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Combining Geo-spatial and Qualitative Data Graham Hughes NCRM QUIC Node - University of Surrey Research Methods Festival - 6 th July 2010

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Presentation on theme: "Combining Geo-spatial and Qualitative Data Graham Hughes NCRM QUIC Node - University of Surrey Research Methods Festival - 6 th July 2010"— Presentation transcript:

1 Combining Geo-spatial and Qualitative Data Graham Hughes NCRM QUIC Node - University of Surrey Research Methods Festival - 6 th July 2010

2 A Neighbourhood Research Project Investigate perceptions of an area amongst its residents –Sense of boundaries –Fear of crime Walking interviews recorded and logged on GPS Sketch maps, photographs Environmental audit

3 Practical and Conceptual Problems Place as a point, a line or an area –When a respondent talks about a particular street, which of these is it? Tracking system does not cope when a respondent talks about one place whilst standing in another Chance encounters with third parties during mobile interviews Difficulty of anonymising interview data which is linked to accurate place data Use traditional maps or Google Earth?

4 Traditional map versus Google Earth Map in ARC-GISImage in Google Earth

5 Early analysis in ATLAS.ti (v6) Interviews transcribed using F4 (Freeware) Transcript and digital audio assigned to Atlas in a single step Key locations (“Waypoints”) stored individually in Google Earth Set of waypoints for each interview stored as a separate document in Atlas Matching transcript section linked to Google Earth location for each waypoint Use thematic codes to connect quotations about any one place/feature made by multiple respondents

6 Primary Documents in ATLAS.ti Project

7 Connections to Google Earth

8 Transcript, audio and quotation links

9 Google Earth is now in a new window

10 Use Snapshots as GE images can change

11 Thematic coding by place

12 Network tool forms ‘virtual crowd’

13 MAXqda and Google Earth MAXqda (2010) has some GE functionality Store places in KML files outside project Add links from text files in context menu Opens GE in separate window Audio and transcript synchronise easily Cannot code audioclips, have to playback from transcript Modelling tool not as powerful as ATLAS.ti

14 MAXqda with GE and audio

15 MAXmaps

16 Comments and conclusions These links work well with point data, area data can be used but requires more complex use of layers. So far the functions seem to be in the direction of working from the text to the place. I would like to see functionality the other way – choose a place and locate all the texts associated with it.

17 What is the added value of geolinking? Facility to organise viewing of multiple locations at variable scales. Makes place a less abstract element in the research. Escape from man-made boundaries and artificial separations. Get closer to the perspective of participants. Make analysis more transparent and replicable.

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