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Fran Nethersole & Hannah Hunter Dietetic Student Leads, Newham University Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Fran Nethersole & Hannah Hunter Dietetic Student Leads, Newham University Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fran Nethersole & Hannah Hunter Dietetic Student Leads, Newham University Hospital

2 1. Introduction/ definitions 2. Our experience at Newham 3. Important points to consider when supporting students 4. Consequences 5. References/ resources

3  Medical needs  Physical disability  Special educational needs Or a combination thereof

4  Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001- discrimination against disabled students in the provision of education, training and other related services is unlawful  Discrimination occurs when a student is treated less favourable based on their disability or reasonable adjustments are not made

5  Reasonable adjustments: equipment/ learning aids, support strategies, adjust learning process  Do not lower educational standards

6  Agreed to accept an additional C placement  Student had a recent diagnosis of dyslexia in addition to recovering from an acute condition which had lasting effects  Condition was exacerbated during placement by viral infection

7  College - Agreed student needed split breaks through the day  Suspected difficult commuting – NO onsite accommodation – moved into family friend’s  Installation of computer software for additional needs – IT & dedicated laptop Newham Hospital Experience Accommodating needs

8  Exacerbated medical condition  Absences early in placement  Moving timetables for dietitians  Poor consistency of achieving student objectives/learning outcomes Newham Hospital Experience Initial challenges we faced

9  Different expectations of students needs  Preconceived thoughts about student  Concerns re managing to meet needs within clinical workload  How to deal with changes in student’s ability  Managing periods of absence & reduced hours  Consolidation workload Newham Hospital Experience Issues affecting supervisors

10  Fearful of failure  Stress can exacerbate condition !!  Commuting/travel very tiring  Other student progressing ahead Newham Hospital Experience Student concerns

11  Day by day  Week by week  Concerns from all !!  Guidance from College Placement needs Newham Hospital Experience How did we manage?

12  Planning/ preparation  Practical strategies  Good communication  Flexibility/ patience  Supporting staff

13  Occupational health  Pre-placement form  Visit before placement if possible  Implement practical strategies  Inform/educate staff

14  Equipment/ learning aids (e.g. reading glasses, coloured paper, PDA, specialist computer software)  Adjustments to schedule (e.g. start & finish later, timetable breaks)  Clarify learning outcomes (e.g. caseload)  Use available resources (Southampton University Guide to supporting dyslexic students on practice placements)

15  Between student & supervisors  Between supervisors & student leads  Between student leads & HEIs  ?occupational health

16  Despite planning, things change  Disability may vary depending on the day (e.g. concentration/ tiredness)  Activities vary day to day and may be more or less taxing

17  Communicate what is happening  Use weekly handover meetings  Debrief after placement (can involve HEI)  How other students are affected?

18 Challenges  Frustrating  Confusing  Time consuming  ?poorly compatible with PAL Benefits  Learning experience  Rewarding  Challenges preconceptions/ prejudice

19  Department for Education and Skills (DfES) (2001) Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA). London, DfES.  University of Southampton. Supporting dyslexic students on practice placements 2 nd edition. Available: ocs/Supporting%20students%20with%20dyslexia%2 0in%20practice%202nd%20edition.pdf Last accessed 10 th July 2012. ocs/Supporting%20students%20with%20dyslexia%2 0in%20practice%202nd%20edition.pdf

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