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Published byBrenden Diss Modified over 10 years ago
Atsuto Suzuki (KEK)NO-VE Venice, April 18, 2008
LHC at CERN B-Factory Photon Factory J-PARC in Tokai ILC Test Facility ATF STF
200720082009201020112012 Timeline of Current Projects KEKB : 1 (ab) -1 Photon Factory & upgrade operation LHC J-PARC construction ERL R&D operation 1 st results operation ILC R&D TDP1TDP2 & n &
the nature of matter, the origins of the Universe, the nature of Life, the workings of mind. Herbert A. Simon Nobel Laureate in Economics from the Lecture in 1986 We humans have long been obsessed with four great questions:
8 PeV Accelerator PeV=10 15 eV TeV=10 12 eV “Standard model”HiggsQuarksLeptons Table-top X-ray FEL 100 GV/m Plasma Acceleration Technology 3rd-generation Synchrotron Light Source 3rd-generation Synchrotron Light Source 1000 times higher energy 1000 times higher energy “ New paradigm” Leptogenesis SUSY breaking Extra dimension Dark matter Dark matterSupersymmetry
1000 times more powerful beam 1000 times more powerful beam Super- conducting Accelerator Technology 100 kW Beam Power 100 MW Beam Power J-PARC Neutrino Factory Muon Collider Linear Collider Brighter neutron source Nuclear waste processing (Nuclear transmutation) Neutrino Factory
1000 times higher spatial resolution 1000 times higher spatial resolution 100 nano meter 100 pico meter Nano beam Technology Ribosome Catalysis Chemistry Pd nanocluster Cellular events Sub-cellular events Ribosome Adapter proteins Clathrin Kinesin & microtubule X-rays Nucleotide Hydrogen bond nm beam focusing nm beam handling
1000 times shorter time resolution 1000 times shorter time resolution Ribosome Rhodopsin ~200 fs Femto-sec (Ultra Short Pulses) Beam Technology 1 fs = 10 -15 s Energy Recovery Linac Photon Factory 1 ps = 10 -12 s Photo-switching of metal-to-insulator Dynamics of Molecules Transient Phenomena of Materials Tera Hertz Coherent Light Source
Three approaches to New Physics New particles and new interactions Leptonphysics Energy frontier experiments LHC, ILC, … LHC ILC Higgs, SUSY, Dark matter, New understanding of space-time… B Factories, LHCb, K exp., nEDM etc. KEKB upgrade CP asymmetry, Baryogenesis, Left-right symmetry, New sources of flavor mixing… exp., LFV, LFV, exp., LFV, LFV, g -2, 0 … Neutrino mixing/masses, Lepton number non- conservation… J-PARC, Project-X Quark flavor physics
Highest priority is given to ILC –Before ILC, promote flavor physics at KEKB and J-PARC Action before the ILC approval –ILC R&D –Completion/commissioning of J-PARC Considering the world competition, it is urgent to improve neutrino intensity for T2K –Continuation of KEKB/Belle with upgrade Energy Frontier ILC R&D Construction Experiment LHC Flavor Physics at Luminosity/Intensity Frontier, K, ,... at J-PARC b, c, ,... with upgraded- KEKB/Belle
R&D Items R&D Items Precise beam handling Precise beam handling in ATF in ATF Superconducting RF Superconducting RF in STF in STF R&D Items R&D Items Precise beam handling Precise beam handling in ATF in ATF Superconducting RF Superconducting RF in STF in STF
ATF2: Realization of the nanobeam (beam commissioning : October 2008) Diagnostic line for the extracted low emittance beam ATF Linac ATF DR
Laser-wire monitor ILC-like bunch extraction (RHUL) (KEK, SLAC) DR-BPM upgrade for more low emittance (FNAL, SLAC) Fast kicker development (KEK, LLNL, DESY)
ATF2 beam line: under construction Commissioning : In October 2008 Miniature of ILC BDS (same optics as ILC) ~35 nm beam size with a few nm stabilization >100 participants from ~25 institutes
Phase 1 (2005 -2008) for quick startup of ILC SCRF, infra-structure development subdivided to Phase 0.5 : 1 cavity in each short cryostat (cool down:Oct.2007&Feb.2008) Phase 1.0 : 4 cavities in each short cryostat (2008) Phase 1.5 : replacement of cavities by improved gradient one (2008-2009) Phase 2 (2008 - 2010) develop ILC Main Linac RF unit start design Apr. 2008, fabrication in 2009 and 2010, commissioning in 2011 Phase 3 (2009 - 2013) Industrialization of ILC Main Linac component develop industrialization technology in 2009 and 2010, fabrication of one more RF unit by the developed mass-production technology GDE S0 task (2006 - 2009) in parallel to phase 1, 2 develop ILC performance cavity (35MV/m, 90% yield) Low-loss cavity TESLA-type cavity
R&D on cavity and cryomodule Gradient test of Ichiro #5 cavity at Jlab STF vertical test stand construction Four cavities in assembly One cavity cool-down test
STF underground tunnel Valve Box Connected Short Cryomodules Cold Box Waveguide connections Tunnel length 92m width 5m height 5m Test starts soon !
