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University of Surrey Becky Williams – H&S Officer Contractor Site Induction 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Surrey Becky Williams – H&S Officer Contractor Site Induction 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Surrey Becky Williams – H&S Officer Contractor Site Induction 2014

2 Important Note The contractors green book and the site specific risk assessment which you have received, form part of this induction It is the responsibility of the Contractor to communicate this information to site operatives including subcontractors in site inductions and tool box talks.

3 Key annual events which may impact on your contract End of term – 4 th April 2014 Start of term – 2 nd May 2014 Summer vacation - 23 June to 26 September

4 Vehicles and Pedestrians All vehicles on site must comply with the University traffic regulations. Parking is controlled by permit. Valid Parking Permits are to be displayed by all contractors vehicles. Any vehicle found without a permit and found parked without due consideration for others will be subject to a penalty notice in accordance the Universities Traffic Regulations

5 Vehicles and Pedestrians All speed limits must be adhered to - site speed limit 15 or 20mph. Extreme caution should be taken when on campus due to the large numbers of students moving between buildings (particularly at the end of lectures) Manoeuvring, particularly reversing, must be carried out carefully (preferably with the use of a banksman and/or reversing sounders for large vehicles).

6 Hazards in Occupied Areas Where work (particularly construction work) takes place in occupied areas, special care must be taken to eliminate or minimise the effects on staff and students. It is essential that pedestrians and vehicles are segregated. It may be necessary to provide temporary walkways and access.

7 Hazards where the contractor is in control: Perimeter fences must be maintained to a high standard. Changing fence lines and access routes are only to be carried out in agreement with University Project Manager. Deliveries by large vehicles must be planned well in advance. Also ideally, they should be in an area fenced off.

8 Leave working areas safe All work areas must be left in a safe condition when work has stopped for any reason, even for short periods if left unattended. Where areas are shared, provision must be made to exclude unauthorised persons. All plant and equipment must be secured. Flammable liquids must be stored properly and not left out overnight. A tidy site is a safe site – Good housekeeping is a must.

9 Poor Housekeeping

10 Permits to Work All work involving a permit to work should where possible be completed during university core hours (or as required by the project) and left in a safe condition. At least 3 days notice must be given for a permit to work to be raised and to be accompanied with site specific risk assessments and method statements. Permits must be returned and signed off. Keys should be returned to the contractors reporting centre unless specific provision has otherwise been made.

11 Work involving Permits Our Permits to Work cover: Fire alarmsRoof work LiftsLone working Hot worksExcavation AsbestosLaboratory work Fume cupboardsGas Electrical LVConfined spaces RadiationBreaking into pipelines Other (including access to all riser cupboards)

12 Working at Height

13 Working at Height / Roof Work All work at height requires an appropriate risk assessment and method statement to have been carried out. This applies to both University staff and contractors. All roof access is governed by a Permit to Work. All control measures must be in place before work starts. Where possible, work at height should be avoided. Unless adequate supervision is available, no untrained person should be working at height.

14 Not like this!!!

15 Or this!

16 Scaffolding

17 Other work requiring special attention: Working in confined spaces High voltage working Lone working Hot working Any work involving dangerous substances ( including silica) – CoSHH assessments will be required Some of the above will also require permits to work

18 Risk Assessments and Method Statements The University requires safe systems of work, risk assessments and method statements. These must be available for all work involving significant risks. They must be site specific and refer to the contract and the University within the text. They must be suitable and sufficient. If you have any doubts as to the above, you must involve your Health & Safety advisor.

19 Risk Assessments – Safe Systems of Work 1.Check if a risk assessment and associated safe system of work has been done, read it and if you have any doubts, or need explanations ask your supervisor. 2.Follow the above carefully. Do NOT improvise. If you have any suggestions, or something is unworkable, tell your supervisor. 3.Check for any associated CoSHH Assessment. 4.Check control measures are in place before starting, report defects immediately.

20 Working in Laboratories Special precautions are necessary - Eating and drinking are prohibited whilst working in labs. Strict personal hygiene is very important. You are not permitted to work in any lab without a PTW and written authorisation from the laboratory superintendent of the department responsible for the laboratory. Reference must also be made to the E&FM ‘working in laboratories’ policy/procedure. PPE will be provided and this must be worn as directed. DO not take substances (glues, solvents, etc….) into labs without checking first with the laboratory supervisor. You should have sight of the RISK and CoSHH assessments prior to starting work. Do not touch or move anything without prior permission.

21 Working in Laboratories – Protective Clothing Safety glasses These must be worn in all chemistry laboratories. Lab coat Always wear a buttoned up lab coat Shoes Sandals and open shoes are not allowed in chemical laboratories, mechanical workshops. Chemical spills are most likely to get on your feet.

22 Working in Laboratories – Protective Clothing Gloves When working where hazardous chemicals have been in use, wear disposable gloves. Remove and dispose of them before you leave the lab or answer the telephone.

