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Hannelie du Plessis-Walker

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Presentation on theme: "Hannelie du Plessis-Walker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hannelie du Plessis-Walker Email:

2 Find out  Revisit your placement experience  The meaning of professionalism in the workplace  Take action

3 You tell me…….  And more…….

4  Trustworthy  Competent  Respectful  Act with integrity  Considerate  Empathetic  Courteous  Dependable  Cooperative  Committed  Approachable  Trustworthy  Supportive  Respectful  accountable  Want to add some??????????

5 A style of behaviour in the workplace that includes:  Respect for self and for others  Know-how  Responsible  Problem solving perseverance

6  Against expectations or standards (but what are they?)  Personal values?  Personal understanding of professionalism?  The workplace situation?  Influence of culture?

7  How you communicate  The image you portray  Your competence  Your demeanour  Professionalism is in the eye of the beholder!!!

8  Self respect  Accept personal responsibility  Respect for others and their rights  Respect the experience, e.g.  know your boundaries/limits  Stay out of other’s affairs  No gossip  Appropriate language  Limit personal calls

9  Relationships  Communications  Self disclosure  Exploitation  Breaches of confidentiality

10  How do you leave emotional baggage at the door?  Why is it important? Only possible if you are able to:  Have work-life balance  Can discriminate between what is right and wrong  Requires examination of personal values

11  Manage your time  Track how you use your time  Plan your days  Embrace small, sometimes necessary interruptions  Treat yourself, set aside a whole day/evening for FUN  Take a break, it is not only the privilege of smokers

12 " A professional is a person who can do his best at a time when he doesn't particularly feel like it." (Alistair Cooke)

13 … with the other ALS’s which organisations you have researched (activity from previous week) … demonstrate one example per group

14  Evaluating the industry sector of your placement (e.g. Own activity session 3)  Evaluating the nature of the organisation, including nature of products/services (e.g. Own activity session 3)  Your perception of the sector’s (or host organisation’s) key characteristics and trends (e.g. Own activity session 3)  Potential career opportunities in the sector (can also include future placements) (e.g. Own activity session 3)  Reference to the qualities and professionalism needed by a graduate entering graduate employment with the host organisation (or similar organisation) (e.g. Activity 2 session 3)  Reflection on your own qualities and professionalism and identification of your own future learning, personal development and career development needs (e.g. Activity session 2)

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