763/ fb (December ‘07) Integrated Luminosity goal : 1 (ab) -1 in 2009 e + source Ares RF cavity SCC RF(HER) ARES( LER) 3.5 GeV e + 8 GeV e - Germany CERN US Peak Luminosity Trends in the last 30 Years
Installed in the KEKB tunnel. (February 2007) Electron Ring Positron Ring 22 mrad. crossing crab crossing
Quantitative confirmation of the KM model A f ~ 0 S f = 0.652±0.039±0.020 Violation of CP symmetry ! B 0 J/ K S Belle, July 05 Discovery of CP violation in BB system
SM Belle, 2005 D 0 -D 0 mixing A FB in B K*l l X(3872) Many new resonances B d transition Evidence for B Z(4430) BD*BD*
Unexpectedly large D 0 D 0 mixing x=(0.97±0.29)%, y=(0.78±0.19)% Anomalous CPV in b → s transition? Possible Hints for New Physics in Flavor Decays Theoretical calculations using V ub, m d, K Direct measurement Small inconsistency in the unitarity triangle? Opposite CP asymmetry between B 0 and B ± SM X(3872) B d transition Z(4430) BD*BD* Standard Model quark lepton Standard Model Standard Model Kobayashi Masukawa Strong Motivation for KEKB Upgrade
Belle with improved rate immunity Background tolerant small cell drift chamber Faster calorimeter with wave form sampling and pure CsI Si vertex detector with very short strips Asymmetric energy e e collider at E CM =m( (4S)) to be realized by upgrading the existing KEKB collider.Asymmetric energy e e collider at E CM =m( (4S)) to be realized by upgrading the existing KEKB collider. Initial target: 10×higher luminosity 2 10 35 /cm 2 /secInitial target: 10×higher luminosity 2 10 35 /cm 2 /sec 2 10 9 BB and per yr. 2 10 9 BB and per yr. Final goal: L=8 10 35 /cm 2 /sec and ∫ L dt = 50 ab -1Final goal: L=8 10 35 /cm 2 /sec and ∫ L dt = 50 ab -1 Crab cavity 3.5GeV e 8GeV e New beam-pipes with ante-chamber Damping ring for e + New IR with crab crossing and smaller y * More RF for higher beam current SR beam after 3 year shutdown
Major Achievements Expected at SuperKEKB Case 1: All Consistent with Kobayashi-Maskawa Theory Discovery of T Violation in B p Discovery of B K Discovery of B D Discovery of B CKM Angle Measurements with 1 degree precision Discovery of CP Violation in Charged B Decays |Vub| with 5% Precision Search for New CP -Violating Phase in b s with 1 degree precision “Discovery” with sigfinicance > 5 Discovery of New Subatmic Particles sin 2 W with O(10 -4 ) precision Observations with (5S), (3S) etc.