23 Campus Buildings Campus Buildings are numerous and diverse and date from the 1960s. The whole University is constantly undergoing upgrades, renovations and maintenance programmes..

24 Campus Buildings - Asbestos The University has a comprehensive Asbestos register with detailed plans and descriptions, it cannot however be considered infallible. A permit to work system utilising specialist contractors is in place for the monitoring and removal of asbestos. Procedures and guidance can be obtained through the project manager.

25 Campus Buildings - Asbestos Asbestos can be found anywhere and particular care should be taken when dealing with the following: -riser ducts-boiler rooms -roof coverings-wall coverings -gaskets/fillers If you suspect asbestos is present, stop work immediately and follow the University procedures and guidelines.

26 Examples of where asbestos maybe found

27 Respirable Crystalline Silica Crystalline silica is in most rocks, sands, clays and also products such as bricks, tiles and concrete. When these materials are worked, eg cut, sanded, carved, ground etc, dust is created which maybe fine enough to be breathed into the lungs. The fine dust is called Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS). RCS falls under the COSHH regulations Suitable control is required eg LEV’s, PPE, water suppression

28 Leptospirosis (Weil’s Disease) Weil’s disease This is a serious and sometimes fatal infection that is transmitted to humans by contact with urine from infected rats. Are you at risk? Anyone who is exposed to rats or rat urine The bacteria can get into your body through cuts and scratches and through the lining of the mouth, throat and eyes How can I prevent it? Get rid of rats. Wash all cuts and grazes and cover with waterproof plasters Wear protective clothing Wash your hands before eating, drinking or smoking

29 Safety Signs Blue signs are mandatory Failure to comply puts you at risk, and means you have broken the law

30 Safety Signs Yellow signs are warnings. Failure to take notice not only puts you at risk, but means you could be breaking the law if you fail to take precautions. BiohazardRadiation

31 Safety Signs Green signs are safety guidance. For example: First Aid, Emergency Exits

32 Safety Signs Red signs are prohibitive and also fire.

33 Personal Protective Equipment

34 Protective Clothing You will be responsible for ensuring that all site operatives, employees and management are provided with, and use, appropriate protective equipment in accordance with current regulations. Hard hats must be made available to visitors in hard hat areas. Operatives must use protective equipment at all times where necessary, regardless of their own views on risk. Long trousers – even during summer months are considered as aiding PPE generally (no shorts)

35 PPE and its usage Your own directly employed workforce and your sub contractors must comply with PPE Regulations. Breach of Health & Safety legislation could result in a prosecution from the HSE and may affect your contract with the University.

36 Accidents: What to do All accidents (minor or major) requiring first aid assistance (or emergency services) should be directed through the security office stating the location Ext 3333 or 01483 683333 Security will always escort all emergency vehicles onto the site and to the location of the incident

37 Accident Reporting All accidents and incidents must have a University incident form completed, and immediately forwarded to the contract administrator. This is in addition to any reporting you may do independently to the HSE (RIDDOR 1995)

38 Fire Safety The University buildings are all equipped with fire-alarm call points, automatic smoke detectors, fire extinguishers at strategic positions in corridors and adequate signposting to alternative exits. Fire- alarm systems are connected directly to the security office who will respond to every call. Works creating dust or other fumes may affect smoke detecting equipment, discuss with Project Manager/Contract Administrator to arrange for detectors to be disabled before work commences. Do not cover or turn off any detectors without prior consent. In the case of a fire, to summon the emergency services, contact security on Ext 3333 or 01483 683333

39 No Smoking Policy 1.The University smoking policy supports current smoke free legislation 2.Smoking is allowed outside buildings, please depose of cigarette butts thoughtfully. 3.Please be considerate of others, where large numbers of smokers congregate.

40 Waste is defined as ‘any substance or object.. which the holder discards or, intends to discard or, is required to discard.’ Waste Management

41 Any company producing, storing, treating, processing, transporting, recycling or disposing of commercial or industrial waste MUST comply with DUTY of CARE regulations. The Producer of the waste is defined as the person who undertakes the work (i.e. the contractor) which gives rise to the waste, and the one who has obligations under Duty of CARE

42 DUTY OF CARE When you have waste the law says that: You must stop it escaping form your control You must store it safely and securely You must prevent it from causing pollution or from harming anyone. First, make it secure, Keep it in a suitable container. If you put loose waste in a skip or on a lorry you must cover it.

43 Authorised Waste Carriers Secondly, if you give the waste to anyone else, check they are authorised to take it (i.e. licensed waste carrier) Thirdly, you must describe the waste in writing, you must sign and fill in a waste transfer note (WTN)

44 Unacceptable!!!

45 Other requirements NO WASTE may be disposed of in University Skips / Bins or Drains without prior agreement from the Project Manager. Unexpected waste arisings, particularly Hazardous Waste, should be discussed with the Project Manager and where necessary additional advice can be sort. Site Waste Management Plans (SWMP) became a legal requirement for construction projects with an estimated cost greater than £300,000, from 6 th April 2008.

46 The END!!! Any Questions???

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