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Policy, Planning and Governance CURRICULUM REFORM DELIVERING ON EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Mrs Janine Chalmers Equality & Diversity Adviser.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy, Planning and Governance CURRICULUM REFORM DELIVERING ON EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Mrs Janine Chalmers Equality & Diversity Adviser."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy, Planning and Governance CURRICULUM REFORM DELIVERING ON EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Mrs Janine Chalmers Equality & Diversity Adviser

2 Policy, Planning and Governance Legal Duties The University has a legal duty not to discriminate on the grounds of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion/belief or age. The University has a legal duty to promote equality of opportunity. The University has a legal duty to assess the impact of our policies and practices on different groups.

3 Policy, Planning and Governance Embedding Equality Reform proposals present opportunity to embed equality. Integrated approach through Teaching and Learning. First report – Graduate Attributes ‘Readiness for Life’. Teachability and Race Equality Toolkit. Assessing the equality impact of proposals

4 Policy, Planning and Governance Promoting Equality of Opportunity Legislation places duty on Higher Education not just to prevent discrimination but to promote equality of opportunity.

5 Policy, Planning and Governance Other Drivers Increasingly diverse student body. Attracting academics from across the world. Proving that we are serious about equality Prevent problems arising in the future Strategic aim – Top 100.

6 Policy, Planning and Governance How to do it High profile initiatives demonstrate clear commitment to equality. Academics equipped to spot opportunities. Student and staff support mechanisms. Curriculum content and structure, including impact assessment.

7 Policy, Planning and Governance Impact Assessment An equality impact assessment is a detailed and systematic analysis of the potential or actual effects of a policy or practice to ascertain whether it has a differential impact on identifiable groups of people. Duty to anticipate impact on equality groups. Legal duty to undertake impact assessments in relation to race, disability and gender. University Strategy incorporates age, religion and sexual orientation. Must assess all new policies and practices. Duty to consult with relevant stakeholders.

8 Policy, Planning and Governance Differences in Outcome Does one group face increased difficulty as a result of the proposals? Will there be a lower participation rate by equality groups? Are benefits disproportionately reduced for one group?

9 Policy, Planning and Governance If adverse impact is detected how can it be eliminated? Amend the proposals and re-assess. Also an opportunity to highlight good practice.

10 Policy, Planning and Governance At each stage of the process: Embed principles of equality. Promote equality through Teaching and Learning. Assess the implications for equality groups and act on findings. Contact: 01224 273883

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