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Lecture Queues. The name ‘Queue’ derives from objects that have to queue in order to be dealt with A queue is a First-In-First-Out(FIFO) or a Last-In-Last-Out(LILO)

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture Queues. The name ‘Queue’ derives from objects that have to queue in order to be dealt with A queue is a First-In-First-Out(FIFO) or a Last-In-Last-Out(LILO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture Queues

2 The name ‘Queue’ derives from objects that have to queue in order to be dealt with A queue is a First-In-First-Out(FIFO) or a Last-In-Last-Out(LILO) abstract data type

3 Applications of Queues Input and output buffers Managing batch jobs Management of a printer queue OS Scheduling

4 Operation On a Queue: Informal Abstract Definition Create: i.e. initialise an empty queue Enqueue: add data item to the back of the queue Dequeue: remove data item from the front of the queue – if queue is empty throw an exception IsEmpty: determine if queue is empty

5 class QueueInheritance extends StudentList { public QueueInheritance () { super(“Queue");} public void enqueue (String nameIn, int ageIn) { insertAtBack(nameIn, ageIn); } public ListNode dequeue() throws EmptyListException { return removeFromFront(); } public boolean isEmpty () { return super.isEmpty(); } public void printQueue() { printList(); } } //end of class QueueInheritance Linked List Queue: Inheritance Example

6 QueueInheritance theQueue = new QueueInheritance(); // Use the enqueue method theQueue.enqueue("Alice", 20 ); theQueue.printQueue(); theQueue.enqueue("John", 22); theQueue.printQueue(); theQueue.enqueue("Rita", 21); theQueue.printQueue(); theQueue.enqueue("Bob", 23); theQueue. printQueue(); Linked List Queue: Inheritance Example

7 24. // Use the dequeue method 25. ListNode removedObj = null; 26. try 27. { 28. while ( true ) 29. { 30. removedObj = theQueue.dequeue(); 31. System.out.println( + " dequeued" ); 32. theQueue.printQueue(); 33. } 34. } 35. catch ( EmptyListException e ) 36. { 37. System.err.println( "\n" + e.toString() ); 38 }

8 front and back are the indices Avoid overflow – more than what the array can hold front = back = 0 is the ‘empty condition’ & prevents underflow – remove item from empty queue [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] front = back = 0 q An empty queue Array Queue Implementation

9 To enqueue (insert) an item we need: q[back ++] = item; To dequeue (delete) an item we would need: item = q[ front ++]; Array Queue Implementation

10 After inserting A, B, C A B C [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] front = 0 back = 3 q Array Queue Implementation

11 After deleting A, B C [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] front = 2 back = 3 q Array Queue Implementation

12 After inserting D Any problems if we try to insert E? Overflow! Any remedies? Shift the entire queue after every dequeue operation, but very costly! C D [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] front = 2 back = 4 q

13 Is there a better solution? Circular Queue Allow array element to be ‘wrapped around’ So, now we can insert E But enqueue and dequeue operation must also be re-defined (see example) C DE [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] back = 0 front = 2 q

14 Now consider inserting F, G Array is full – any attempt to insert another item causes overflow Do you the problem? How do you test for empty queue? i.e. underflow back = = front is no longer the condition for testing underflow! FCDEFEDCG [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] back = 1 front = 2 back = front = 2

15 Any solutions? Allow queue to grow only as large as one less than it maximum size …. Queue becomes full when back points to the location immediately before front FCDE [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] back = 1 front = 2

16 Any other solution? Keep a count of the number of items in the queue

17 Re-defining enqueue and dequeue operation Enqueue q[back] = item; back = ( back + 1) % n; Dequeue item = q[front]; front = (front + 1) % n; where n is the size of the array and % is the remainder operator.

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