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Internationalising equality, equalising internationalisation Equality Challenge Unit Conference Kathryn Eade

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1 Internationalising equality, equalising internationalisation Equality Challenge Unit Conference Kathryn Eade

2 aim of the scoping study to investigate existing or potential areas of overlap between the internationalisation and the Equality and Diversity (E+D) agendas in Higher Education in the UK.

3 objectives  investigate areas of actual and potential synergy between the two agendas in UK HE as delivered in UK Higher Education Institutions (and FE colleges)  form an understanding of the actual and perceived barriers inhibiting the integration of the two agendas  identify gaps in provision and research  outline recommendations for future work, promoting dialogue across the sector and opportunities for sharing and developing good practice

4 research approach  15 days  small scale, broad scope, desk based  interviews  long questionnaire  short questionnaire

5 key findings  Opportunities for synergy – strengthen impact of both agendas; increased efficiencies  Governance & management - impact of size, profile, geographical location; agendas not integrated at strategic level  Student experience: support – overlaps in events, training and mentoring; gaps in disability and sexual orientation  Learning and Teaching – evidence of overlap  International staff – new development  The Estate – international students less satisfied

6 further work 1. institutional commitment 2. international student experience :  International students and disability  International students and hate crime  Influencing positive student opinion and attitudes towards internationalisation 3. international staff experience:  Monitoring progression & retention

7 want to get involved?  conference graffiti wall - add name, contact and area of interest  seminar - Spring 2009  full report on ECU website - Dec 2008

8 for further details contact: Dr Sue Cavanagh, Head of Policy and Programming, ECU sue.cavanagh@ Tel: 020 7438 1019

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