships

15 15 Recommendation Two Bring in new design principles for vocational qualifications, based on high-level, outcome based standards, with assessment that is fit for purpose and measures for distance travelled. Clear identity to vocational qualifications both initial and continuing vocational education All vocational qualifications will be based on less prescribed standards

16 16 Recommendation Three Make the vocational qualification system accountable by requiring awarding organisations and training providers to report the impact of their qualifications back to customers. Help employers and individuals choose which training provider to use Help training providers to choose an awarding organisation visibility of the impact vocational qualifications have on progression and business growth

17 17 Recommendation Four Simplify the array of vocational qualifications on offer and create a single point of access to the different qualifications databases. Information on which vocational qualifications are available No need to be experts in the technical language of vocational qualifications informed decisions about which qualifications to take and preferred delivery route

18 18 Recommendation Five Encourage the use of technology in the delivery and assessment of adult vocational qualifications. design and delivery of vocational qualifications has not kept pace with technology. Structural barriers to use of technology removed o funding o Inspection o capability of the teaching profession

19 19 Recommendation Six (Long-term) Encourage more leading employers to work in partnership to develop relevant, rigorous vocational qualifications. work collaboratively with other employers, trade unions, providers, and awarding organisations to deliver vocational qualifications

20 Richard Review:Overview Apprenticeships should be redefined: the purpose of an Apprenticeship will be to train those aged 16 and above to achieve the Apprenticeship standard as set by employers to enable them to perform a skilled role effectively. It should only be considered an appropriate path where substantial training is required to achieve this. the government should introduce a separate programme for employability skills training and accreditation of those already fully competent in their jobs should be delivered separately

21 Revised apprenticeships The focus of Apprenticeships should be on the outcome: Apprenticeships will be based on standards designed by employers to meet their needs, the needs of their sector and the economy more widely. These standards 32will be short, easy to understand documents that describe the level of skill, knowledge and competency required to achieve mastery of a specific occupation and to operate confidently in the sector. An apprentice will need to demonstrate their competence through rigorous independent assessment, focused primarily on testing their competence at the end of their Apprenticeship.

22 Revised apprenticeships The testing and validation process should be independent and genuinely respected by industry: the test should be holistic, at the end, and assess whether the individual is fully competent organisations with the right expertise should be responsible for assessment and making sure Apprentices are tested consistently assessors must be entirely independent, with no incentive or disincentive related to the outcome employers should be directly involved as well as educators

23 Revised apprenticeships The new standards will be short (typically one side of A4), easy to understand documents that describe the level of skill, knowledge and competency required to undertake a specific occupation well, and to operate confidently within a sector. They will focus on how an apprentice should demonstrate mastery of an occupation, and will not list narrowly defined tasks. It is the responsibility of employers, working with professional bodies and others, to design new Apprenticeship standards. Apprenticeships will be graded - pass, merit and distinction.

24 Revised apprenticeships Maths & English New Apprenticeships, starting with those developed by Trailblazers, will have a stronger focus on English and maths. All apprentices working towards new Apprenticeship standards at Level 2 will have to study and take the test for Level 2 English and maths, if not already achieved, ensuring that significant progress is made towards this level. It is our ambition that once the reformed GCSEs are implemented, all apprentices will use GCSEs rather than Functional Skills to meet the English and maths requirements in Apprenticeships.

25 Revised apprenticeships-assessment The new Apprenticeship standard will set out what an apprentice should know and be able to do at the end of the Apprenticeship. The assessment will cover the whole standard and will therefore need to test both theoretical and practical elements. This will require mixed methods of assessment, which may include: Written and multiple choice tests; Observational elements; Practical synoptic assessments; A viva to assess theoretical or technical knowledge or discuss how the apprentice approached the practical assessment and their reasoning; Production of a project, or a portfolio of work; and Virtual assessment, such as online tests or video evidence as appropriate to the content.

26 Timeline- Apprenticeships Trailblazer activity will continue and grow during 2013/14 and 2014/15, creating new Apprenticeship standards and assessment approaches in a range of sectors and occupations The two academic years 2015/16 and 2016/17 will be the key period of transition to full implementation of these reforms. During 2015/16, building on the work of the Trailblazers, we expect employers and professional bodies to work together to agree standards for all occupations where they agree that Apprenticeships should be available. We want to focus immediately on the development of new Apprenticeship standards. Other than where work has already begun on a new framework, we would therefore encourage organisations to think forward to the development of new standards rather than creating frameworks that would become obsolete as the reforms are implemented

27 Trailblazers Aerospace –This will develop the standard for Aerospace Manufacturing Fitter. Automotive – This will develop the standard for Automotive Mechatronics Maintenance Technician. Digital Industries –This will develop the standards for Software Development and Networking. Electrotechnical –This will develop the standards for Installation Electrician and Maintenance Electrician. Energy and Utilities –This will develop the standard for Maintenance Engineers. Financial Services –This will develop the standards for Corporate Banking, Digital Marketing, Compliance and IFA Network Administration. Food and Drink Manufacturing – This will develop the standard for Food and Drink Maintenance Engineer. Life Sciences & Industrial Sciences –This will develop the standards for Laboratory Technician, Science Manufacturing Technician and Medical Technology Technician.

28 Implications-funding consultation The employer should be the customer. Training providers should receive their funding from employers and not a public agency The employer should co-invest. greater incentive to demand relevant, high quality training and good value. The government should not set the price of training. The price of training should be freed from public control and set by the market Funding should be linked to achievement. Part payment on completion

29 Consultation proposals 1. Direct Payment Model: Businesses register Apprentices and report claims for government funding through a new online system. Government funding is then paid directly into their bank account 2. PAYE Payment Model: Businesses register Apprentices through a new online system. They then recover government funding through their PAYE return 3. Provider Payment Model: Government funding continues to be paid to training providers, but they can only draw it down when they have received the employer’s financial contribution towards training 29

30 Implications- Employers Employers are seen by the Government as critical for the success of these reforms. Employers will become the direct purchasers of apperenticeship and adult training not our centres Evidence of direct employer involvement in the design and assessment of all vocational qualifications is expected and, in the case of the new apprenticeship qualifications, essential. The reformed 16-19 level 3 qualifications, endorsed by and developed with employers, will form the substantive part of the new 16-19 study programmes Any Questions? Thank You

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