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11 June 12 Catch Up Session For Unit 3 LO: To read through your marked Unit 3 folders with reference to the QCF and upgrade all relevant tasks to pass/

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Presentation on theme: "11 June 12 Catch Up Session For Unit 3 LO: To read through your marked Unit 3 folders with reference to the QCF and upgrade all relevant tasks to pass/"— Presentation transcript:

1 11 June 12 Catch Up Session For Unit 3 LO: To read through your marked Unit 3 folders with reference to the QCF and upgrade all relevant tasks to pass/ merit/ distinction level. DO NOT WASTE TIME as there is only one catch up session per UNIT! Starter 1 Read your comments on the back of your folder then check which tasks are highlighted on your QCF which you handed in with your work – at front of your folder. 2 Now make a list of all tasks you need to upgrade and ensure you are completing all tasks according to your target grade eg if you are predicted a merit YOU MUST complete the MERIT tasks.

2 The QCF outlines each Task as an assignment brief: You handed in a copy with your work last lesson and I have highlighted which tasks are missing or not yet up to grade so please follow it and complete all outstanding tasks. There are 4 assignments with various tasks to complete per assignment: InfantsChildrenAdolescentsAdults65 Years + Physical Needs Emotional Needs Social Needs Spiritual Needs Assignment 1: Needs of Individuals and factors that can influence them. Task 1 (P1) Answer the following questions; What is the difference between health and well being? Explain Maslow’s Theory of needs. Do you agree with this, why? Task 2 (P1) Copy this table in to work, list as many needs as you can think of.

3 QCF: Assignment Briefs Task 3 Case Study 1 (P1) John is a widow being cared for in a nursing home, after having a severe stroke. He is 61 years old. He was a full time factory worker. He worked alternate shifts, nights one week, days the next week. His partner was unemployed, and he had to do overtime to afford to pay the bills, and support his partner and his 5 children. John has told the manager of the nursing home that as a child he was physically abused and he self-harmed, making him very depressed in his childhood and adulthood. Before his stroke he was a heavy smoker, he has since given up. However, he is overweight. When John was first admitted into the nursing home, the manager set up an action plan aimed to improve John’s health. Use each level of Maslow’s Hierarchy to identify the needs that John has. For example: John’s physical needs are food, water, shelter, clothing and warmth

4 QCF: Assignment Briefs Assignment 2: Factors that influence well being. Task 1 (P1) Explain the factors that that have affected John’s well being, go on to identify the PIES needs that he has due to these factors. Task 2 (P2) Create a table that identifies the socio economic, Physical and Lifestyle factors that could have an influence on the well being of individuals. Include negative and positive outcomes. Helps heet provided for elderly poor and children

5 QCF: Assignment Briefs Assignment 3: An assessment of Health and well being. Task 1 (P3) Create a questionnaire that you will give to a service user to interpret their health and wellbeing. This should include questions based on health (weight, fitness, illnesses or diagnosed conditions). And well being (morale, self esteem, life style). Give the questionnaire to your service user to fill in.

6 QCF: Assignment Briefs Assignment 4: Planning and analyzing health and well being. Task 1 (P4) (M1) Using the information that you have collected in the questionnaire, write a statement outlining the individuals everyday health and well being needs. Go on to produce a care plan for your service user, this should include 3 needs and targets with short, medium and long term interventions. There should also be a column to indicate the evaluation that will take place to ensure that the needs and targets are met. You could use the table on next slide as your template. … Task 2 (D1) Write an analysis of your care plan, explain how the achieving the targets will meet the individuals needs and how it takes in to account the individuals circumstances and preferences. Explain the possible difficulties that the individual may encounter and suggest how these will be overcome.

7 Assignment 4: Template for care plan DateNeedTargetActionEvaluation and impact on Health and Wellbeing 15/02/2011John can not visit his loved ones as he can not travel alone. John will have weekly contact with his children and grandchildren. John’s children will work with staff in the residential home to make a visiting rota, social services will be contacted to see if John is entitled to a free taxi pass for disabled individuals. By 01/03/2011 John will have a copy of the rota which will be in place and will be able to have contact with his family, he will know if he is entitled to a taxi pass and will have help to apply for one if he is eligible. This will help john to attend appointments and make it easier for him to attend social gatherings which will improve his emotional health and self esteem.

8 Plenary Have you ticked off all your outstanding tasks? Ensure you have printed off all outstanding Tasks with a clear header :task title & full name and put it in your plastic folder. Anyone who still has outstanding work to complete for this Unit will now have to do it in a catch up session with Mrs Crocker and in their own time. Ensure you hand in your folder to teacher.

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