Major Achievements Expected at SuperKEKB Case 1: All Consistent with Kobayashi-Maskawa Theory Discovery of T Violation in B p Discovery of B K Discovery of B D Discovery of B CKM Angle Measurements with 1 degree precision Discovery of CP Violation in Charged B Decays |Vub| with 5% Precision Search for New CP -Violating Phase in b s with 1 degree precision “Discovery” with sigfinicance > 5 Discovery of New Subatmic Particles Case 2: New Physics with Extended Flavor Structure Discovery of Lepton Flavor Violation in Decays # Discovery of New Right-Handed Current in b s Transitions # # SUSY GUT with gluino mass = 600GeV, tan = 30 Observations with (5S), (3S) etc. sin 2 W with O(10 -4 ) precision Discovery of New CP Violation in B K 0 Decays # Discovery of New CP Violation in B K 0 Decays #
International Collaboration on LHC by Japan AcceleratorExperiments LHC Project - Search for Higgs and physics beyond Standard Model (SUSY…) - 14 TeV pp collisions with L=10 34 cm -2 s -1 and heavy-ion collisions. - 4 major experiments: ATLAS, CMS, ALICE and LHCb - Construction 1994-2008, Start operation in 2008, Cost: ~5B$, Japan announced to support LHC in 1995 Total financial contribution ~160 M$ KEK delivered 16 focusing quads. 1050 muon TGC chambers + most of trigger electronics Central Solenoid 980 modules of Silicon tracker physics data analysis with Tier-2 center at U. Tokyo ATLAS (7%) and ALICE
LHC luminosity upgrade plan - Phase I upgrade ( 2012) - go up to L 2 10 34 cm -2 s -1 - no detector upgrade - new IR triplet with 130mm aperture Phase II upgrade ( 2016) - go up to L 10 10 34 cm -2 s -1 - with major detector and injector upgrade - scenario I : push to * down 14 cm with Nb 3 Sn/Nb 3 Al triplet magnets. - scenario II : with large Piwinski angle and ultimate bunch charge of 4.7 10 11 - total cost ~1.2 BCHF including detector upgrades (ATLAS only ~210 MCHF) Current activities for LHC upgrade by Japanese groups - Accelerator : Started R&D of Nb 3 Al conductor for high field magnets. - ATLAS : Started R&D of Silicon-strip detector under ATLAS upgrade organization.
PF : 2.5GeV, 450mA PF-AR:6.5GeV, 50mA : Single Bunch 60 stations : active
Compact ERL: 200 MeV ERL : Energy Recovery Linac Light Source –(According to the JSSRR recommendation) 5 GeV ERL is one of the most promising next generation machines –Science opportunity complementary to XFEL Action before the ERL approval –Construct a compact ERL as the prototype and a THz light source
average brilliance peak brilliance repetition rate (Hz) coherent fraction bunch width (ps) # of BLs ERL ~10 23 ~10 26 1.3G~20%0.1~1~30 XFEL 10 22 ~10 23 ~10 33 100~1K100%0.11 ~ 5 (brilliance : photons/mm 2 /mrad 2 /0.1%/s @ 10 keV)
J-PARC –Highest priority is the successful commissioning –Action after commissioning Present upgrade plan + new proposals/ideas Master plan beyond Phase-I is to be defined, based on the existing upgrade plan and new proposals. Considering the world competition, it is urgent to improve neutrino intensity (from High Energy Physics)
RCS MLF Linac Hadrons Neutrinos in 2008 in 2009 50 GeV MR
200 MeV 400 MeV
Proton decay T2K ( 2009 ~) Discovery e app. e app. CPV search Dream Scenario Neutrino & Anti-Neutrino meas. Far Detector T2KUpgrade(2009~) Beam Intensity water C v Liq. Ar Tech.Choice Large det. Construction
200720082009201020112012 KEKB : 1 (ab) -1 Photon Factory & upgrade operation LHC J-PARC construction ERL R&D operation 1 st results operation ILC R&D TDP1TDP2 & n & power upgradeupgrading to Super-KEKB continue R&D of compact ERL LHC upgrade Intensive R&D
200720082009201020112012 KEKB : 1 (ab) -1 Photon Factory & upgrade operation LHC J-PARC construction ERL R&D operation 1 st results operation ILC R&D TDP1TDP2 & n & power upgradeupgrading to Super-KEKB continue R&D of compact ERL LHC upgrade Intensive R&D 2007 continue R&D Estimation for 5 year plan salary and operation (PF & J-PARC) : not included first class : 720 M$ first class : 720 M$ nightmare business class : 530 M$ business class : 530 M$ sleepless-nights sleepless-nights economy class : 370 M$ economy class : 370 M$
Young Kee Kim (Fermilab), Rolf Heuer (Desy), John Ellis (CERN), Jonathan Rosner (Chicago), Maury Tigner (Cornell), Satoshi Ozaki (BNL), Jean Zinn-Justin (Saclay) ・・・・・・・・
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